
  • 网络Fashion and Health;TRENDS HEALTH;Men's Health
  1. 多年来,俏江南以其时尚健康、品位创新的特色餐饮服务赢得了国内外广大消费者的喜爱。

    Over the years , South Beauty has won a great number of consumers at home and abroad with its high-qualified and fashionable environment .

  2. 《中国好声音》歌手姚贝娜和其他女明星一样加入到了《时尚健康》的裸拍照行列,宣传提高大家对乳腺癌的意识。

    Voice of China star Yao Beina has joined other female celebrities to pose nude for a Trends Health spread promoting breast cancer awareness .

  3. 该调查由《时尚健康》杂志发起,共有来自全国范围内的69000人参与,其中超过九成的人表示生活在大都市中倍感孤独。

    The survey , conducted by Fashion Health magazine , polled 69,000 people nationwide , of whom more than 90 percent said they felt lonely living in big cities .

  4. 经过多年的拼搏和打造,旗下三峰木门、万润木门两大产品已经成为业内知名品牌,并为千万个用户带去了优质的服务和时尚健康的生活空间。

    Pay a lot of efforts , the SunFun Wood Door an Wanrun Wood Door have become the well-known brand , and have increased for the tens of thousands a customer living quantity .

  5. 天然低醇甜型葡萄酒最大的特点就是营养丰富,酒精度低,酸甜适口,适合中国人的口感和饮食习惯,所以低醇甜性葡萄酒作为时尚健康饮品,市场前景非常看好。

    The biggest characteristic of natural low alcohol sweet wines is of rich nutrition , low alcohol , perfectly fruity taste , in harmony with sweet and sour , and fit for chinese diet habits , so low alcohol sweet wines is very promising as healthy drinks .

  6. 尖头高跟鞋时尚VS健康

    High & heeled shoes vs health

  7. 化妆、时尚、健康、DIY、美食、人类利益和旅行空间的大腕人物,都会在这个网站发布原创内容,并传播到YouTube、Dailymotion、Roku、PlutoTV、Facebook、Twitter、Instagram、Snapchat、Pinterest和Tumblr等社交媒体上。

    The network will produce original content from a variety of big-name creators in the beauty , fashion , wellness , DIY , food , human interest and travel spaces , which will be distributed across YouTube , Dailymotion , Roku , Pluto TV , Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , Snapchat , Pinterest and Tumblr .

  8. 百事可乐则一直让人感觉年轻、朝气、时尚、健康。

    And the Pepsi is always make we thinking of being young , vigorous , fashionable and heathy .

  9. 而俏江南蒸菜餐厅将以其时尚、健康、丰富、精致的内涵面向中高端消费人群。

    South Beauty Steam restaurant will aim at high-and-mid-end consumers with its rich fashionability , healthiness , abundance and exquisiteness .

  10. 系列电动功能床采用天然的乳胶棉更是星级酒店与时尚、健康家居之首选。

    Series of electrical beds which use natural latex cotton is the first choice specially for stars Hotel and fashion .

  11. 户外运动&时尚生活的健康表达

    Outdoor Activities & A Healthy Expression of the Fashionable Life

  12. 作为一种时尚的,健康的生活方式,健身将吸引越来越多的人。

    As a fashionable , healthy lifestyle , body-building will attract more and more people .

  13. 该报告还称,一些泳衣松得没法穿(这一评价可能是从时尚而非健康风险角度出发)。

    The paper also said some bathing suits were too flabby to wear ( presumably more of a fashion than a health risk ) .

  14. 羽毛球运动是一项具有深厚的文化底蕴、高雅的情趣和适应人们追求时尚、关注健康需求的运动项目。

    Badminton sport is a kind of profound cultural heritage , decorous temperament and adapt to people pursuit vogue , paying attention to health needs of sports .

  15. 引领动感温泉新时尚,造福人们健康新生活!

    Lead the New Fad of the Dynamic Hot Spring , Benefit the People With New Healthy Life !

  16. 本着“时尚、绿色、健康”的宗旨与目的,我公司竭诚为企业、及市政提供一流的绿化养护服务!

    We tend to provide top-notch greening and maintenance service under the guidance of our philosophy of " Modern , Green , Healthy " .

  17. 如今,大手提包已成为职业女性一个不可缺少的时尚配件,而健康专家们日前发出警告,手提包也可能会成为一个不可小视的“健康杀手”。

    Large handbags are a health hazard for women , experts warned.With big handbags becoming a key fashion accessory for working women , health experts are warning they can also become a key health concern .

  18. 文章在分析存在的不足的基础上,主要从四方面提出一些建议:传播时尚内涵,引领健康消费;构建多元化女性形象;提升审美层次;重塑社会责任。

    Based on the analysis of shortcomings , this part put forward some suggestions : spreading fashion connotation , leading healthy life ; Building diversify female image ; promoting the esthetic level ; Rebuilding social responsibility .

  19. 因此,除了让学生到大自然中感悟美好的人生外,还应该构建学生健康审美心理的校园自然环境和精神环境,正确引导学生看待社会生活的时尚,培养学生健康的审美人格。

    This paper suggests that , besides the enlightenment of beautiful life from the nature , we should build up the campus natural surrounding and spiritual surrounding for the very healthy aesthetic psychology to lead students shape fair aesthetic personality as well as a suitable respect to social popularity .