
  • 网络Proficiency;mastery;Dexterity
  1. 对63个国家75万名成年人的测试成绩进行分析得出的英孚英语熟练度指标(EFEnglishProficiencyIndex)显示,香港的英语熟练程度远远落后于马来西亚和新加坡。

    The EF English Proficiency Index , which analysed test data from 750000 adults in 63 countries , found that Hong Kong was well behind Malaysia and Singapore .

  2. 能够体现你在使用主流平台Salesforce和SAP方面的熟练度的关键词将成为想要寻找销售和营销职位人才的招聘经理最先搜索的东西。

    Keywords showing proficiency with the major platforms - Salesforce and SAP - will be the first things hiring managers search for when looking to fill open sales and marketing positions .

  3. 根据英孚英语熟练度报告的结果,您对中国的公立学校系统和私人培训机构的英语教育有什么建议吗?

    Do you have any suggestion for public education system and private training sectors in China ?

  4. 在此期间,乐队不断提高自己在表演力与熟练度方面的能力。

    The Band has ever since continued to grow in terms of performance level and maturity .

  5. 加强理论知识的学习,树立现代教育观念,掌握科学的教育方法;(3)对教师实施教学行为训练,提高教师运用教学策略和教学技能的熟练度;

    To strengthen the theoretical knowledge , establish modern educational concepts and master scientific teaching methods ;

  6. 中国人在学习英语时往往致力于语法能力、交际能力、语言熟练度的获得,事实上,所有这些能力都服务于一个目标:举止得当,即彬彬有礼。

    When learning English , Chinese are aiming at obtaining grammatical competence , communicative competence and language proficiency as well .

  7. 她提倡应对英语熟练度有限的社区,提供更适合其文化和语言的高品质健康照护计画并增加可近性。

    She advocates for programs that aims to increase access quality healthcare services that are culturally and linguistically appropriate for limited-English proficient communities .

  8. 结论:(1)不同熟练度的蒙族双语者的英语表征都存在语义启动效应;

    The results show : ( 1 ) There is semantic priming effect on English representation about the bilingual Mongolians in different proficiency .

  9. 一个被称为美国政策国家基金会的组织称,一名高熟练度的印度工人可能需要等待长达70年之久。

    A group called the National Foundation for American Policy says a highly skilled Indian worker could have to wait up to seventy years .

  10. 技能系统中的一个亮点,就是该技能的熟练度是由你使用该技能的频率来决定。

    What 's even cooler about the skill system is that proficiency in a secondary skill is based on how often you use that skill .

  11. 队友的性命以及任务的成否将依赖在我身上-我的专业技能、战术熟练度,以及我对于详情的注意。

    The lives of my teammates and the success of our mission depend on me-my technical skill , tactical proficiency , and attention to detail .

  12. 由于技术工人的熟练度,身体和情绪状态等多方面因素的影响,计数结果的准确性无法保持稳定。

    Proficiency , physical and emotional status and other factors of skilled workers influence the accuracy of counting , the results can not be stable .

  13. 英语熟练度、婚姻状况和社会地位等因素在异文化压力与心理健康的关系中起到中介作用;

    English proficiency , marital status and social position factor etc , which acted as the mediate effect in the relations of acculturative stress and mental health .

  14. 而且,学习语言的动机能极大提高语言掌握的熟练度。所以,如果你真的特别想学某种语言,任何时候都不算晚。

    Its also been shown that motivation to learn can improve proficiency , so if you really want to learn a language , its not necessarily too late .

  15. 以移液操作为典例,从实验完成时间、学生对知识的掌握情况、学生实作的准确度和熟练度等方面,探讨徒手练习在化学实验教学中的运用效果。

    So the author takes the operation of liquid transit as an example to discuss the effect of the application of hand exercise in experimental teaching in chemistry .

  16. 一些测验,例如罗夏测验,要求长期的高强度训练;而另一些测验如职业熟练度测验则在训练非常少的情况下即可正确使用。

    Some tests such as the Rorschach require a long period of intensive training while other tests such as vocational proficiency tests require very little training for proper admission .

  17. 一些人认为,这也许是故意的,但是这也可能是训练不足、飞行时间不够,无法满足高速喷气机需要的高度熟练度。

    Some suggest this may be deliberate but it also may well reflect poor training and inadequate flying hours to maintain the high-level of proficiency that a fast jet requires .

  18. 实验还表明:低熟练度驾驶者在观察行为习惯上和高熟练度驾驶者有明显差异,具体表现为对全局观察能力不足和对操纵杆的关注较少。

    The experiment also showed that : there are significant differences between low-proficiency drivers and high-proficiency drivers , specifically in these ways : lack of global observation , paying less attention to the joystick .

  19. 在师资方面,学校需要保证教学质量,确保这些启蒙级的老师都有较高的英语熟练度,只有这样他们才能进行高质量的教学。

    We need to make sure the quality is high that teachers have really high proficiency and they are able to teach English appropriately , and of course the courses should focus on communicative skills .

  20. 这表明通常来讲,一个人同义词运用能力越高他的语言熟练度也将越高,由此可见同义词能力的提高是提高语言熟练度的必经之路。

    Generally speaking , the more capable one is of using synonyms , the higher his language proficiency . This also shows that improving synonymic competence is a must for the learners to improve their language proficiency . 2 .

  21. 本文针对我国传统培训锻造操作工的手段所带来的弊端,提出应用虚拟现实技术搭建一个用于模拟训练锻压操作工的仿真平台,以达到提高锻造操作工锻压熟练度和协调性的目的。

    The paper aims to the disadvantages brought by traditional training methods on forging operator , proposes to use virtual reality technology to build a simulation platform for training forging operators , in order to achieve the purpose of improve proficiency and coordination of forging operators .