
  • 网络optimum load
  1. 三相异步电动机的最佳负载率选择

    Selection of optimum load rate of three-phase asynchronous motor

  2. 提出三相异步电动机的四种最佳负载率及其适用范围,可用以选择电动机最佳功率。

    Four kinds of optimum load rate and their applicable conditions are proposed for the selection of motor operation .

  3. 进一步研究显示Cr的最佳负载量为1wt%,最佳引入方式为Pt、Cr共浸渍。

    Further studies show that 1 wt % is the optimal loading of Cr , and co-impregnation is the optimal introducing way .

  4. 对变压器最佳负载率βopt进行了推导,给出了算例,并对基本电价进行了讨论。

    The optimal load coefficient (β opt ) of transformer is derived . The example is presented . The basic price for electricity is discussed .

  5. 结果表明,以鄂州活性白土为载体,负载Lewis酸对催化剂的催化活性有很大提高,ALewis酸最佳负载量为15%。

    The results showed that the catalytic activity of E-zhou bentonite loaded A Lewis acid had a great increase and the optimal loading of A Lewis acid was 15 % .

  6. 结果表明,Ag的最佳负载量为4%~6%,此时粒径为15nm左右的银簇粒子均匀地分散在Al2O3载体表面。

    The Ag particles could evenly be dispersed on the surface of Al 2O 3 with an optimal Ag loading of 4 % ~ 6 % and an average size of 15 nm .

  7. 对于传统Doherty放大器,由于峰值放大器偏置的原因使其在最大输出工作状态时,无法达到最大电流而导致两个放大器的输出端无法实现最佳负载调制,造成整体效率下降。

    For the traditional Doherty power amplifier , the current of the peaking amplifier could not get to the maximum allowable level that the load modulation of both amplifiers was unable to achieve the optimized impedance at the maximum output and resulted in the efficiency degeneration because its low bias .

  8. InCl3/HMS负载试剂中InCl3的最佳负载量为1.41mmol/g,在7min内苄氯的转化率可达90%以上,二苯甲烷的选择性可达到98%以上;

    When the loading of InCl_3 is 1.41 mmol / g , the supported catalyst shows the highest activity , and the conversion of benzyl chloride is up to 90 % and the selectivity to diphenylmethane is up to 98 % .

  9. 用有机硼润土分别负载光敏剂AlPc和用阴离子树脂负载磺化AlPc制得的复合催化剂,在可见光照射下能够有效的降解水中的取代苯酚,它们的最佳负载量为0.25-1.0wt%。

    The composite catalysts , AlPc immobilized on organoclay and / or sulfonated AlPc on an anionic resin , show highly efficient activities for degradation of substituted phenol under visible light irradiation in aqueous solution . The optimal loading of the photosensitizer in the catalyst is only 0.25-1.0 wt % .

  10. 基于热效率实验仪的热机模式最佳负载测量

    Measuring the load for optimum performance by using thermal efficiency apparatus

  11. IEEE802.11WLAN最佳负载长度的仿真研究

    Simulation Research on Optimum Payload Length of IEEE 802.11 WLAN

  12. 阀控动力元件最佳负载匹配的计算机算法

    Computer Method for Optimal Load Matching of Valve-Controlled Power Elements

  13. 换能器与功率放大器的最佳负载讨论

    The optimal load concerning the power amplifier and the transducer

  14. 当钒氧化物负载量为2%时为最佳负载量。

    The activity of catalyst increased when the loading of Vanadium Oxide increased and the desirable loaded amount was 2 wt % .

  15. 在得到器件的最佳负载阻抗和最佳源阻抗后,就可以有的放矢的进行输入、输出匹配电路设计。根据最佳阻抗的特点本文选用了双短截线匹配电路;

    Secondly , choose and design the match circuit of two parallel open-circuited microstrip according to the characteristics of the optimum impedances .

  16. 通过技术分析和计算,确定变压器临界系数以及变压器的最佳负载率,合理选择变压器的容量。

    Through technical analysis and calculation , the critical coefficient and optimal load rate of transformer are determined for the reasonable selection of transformer capacity .

  17. 由此导出变压器年运行费率、最低年运行费率、变压器最佳负载率以及变压器经济运行区宽和变压器损耗比的关系。

    Then , relationships between the quantities mentioned above , the interval of economic operation and the loss factor of transformers are derived and discussed .

  18. 模拟实验证明,随着访问量的逐渐增多,每台服务器都趋近于最佳负载.系统达到好的使用效果。

    Simulation experiments show that every server tends to reach good balancing effect as the count of access raising , and the system will run in high efficiency .

  19. 并在变压器静态经济负载率分析的基础上提出变压器动态最佳负载率,以此作为变压器经济容量的选择依据。

    On the basis of the analysis of static economic load rate , a dynamic optimal economic load rate of transformer is provided , which is the basis for selection of trans-former capacity .

  20. 其主要贡献是:(1)给出了计算最佳负载、电压增益、效率和输出功率等电气特性的公式;

    The main contributions are as the follows : ( 1 ) . The formulas for calculating the optimal load , voltage 's gain , efficiency , the output power of PT and so on have been derived ;

  21. 本文从最佳负载率的控制、更换老旧电动机、调节电动机端电压、控制电动机转速等几个方面浅谈三相交流异步电动机的节电途径。

    The power-saving way of the three-phase alternating current asynchronous motor was discussed on several respects of the control of optimal bearing power , replacement of old motor , control the end point voltage of motor and control of the rotation speed of motor .

  22. Cu的负载量影响催化剂的催化性能,最佳Cu负载量为10%。

    The optimum loading amount of Cu was10 % .

  23. 然而,每个VM应当具有相同的计算资源,并托管相同数量的集群成员,以便达到最佳的负载均衡。

    However , each VM should have identical computing resource and host the same number of cluster members to achieve best load balancing .

  24. 该催化剂的最佳镍负载量为1.5%左右。

    The optimum nickel loading of the catalyst is about 1.5 % .

  25. 为了达到最佳的负载均衡效果,将负载分给多个服务器分担。

    In order to achieve the optimum load balancing effect , the load should be shared by some servers .

  26. 分布式系统的管理者可借此功能动态地分配备份组内计算机的负载,以达到分布式应用系统中最佳的负载平衡。

    Besides , the administrator of distributed systems can use these functions to keep dynamic balance of system load .

  27. 随着电池温度的增加,光伏系统中的最大能量转换效率和最佳的负载电阻也将随之改变。

    With the increment of operation temperature , the maximal energy conversion efficiency and optimal loaded resistor will be changed .

  28. 可分负载理论应用在负载调度中,同时考虑到能量使用的均衡,以获得最佳的负载分配。

    The divisible load theory is applied here to obtain optimal allocation of workloads taking into account the balance of energy used .

  29. Fluo-3/Am浓度的提高和孵育时间延长只能增加背景染色,若降低孵育浓度和缩短孵育时间则难以达到最佳的负载效果。

    It was effected fluorescent imaging of sporozoite that the concentration of Fluo-3 / Am and incubation time were increased or decreased .

  30. 而副本的分配是动态的,其处理准则是根据系统的访问统计数据,触发对系统副本的添加或者是减少,或者是副本的迁移,从而达到最佳的负载平衡。

    To obtain best load balance , the copies assignment is dynamic and according to system statistics data to trigger copies increasing or reducing , and perhaps copies migrating .