
zuì yōu huà
  • optimization;optimize;optimisation
最优化[zuì yōu huà]
  1. 分布式关系数据库最优化查询是一个组合最优化问题。

    Distributed relational database query optimisation is a combinatorial optimisation problem .

  2. 我总是非常怀疑任何形式的最优化。

    I have always been very sceptical of any form of optimisation .

  3. InternetGIS上矢量型空间数据传送的最优化策略

    Optimization Strategy for Spatial Vector Data Transmission in Internet GIS

  4. 并用最优化3d电子径向波函数计算了自由离子光谱,理论计算与实验进行了比较。

    The spectrum calculations of the free ions are in good agreement with experiments .

  5. 鲁棒控制与H∞最优化简述

    Robust Control and H ∞ - Optimizatiom-Brief Introduction

  6. 迭代函数法计算稀土串级萃取最优化k值

    Calculation of the Optimal k Value in RE Countercurrent Extraction by Iterative Function Method

  7. 无刷直流电动机基于通电相位和通电角度最优化的PWM控制

    Brushless DC Motor PWM Control Based on Optimizing Phase Angle and Conduction Angle

  8. IC可制造性设计基础与统计最优化方法

    IC manufacturability design foundation and statistical optimization method

  9. 热传导规律为q∝△1/T的卡诺制冷机的最优化

    Optimization of The Carnot Refrigerator On Which The Thermal Conductivity Law is q ∝Δ 1 / T

  10. 集&集映射的最优化问题的Lagrange对偶关系

    Lagrange duality relation of optimization problems with set set maps

  11. Fisher最佳鉴别分析建立在对Fisher最佳鉴别准则的最优化基础上。

    LDA is based on the optimum of Fisher discriminant criterion .

  12. 控制级引导Agent从上级Agent那里获得资源设定安排,引导底层Agent完成整体最优化;

    The control level guide Agent takes the resource assignment decision from the higher level Agent and guides the lower level Agent to achieve global optimization .

  13. 采用NURBS的某级透平叶片全三维气动最优化设计

    Aerodynamic 3-Dimensional Optimal Design by NURBS of a Certain Stage Turbine Blades

  14. 为了实现资源的最优化配置,必须不断推动市场化取向的IPO改革。

    In order to optimize the allocation of resources , we must promote continuously market-orient reforms of IPO .

  15. 关注BOM成本,设计到成本的最优化。

    Observation of BOM cost , design-to-cost optimization .

  16. Hilbert空间中的一个最优化问题

    An Optimization Problem In Hilbert Space

  17. 这个最优化问题已被证明是NP-hard。

    This optimization problem has been proved to be NP-hard .

  18. 最优化问题的Lagrangian对偶理论与SQP方法

    Lagrangian Dual Theory and SQP Method in Optimization Problem

  19. 利用GIS网络分析技术、数学模型并结合传统的优化解法,设计了基于GIS的城市物资运输最优化配置的设计方案。

    The approach , which combines GIS network analysis , mathematical model and traditional optimum method , is used to design the optimum distribution schema on goods transportation .

  20. 在稳态最优化中采用了单纯形法,而动态补偿则采用了以PID调节为主、以专家经验为辅的控制手段。

    Simplex method is adopted in solving the optimization problem , and PID regulator dominant regulation means and expert experiences auxiliary means are applied to dynamic compensation procedure .

  21. 发现了最优化的合成工艺条件,实现了GaP纳米晶的高产率(达85%)制备,而且形貌和粒度可以根据需要进行调控。

    The optimized synthesis conditions of GaP nanocrystals were obtained . The GaP nanocrystals can be prepared at high yield of 85 % and the microstructure and particle size can be controlled .

  22. 扩谱ALOHA多址访问系统中数据包长度的最优化研究

    Optimization of Packet Length in Spread ALOHA Multiaccess System

  23. 采用Excel可减少设计时的重复计算,提高运算速度,缩短计算时间,同时通过多计算几种方案,使计算结果更趋合理化、最优化。

    Using Excel can reduce repeated calculation , improve operation speed , shorten calculation time . It can also compare a few plans to optimize the calculation results .

  24. 文中提出了一个资产配置模型,即证券投资基金的风险管理者在确定持有期内,如何构建满足VAR限制条件下求解期望收益最优化时达到的投资组合结构模型,即我们要求的资产配置。

    The thesis proposed a model of asset allocation we required , How to establish the portfolio model which can achieve the maximum profits given a restrictive VaR value .

  25. 简要介绍了MATLAB程序设计语言及其优化工具箱,通过对MATLAB优化工具箱中最小化函数的语法进行分析,提出通过实时创建M文件从而编写最优化问题求解通用程序的方法。

    This paper briefly introduces MATLAB 's Optimization toolbox and the syntax of optimization functions , then proposes a method for programming general-duty program for solving optimization question , which is based on creating M-files timely .

  26. 本文中还介绍了自行研制的最优化列阵滤波应用模块,分析了这种滤波在压制线性噪声(以浅层折射为例)和分离VSP波场应用过程中的成果和特点。

    The application module for optimal array filtering , the achievements in linear noise suppression and in VSP wave-field separation were introduced and examined .

  27. 本文将对计算智能类技术给出一个大体概述和部分相关代码,包括以下两部分:最优化(GAPSO),分类(ANNSVM)。

    This paper aims at giving out an introduction to computational intelligence and its related programming code , which includes two parts : optimization ( GA PSO ) and classification ( ANN SVM ) .

  28. 设计了点焊恒流模糊控制器,建立了点焊工艺参数的RBF神经网络优化设定模型,实现了点焊过程的最优化控制。

    A spot welding fuzzy controller is designed , the RBF neural networks optimizational set model of spot welding technology parameter is established and the optimizational control during the spot welding process is realized .

  29. 用最优化方法,改变品质因数Q1、Q2的值把F引向最小,这时的L1和L2即最优选择的自感量。

    Using the method of optimization , we modify the quality factors Q_1 , Q_2 to lead F to the minimum value and then obtain the optimum L_1 and L_2 .

  30. 利用最优化订正法,通过对MAPS数值降水预报进行订正,制作长江上游六大流域短期面雨量预报。

    By using the optimum correction method , the forecasting of short-rang area mean rainfall of the six drainage areas in the upper reaches of the Changjiang River is done based on correcting the MAPS precipitation numerical forecasting .