
shú cài
  • Cooked vegetables;cooked food;prepared food
熟菜 [shú cài]
  • [cooked food] 烹调好的菜,常指出售的熟肉食等

熟菜[shú cài]
  1. 现在市场上有很多熟菜供应,只要热一热就行了。

    Many foods now on the market are precooked and only require heating up .

  2. 在施用未腐熟菜籽粕的处理中,烤烟植株氮、磷、钾含量均较低,烤烟生发育不佳。

    N , P , and K were also low in the seedlings with unfermented rapeseed meal and poor growth and development in this case .

  3. 如果你的孩子喜欢土豆泥,你可以试着在里面混一点其他的熟菜泥(如煮熟的胡萝卜)。

    If your children like mashed potatoes , you might try mashing in just a little bit of some other cooked veggies ( like cooked carrots ) .