
  1. “回味”就是吃完饭后打嗝时涌上来的一股熟悉的味道,嘴里充满了似曾相识的食物的味道。

    Ghost taste is the familiar taste that accompanies a post-meal burp . It ’ s like deja-vu in your mouth .

  2. 无论在哪里,你总是我最熟悉的味道。

    I bless you . I propect you . I know you .

  3. 看书的时候,突然闻到一股熟悉的味道。

    While I was reading , a familiar smell suddenly wafted my way .

  4. 妈妈们还可以给靠垫洒上自己常用的香水,小宝宝闻着熟悉的味道会更加安静。

    Mothers can even perfume it with their chosen scent to aid the bonding process .

  5. 我还闻到了熟悉的味道,那是刹车盘和刹车片磨得灼热发红后发出的气味。

    I also recognise the familiar smell of disks and pads glowing white red and fuming with exhaustion .

  6. 调查显示,很多中国游客不习惯西餐,而方便面有一种令人垂涎的“熟悉的味道”。

    The survey showed that many Chinese tourists are not used to Western food , and instant noodles have a coveted " familiar taste . "

  7. 此刻,世界很大,而我所需要的,只是家中那种熟悉的味道,那窗前一成不变的风景……

    At that moment I felt that as large as the world was , what I needed was only the familiar smell of home and the unchanged view outside the window of my old house ...

  8. 勒维坐在一棵苹果树下,点燃了烟斗,谷仓里的动物们马上就闻到了一股熟悉的烟草味道。

    Lurvy sat down under and apple tree and lit his pipe ; the animals sniffed the familiar smell of strong tobacco .

  9. 我所熟悉的洗发水的味道让我感觉到自己还是今天早上的那个我。

    The familiar smell of my shampoo made me feel like I might be the same person I had been this morning .

  10. 在孩子建立对父母的信赖的过程中,有很重要的一点那就是让他丰富对父母的体验,也就是说,让孩子熟悉父母的声音、味道、面孔等一切可以让他辨别的因素。

    In order to build the trust , it is crucial for children to enrich their experience of being with parents , i.e.get to know parents'voice , smell , faces or any other distinguishable factors .