
  • 网络tableland tea
  1. 从理化成分与矿物质含量来看,老树茶与台地茶各有千秋,不能简单、武断地讲谁优谁劣、谁好谁差。

    From component and the content of mineral , old plant tea and tableland tea have their own top quality .

  2. 另外,普洱茶按照分枝习性可分为乔木普洱茶,灌木普洱茶(台地普洱茶)以产地来命名的有易武、班章、勐库、无量山、南糯山等;

    In addition , the Pu'er tea can be divided into the arbor Pu'er tea and bush Pu'er tea ( the mesa Pu'er tea ) according to the habits of the branch .