
  • 网络Last Shot;The Last Gun
  1. 在至关重要的最后一枪,埃蒙斯又失手了,只打出了7.6环。

    On the fateful last shot , Emmons foundered , shooting 7.6 .

  2. 伊拉克残忍严酷,也许太过分了,但值得布什和彼得雷乌斯给出现在正在给的最后一枪。

    Iraq is brutally tough , maybe too far gone , but worth the last shot Bush and Petraeus are now giving it .

  3. 他打出最后一枪,但又未命中。

    He fired the final shot but missed again .

  4. 你把最后一枪打掉了!

    Used one for the owl and you just fired the last one !

  5. 我在那里开了我最后一枪。

    I fired my last shots there .

  6. 很多人都在猜测埃蒙斯是否能够站上领奖台,还是会再次因最后一枪而失败。

    Many wondered whether Emmons would earn the podium or choke on that final shot .

  7. 埃蒙斯打出最后一枪后,人们屏气凝神,等待结果。

    Emmons made his 10th shot , and the crowd held its breath waiting for the result .

  8. 面对最后一枪,他表示:我可能比我想象的还要紧张。

    Heading into the final shot , I was much more nervous than I wanted to be , he said .

  9. 他说,打到最后一枪时,“我自己也不想这么紧张。”

    Heading into the final shot , " I was much more nervous than I wanted to be , " he said .

  10. 四年前,埃蒙斯在同样的赛事中以大比分领先,但最后一枪他射错了靶,最终与奖牌无缘。

    Four years ago , Emmons had a big lead in this same event , then shot at the wrong target on his final shot and ended with no medal at all .

  11. 由于美国选手马特-埃蒙斯在打最后一枪时出现重大失误,中国选手邱健赢得了男子50米步枪三姿比赛的金牌。

    Qiu Jian of China won the gold medal in the men's50-metre , three-position rifle event Sunday when Matt Emmons of the United States made a stunning mistake on the final shot .

  12. 科坦看汽车疾驰而去,最后再开一枪,七枪之中有一枪打中克列孟梭,靠近心脏。

    As the car raced off , Cottin fired the last of his seven shots , one of which hit Clemenceau near the heart .

  13. 那也是我最后一次拿枪。

    And that was the last time I ever held a gun .