
quán lì pínɡ hénɡ
  • balance of power;power equalization
  1. 美国批评诸如波尔战争(theBoerwar)等军事冒险不道德时,欧洲人保持着权力平衡,而英国的舰队在保护贸易。

    Europeans preserved the balance of power , and the British fleet protected trade , while America criticised military adventures , such as the Boer war , as immoral .

  2. 中国汽车制造商希望确保的是,从汽车行业新的权力平衡中获益最多的是它们自己,而非通用(gm)、大众(vw)及其它在华拥有强大业务的外国制造商。

    Chinese carmakers want to make sure that they not GM and VW and other foreign original equipment manufacturers with a strong China presence will benefit most from the new balance of power .

  3. 如今,由于很多原因股份集中在机构手中、美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的规则调整、科技促进和便利了股东之间的沟通权力平衡已经发生了改变。

    Today , for many reasons shares more concentrated in the hands of institutions , SEC rule changes , technology that lets shareholders find one another and communicate far more easily the balance of power has shifted .

  4. 泰国财政部长差隆波(chalongphobsussangkarn)表示,全球金融体系的权力平衡已朝着有利于亚洲的方向调整,这使上述想法具备了更强的可行性。

    The Thai Finance Minister , chalongphob sussangkarn , said the balance of power in the global financial system had shifted in favour of Asia , making the idea more feasible .

  5. 金融集团内部的权力平衡已经发生变化。

    The balance of power within financial conglomerates had changed .

  6. 但电视转播收入改变了权力平衡。

    But television money was changing the balance of power .

  7. 海洋战略与权力平衡,海军学术月刊出版中。

    Maritime Strategy and the Balance of Power , John B.

  8. 最能影响可持续性的权力平衡掌握在机构投资者的手中,

    the balance of power to really influence sustainability rests with institutional investors ,

  9. 政府三部门彼此审查,以保持权力平衡。

    Three branches of the Government check each other ahd keep balance of power .

  10. 在这种弱肉强食的企业界中,可能会重新出现有益的权力平衡。

    It is possible to see in such corporate Darwinism a healthy rebalancing of power .

  11. 但是,经济能够在11月选举中改变国会的权力平衡。

    But the economy could change the balance of power in Congress in the November elections .

  12. 而美国参议院的权力平衡则正好相反,民主党人多于共和党人。

    Balance of power in the U.S. Senate is the reverse , with Democrats outnumbering Republicans .

  13. 但这只是法定情形,以保持家户间权力平衡。

    But this was a legal situation to try to keep this balance of power among households .

  14. 政治权力平衡即将发生决定性变化,然而结果并没有注定。

    The balance of political power is about to shift decisively yet the result is not pre-ordained .

  15. 这些现象和地方主义的对质意味着中国城市的权力平衡将产生巨大的变化。

    These and other local confrontations signify a huge change in the balance of power in Chinese cities .

  16. 安理会目前的权力平衡依然反映着第二次世界大战结束后的世界格局。

    The council 's balance of power still largely reflects the state of the world following World War II .

  17. 由于董事会内部的权力平衡不合适,这些问题可能会出现。

    They may arise because the balance of power within the board is not appropriate , said Mr Montagnon .

  18. 他说,选票清楚地反映了公众对改变日本权力平衡的深切愿望。

    He says the vote clearly reflects the deep public desire to shift the country 's balance of power .

  19. 亚洲权力平衡的转移将会加快&美国逐步衰落,中国日渐崛起。

    The balance of power in Asia would shift even faster , with a rising China facing a weakened America .

  20. 如果在所有大国之间存在保护主义权力平衡,它们就没有多大用处了。

    Where there is a protectionist power balance between all the big countries , they aren 't of much use .

  21. 终止判决类似于颁布一个初步的禁止令要求衡平法上的权力平衡。

    The suspension decision is analogous to the issuance of a preliminary injunction and calls for the balancing of the equities .

  22. 目前共和党党控制着两院的权力平衡,因其在两处均为多数。

    Currently the GOP controls the balance of power in both the House and Senate due to having majorities in each one .

  23. 然而,这并没有帮助有事业心的随行人士为生活方式或家庭权力平衡的转变做好准备。

    But it does not prepare career-minded trailers for the change in lifestyle or the shift in their family 's balance of power .

  24. 大部份政坛专家相信改变当前参议院的权力平衡将会更加困难。

    And most political experts believe changing the current balance of power in the Senate would ( will ) be even more difficult .

  25. 他们在历史上的存在改变了我们社会的运作方式,主要是通过改变以前存在的权力平衡。

    Their presence in history has changed the way our society functions , mainly by shifting the balance of power that previously existed .

  26. 埃文斯说,人们对选举委员会和地方政府之间的权力平衡的认识不清楚,导致上一次大选出现混乱。

    Evans says confusion over the balance of power between the commission and the local government led to chaos during the last general election .

  27. 因此,政策和规则的制定者不一定是其执行者&这是简单的权力平衡。

    Thus , the policies and rules may not be set by those who have to implement them later-this is the simple balance of power .

  28. 他们使政府的权力平衡,他们使政府负起责任,提供更好的服务,创造就业,提高生活水平。

    They balance the power of governments , and they hold them accountable for delivering better services , creating jobs , and improving living standards .

  29. 布什政府的这种姿态反映了上世纪90年代的权力平衡,当时俄罗斯实力弱小,几乎无计可施。

    This posture by the Bush administration reflected the balance of power that existed in the 1990s , when Russia was weak and had few cards to play .

  30. 中国的向外进军必然引发警惕,因为它是权力平衡巨大改变的结果,而且变化往往与风险同行。

    China 's outward March certainly argues for vigilance , for it is the consequence of a huge shift in the balance of power , and change always involves risk .