
  • 网络Time and Space Art;Time and Spatial Art
  1. 动画是包含多种艺术门类的时空艺术。聚文学、美术、音乐、电影、数字媒体、漫画、摄影等众多艺术于一身。

    Animation is a kind of time and spatial art containing a variety of such artistic categories as gather literature , art , music , movie , digital media , comic , film and so on .

  2. 中外小说时空艺术的发展

    The Development of Space-time Art of Chinese and Foreign Fiction

  3. 动画是一门时空艺术,它同时也是一门高度假定的幻觉艺术。

    Animation is an art of space time , it is also a kind of hyper-suppositional illusion art .

  4. 文化,作为书籍设计的时空艺术的深层载体,是其存在和发展的原动力。

    Culture is the deep carrier and development power of the times and space art of book design .

  5. 第三部分对书籍设计的阅读时空艺术性的研究意义进行总结概括。

    The third part , summarizes the worth of researched on the times and space art of book design .

  6. 第二部分对书籍设计时空艺术性的不同实现方式进行了探讨研究。

    The second part , focus on the deferent realize ways of the times and space art of book design .

  7. 电影作为一种综合性的时空艺术,本身便具有一种特殊的时间魅力。

    Being a comprehensive art of time and space , the movie itself is of a particular charm of time .

  8. 书籍设计的时空艺术性,让读者的阅读更轻松、更有趣、更具亲和力,是书籍设计的美丽表达。

    The times and space art of book design make reader feel relaxed and interesting , let books more affinity and beautiful .

  9. 读者阅读心理的时间延续性和趣味性追求,是书籍设计的时空艺术性的基本依据。

    Readers ' demands of the time continuity and the reading interesting , which are basis foundation of the times and space art of book design .

  10. 第四部分对书籍设计时空艺术性的部分优秀案例和笔者的一些作品进行了鉴赏和评述,实证书籍设计时空艺术性的重大作用和意义。

    The fourth part , comments on some excellent design works and individual works , proved the great worth of the times and space art of book design .

  11. 书籍具有的视点多元性、视觉相继性心理和视觉时间性的特点,是书籍设计的时空艺术性形成的基本要素。

    Books have the characteristics of Viewpoint diversity , visual continuity of mental and visual timing , which are basic elements of the times and space art of book design .

  12. 从个体创作心理结构的角度而言,它又是跨越时空艺术生命延续、文人实现精神对接的最佳载体形式。

    Says from the individual creation psychology structure angle , it also is surmounts the space and time art life to continue , the writer realizes the spiritual docking best carrier form .

  13. 书籍设计的立体性、连贯性、多侧面性在阅读过程中随时间展开,并不断地跨越,变换,形成了书籍设计的时空艺术性。

    Books design is three-dimensional , coherence and multi-faceted , which have developed with reading time , this development is spanning and transforming , all of this come into the time and space art of book design .

  14. 书籍设计的时空艺术性研究与当代社会发展相适应,具有与时俱进性,是书籍的人性化设计,促进书籍设计的多元化发展,同时,在当代市场经济中增强书籍的商品竞争力。

    Researched on the times and space art of book design which is Humanized Design adapt Contemporary society development , promote the diversification development of book design , at the same time , it enhances book competitiveness in contemporary market .

  15. 这个从平面到立体的过程,形成了时空艺术的瞬间闪现,天真烂漫而不悖理性精神的美学,使画家的思想自由驰翔,令其笔下生辉。

    The transition of the theatrical mask art from a plane form to the present stereoscopic model represents the instantaneous flashes of the so-called time-space art . The naive yet rational aesthetics composed in this new school of art guides the artists in this voyage to creative and free thinking and provides them with resourceful painting brushes for masterpieces .

  16. 穿越时空巴洛克艺术的东方神话

    Cross Space , the Oriental Myth of Baroque Art

  17. 戏剧是一种时空复合艺术,戏剧的原型结构是通过时间和空间展开的。

    The purpose of this study is to show archetypal struction of drama from time and space .

  18. 源古通今&太极图跨越时空的艺术魅力

    Convergence of the Ancient and the Modernized : the Artistic Charm Therewithal the Tai Chi Graph Transcends Space and Time

  19. 电视具有形象性的艺术特征,其语言结构、思维方式、独特的时空表现艺术都使电视表现出鲜明的艺术特征和巨大的艺术创造潜力。

    Television media , with its language structure , thinking mode and unique expression art in time and space , embodies a visualization art characteristic , a bright art enchantment and huge potential of artistic creativity .

  20. 由此得出结论,宫廷剧既是时空的艺术又是视听综合的艺术,其叙事角度的多样化、叙事人物的类型化、多元化,以及丰富多彩的时空构成和图解符号,使得宫廷剧经久不衰。

    In conclusion , the court drama since time and space art and audio-visual integrated art , its the diversity of narrative perspective , narrative type , diversity , as well as rich and colorful space form and graphic symbols , the palace drama enduring .

  21. 动画场景设计是动画角色表演的舞台、是假定性的空间,也是一门为了更好地展现故事情节、加强戏剧冲突、刻画特定空间环境的时空造型艺术。

    The animated scene design is the stage for the animated characters ' performances , a imaginary space , and also an art of space design in order to better show the story , to strengthen the dramatic conflicts , and to show the specific space environment .

  22. 左翼文学的政治移情与审美转换,是审美体验在特殊艺术时空的特殊艺术展现。

    The political empathy and aesthetic conversion of leftist literature are special artistic appearance in aesthetic experience .

  23. 主要从主题思想、视听语言、蒙太奇手法、叙事特点、时空结构等艺术表现方法进行分析和总结。

    From the main theme , audio-visual language , montage , narrative features , temporal and spatial structure of the artistic performance method are analyzed and summarized .

  24. 而其诗歌的知性表现具有深宏广博的特点,这主要体现在其诗歌的生命意识和时空意识及其艺术表现两个方面。

    And the poetry 's intellectuality performance has deep and vast characteristic , this mainly displays in its poetry life consciousness and space-time consciousness and its art performance .

  25. 弗兰克等人的空间叙事理论,分析《红字》小说中海关章节与整部小说的空间叙事关系,探讨霍桑是如何通过运用时空并置的艺术效果,达到《红字》小说空间叙事结构的整一性。

    It discusses how the author made the artistic effects on the Space Apposition through the theory of Joseph Frank and other theorists to realize the unity in narration .

  26. 舞台时空问题是戏剧艺术的灵魂。

    Time and special problems are the soul of the arts of opera .

  27. 信息倾向&时空信息的传媒艺术,读者与作者的交流。

    Information Tendency-Art transmitting temporal and spacial information , communication between reader and writer .

  28. 用壁画的时空建构来探讨艺术创作与生命精神的某种契合,探讨生命与生存空间、宇宙空间的某种神秘关系,从而体悟生命,体悟艺术。

    The thesis studies the combination harmony of artistic creation and life forces and the mythical relation between life and space-time , hence to learn more about life and art .

  29. 主要分析两者建构叙事时空的方法和艺术,作者将叙事时间和故事时间、现实空间和梦幻空间有机地结合在一起,为描写社会现实提供了广阔的时空背景。

    This dissertation analyzed the method and art in constructing narrative time and space , and analyzed how to connect narrative time and story time , real space and dreamy space organically .

  30. 主要分析《金瓶梅》与《红楼梦》建构叙事时空及其对叙事时空进行艺术处理的方式,并由此管窥两者在白话小说发展历程中的艺术成就

    This article mainly analyzes Jin Ping Mei and A Dream of Red Mansions on how to set up narrative time and space , and how to manage it artistically From this , we can realize their artistic merits in the history of Chinese ancient vernacular novels