
  • 网络Cooked tea;fermented tea
  1. 目的评价普洱熟茶对雄性和雌性SD大鼠潜在的亚慢性和繁殖发育毒性作用。

    Objectives : The present study was aimed at evaluating potential subchronic toxicity and reproductive and developmental toxicity of Pu-erh black tea ( PBT ) to male and female Sprague Dawley ( SD ) rats . 3 .

  2. 此外,子代动物各组在12w生长期内均无异常。5.结论普洱熟茶对SD大鼠亚慢性的未观察到有害作用剂量(NOAEL)为5000mg/kg/day。

    Moreover , all groups were normal during the 12-week growing period . 5 . Conclusion : A dose of 5000 mg / kg / day was identified as the no-observed-adverse-effect-level ( NOAEL ) of BTE in the subchronic toxicity study .

  3. 分析表明,普洱茶生茶中含有较多熟茶所没有的酯类物质。

    The analyses indicate that Pu-erh raw tea contains more Esters than Pu-erh riped tea .

  4. 普洱茶(熟茶)提取物泡腾片主体配方的研究

    Study on the Main Formula of Effervescent Tablets Made from Extracts of Puer Ripe Tea

  5. 普洱熟茶后发酵加工过程中曲霉菌的分离和鉴定

    Isolation and Identification of Aspergillus Species from the Post Fermentative Process of Pu-Er Ripe Tea

  6. 含水量不同的原料加工普洱熟茶品质差异的研究

    Study on Variations of Quality of Pu-erh Tea Processed by Sun-dry Tea of Different Water Content

  7. 二者均为新发现的普洱熟茶的特征性成分。

    Both of them were found to be the new characteristic principles of Pu-Er ripe tea .

  8. 研制一种新剂型固体饮料&普洱茶(熟茶)泡腾片。

    The study aimed to prepare a new type of solid beverage-effervescent tablets of Puer ripe tea .

  9. 熟茶:以云南大叶种晒青毛茶为原料,经过渥堆发酵等工艺加工而成的茶称为熟茶。

    Cooked tea : is a tea made of Shaiqinmao tea leaves of Yunnan big leaves species treated by fermenting process .

  10. 现代的普洱茶生产中,渥堆发酵是生产普洱茶的关键工序,其工序中的微生物种类和数量直接影响普洱茶风味的形成,因此,微生物在普洱熟茶的生产中起着极其重要的作用。

    In the current fermentation of Puer tea , pile-fermentation is the key process in which microbial populations have great effect on flavor compound . So microorganisms play an important role in the fermentation of Puer ripe tea .

  11. 繁殖毒性研究各剂量组和对照组的亲代动物均没有观察到明显的毒性相关的异常,而高剂量的普洱熟茶可能导致19.5天的胚胎明显的发育障碍。

    There were no obvious toxicological related abnormal between the PBT treated groups and control groups in all parental rats in the reproductive toxicity study . While the high dose of PBT administration could lead to significant development dysfunction of the embryos in the 19.5th day of premating .