
  • 网络lager;BEER
  1. 山东省十二种熟啤酒氨基酸含量

    Amino Acid Contents of Twelve Kinds of Beer Produced in Shandong Province

  2. 合格率最高的食品是熟啤酒,最低的是熟肉制品,分别为97.62%和47.22%;

    The beer is the food that has the highest qualified rate , and the cooked meat manufacture is the food that has the lowest qualified rate , the qualified rate are 97.62 % and 47.22 % respectively .

  3. 按生产方式,可将啤酒分为鲜啤酒和熟啤酒。

    According to mode of production can be divided into draft beer beer beer and cooked .

  4. 啤酒按照杀菌方法的不同,可分为熟啤酒和生啤酒或鲜啤酒。

    Make with the beers , buster ! Due to difference in disinfection , beer can be divided into processed , raw and fresh beer .

  5. 研究发现,纯生啤酒的货架保鲜期比相应熟啤酒延长了10%~20%左右;

    The Simple History of Beer The results showed that the shelf life of draft beer is longer about 10 % ~ 20 % than pasteurized beer ;

  6. 采用永磁场装置,将熟、鲜瓶装啤酒放在磁场中静置处理。

    Bottling beer was put in permanent magnetic field .