
  1. 同时高校场域与外部的权利场域通过相互交融以及高校场域内部此消彼长的互动,促使高校运作机制更为有效。

    The university running mechanism can be facilitated to be more efficient by the blend of university field and external authority field , and the interaction of the strengths inside university field .

  2. 第一部分通过对学院派、身处权利场和市民化的知识分子形象的剖析,从上至下来展现各类层知识分子的整体形象特征。

    The first part through the analysis of academism , being in the right field and civilian intellectual image , from top to bottom unfolds the overall characteristic of each kind of level intellectual .

  3. 学校教育&教育权利实现的主要场域

    School Education & Main Field of the Education Right ' Realization

  4. 根本上改善了女性权利开始了一场至今仍在持续的环境运动

    Fundamentally altered women 's rights for the better began an environmental movement that 's far from finished .

  5. 此案的同性恋权利律师称这场斗争是取缔禁止白人和黑人通婚的种族主义法律斗争的一个延续。

    Gay rights lawyers in the case describe their battle as a continuation of the fight against racist laws stopping whites and blacks from marrying .

  6. 20世纪60年代受自由主义思潮影响,美国女权主义者为推进妇女解放,争取平等权利,掀起一场“新女权主义运动”。

    Influenced by the popular liberal democracy in America in the 1960s , American feminists initiated " New Women Movement " for the equal rights and the freedom of women .