
tái wān hǎi xiá
  • Taiwan Strait
  1. 建立台湾海峡小罗兰C导航台链的建议

    Suggestion for Building a Small Loran C Navigation Chain in Taiwan Strait

  2. 用Euler反褶积方法反演台湾海峡磁异常

    Inversion of magnetic anomaly data in Taiwan Strait using Euler deconvolution

  3. GPS精密卫星定位技术在福建沿海及台湾海峡地球动力学特征应用研究中的进展

    The advance of exact satellite measure location technique ( GPS ) applied on geodynamical characteristics in Fujian province

  4. 基于MODIS数据的台湾海峡SST区域遥感监测模型研究

    Study on local monitoring model for SST in Taiwan Strait based on MODIS data

  5. 台湾海峡异尖线虫病病原线虫幼虫的rDNA序列分析

    Sequence anlysis of rDNA of Anisakid nematodes with zoonotic potential from Taiwan strait

  6. MODIS遥感数据在我国台湾海峡海雾监测中的应用

    The Application of Monitoring Sea Fog in Taiwan Strait Using MODIS Remote Sensing Data

  7. 台湾海峡及其邻近海域AVHRR遥感SST的初步验证

    A Primary Validation of Remote AVHRR SST in Taiwan Strait and Its Vicinity

  8. 台湾海峡及周边海区MODIS气溶胶光学厚度有效性验证

    Validation of MODIS aerosol optical thickness in the Taiwan Strait and its circumjacent sea area

  9. 台湾海峡南部一次5.0级地震的sPn震相分析

    SPn seismic phase analysis for a M_L5.0 earthquake in southern Taiwan Strait

  10. 台湾海峡VTS构想

    A Conception of Taiwan Channel VTS

  11. 本文介绍了台湾海峡中K1分潮波的特征,建立一个K1开尔文波模型,并以此预报K1分潮波的主要特征。

    The features of the K1 tidal wave in the Taiwan Strait is examined . A model of K1 Kelvin wave is presented for predicting the K1 wave in the strait .

  12. 研究结果表明,沿台湾海峡由东北向西南传播的K1潮波具有明显的开尔文波特征。

    Three-dimensional diurnal wave in the Taiwan Strait is studied numerically . The cotidal chart for K_1 constituent shows that the K_1 wave in the Strait has the feature of the Kelvin wave .

  13. 本文认为类似自由贸易区或CEPA的模式是台湾海峡经济区的最佳选择。

    This paper thinks Free Trade Area or CEPA is the best choice to construct Taiwan Straits area .

  14. 台湾海峡M2分潮潮位分布研究的主要分歧在于对台湾岛西岸潮时潮差的分布特征的解释;

    The main controversies over the M_2 tidal level distributions are the interpretations of the tidal phase and range distribution characteristics along the west coast of Taiwan Island ;

  15. 近20余年来台湾海峡潮波的研究获得显著进展,然而即使作为台湾海峡主要分潮的M2分潮,其相关研究中也还存在着诸多分歧。

    Although significant progress in the studies on tidal waves in the Taiwan Strait has been made in the past 20 years , there are still many differences in the relevant studies .

  16. 本文从地震的时、空分布特征、区域应力场动态、能量释放方式、b值及震群特征6个方面研究了台湾海峡及其西边地区地震活动的正常动态及异常特征。

    In this paper , the normal and abnormal behaviours of seismicity in the Taiwan Strait and the land area to its west have been studied in terms of the characteristics of seismic space and time distribution , stress field trends , energy release , b value and swarm sequence .

  17. 根据灰色系统的一阶灾变模型,对台湾海峡7.3级地震的ML≥5.0级余震进行了预测,给出了未来可能的发震时间;

    Based on the 1st - order catastrophe model in grey system , the aftershocks with ML ≥ 5 . 0 of the M7 . 3 Taiwan strait earthquake are made a prediction , and the probably occurring time in the future is given .

  18. 据此,提出了台湾海峡在晚玉木冰期属于水深在30~50m的浅海沉积环境的观点;

    Accordingly , an idea is proposed by authors that the Taiwan Strait in Late Wurm glaciation be - longs to the shallow sea sedimentary environment with a water depth of 30 - 50m .

  19. 太平洋磷虾(Euphausiapacifica)隶属于节肢动物门甲壳纲,为北太平洋亚北极区的优势种,广泛分布于远东海域、黄海及台湾海峡附近。

    Euphausia Pacifica which belongs to Arthropoda Crustacea , is the subarctic dominant species , distributing broadly in Far East sea area , Yellow Sea and Taiwan Strait hereabout .

  20. 以初级生产力为基础,应用Steele模式估算台湾海峡及其邻近海域中上层鱼类资源年生产量为169.88×104t。

    Based on the primary productivity and Steele ( 1974 ) model , the biomass of the pelagic fish resources are estimated to be 169.88 × 10 4t in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent waters .

  21. 对台湾海峡及邻近海域14种主要经济无脊椎动物的胃含物进行了鉴定分析。molitorella为研究对象,以胃(肠)含物分析为基础,分析了三种鱼类的食物组成;

    Feeding habits and food relationship of 14 invertebrates were studied in this paper . Based on the analysis of their stomach contents , their diet composition was assayed .

  22. 结果表明,台湾海峡夏季平均资源密度指数高于秋季,分别为8.50和6.94kg·h-1;

    An analysis on the stock density and community structure of nekton in Taiwan Straits indicated that the average stock density was 8.50 kg · h ~ - 1 in Summer and 6.94 kg · h ~ - 1 in Autumn .

  23. 由于静压效应,使北部海平均年变幅度增加13&20cm,而在台湾海峡西岸反而减小11cm;

    The static effect of - atmospheric pressure enlarges the annual range of seasonal changes by 13-20 cm in the northern area and reduces the annual . range by 11 em on the west coast of the Taiwan Strait .

  24. 本文应用卫星测到的2~30阶球谐函数系数(GEM8)计算了台湾海峡及邻近地区的岩石圈层下地幔流应力场。

    In the paper , we apply the 2-30 degree harmonic coefficients ( GEM8 ), which are determined by satellite measurements , to calculate the stress field of mantle convection currents under lithosphere in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent region .

  25. 台湾海峡危机、中美关系与亚洲的冷战

    Taiwan Strait Crises , Sino-American Relations and Cold War in Asia

  26. 台湾海峡通道工程的地震安全性问题

    On the Seismic Safety Problem of the Taiwan Strait Passage Project

  27. 台湾海峡中、北部海域温、盐度特征

    Characteristics of water temperature and salinity in North Central Taiwan Strait

  28. 台湾海峡海底隧道建设构想的多目标规划

    A Mathematic Scheme for the Construction of Taiwan Strait Submarine Tunnel

  29. 台湾海峡台风暴潮非线性数值计算

    Non-linear numerical computations on the storm surges in the Taiwan Straits

  30. 台湾海峡滨海断裂带的构造特征与活动性

    Tectonic features and activity of Binhai Fault Zone in Taiwan Strait