
  • 网络fashion women;fashionable women
  1. 多年来,时尚女性们选择连体式泳衣只是为了遮掩“干瘪的肚子”或者是为了游泳方便。但是最近,它又重获青睐。

    But the one-piece swimsuit , for years relied upon by fashionable women only to cover " mummy tummies " or as a practicality when swimming laps , has of late been gaining ground .

  2. 直到1920年,人们因沙滩度假而脱去衣服时,还是会穿着长裙,长筒袜,和鞋子,到1920年,时装设计师可可·香奈儿在蓝色海岸的出格行为说服了时尚女性,不再让自己的身体躲避阳光。

    Stripping down for the beach still meant donning long skirts , stockings , and shoes until the 1920s , when fashion designer Coco Chanel 's Cote d'Azure escapades convinced fashionable women to stop shunning the sun .

  3. 你听说了“ItGirls”(时尚女性)概念,如今《Vogue》(《时尚》)又提出了“itboys”(时尚男性)概念,同时公布了其年度最有影响力的男性榜单。

    You 've heard of the ' it girl ' , now Vogue has introduced the ' it boys ' of the moment with its annual list of influential male figures .

  4. 她那优雅而又休闲的设计使时尚女性激动不已。

    Her elegant but casual designs inspired women of fashion .

  5. 凯莉不是唯一一位崇尚投资于时尚的女性。

    Carrie isn 't the only woman who has put her investment faith in fashion .

  6. 我们是享誉欧洲的连锁专卖店,专营时尚年轻女性服饰

    We are one of the European retail chain store leaders for young and fashionable women 's wear

  7. 他说:“紧跟时尚的女性希望穿上流行色彩,确实粉色就是流行色。”

    Women who follow fashion want to be wearing the color of the moment , ' he says . ' Truly , pink is the color . '

  8. 他说:紧跟时尚的女性希望穿上流行色彩,确实粉色就是流行色。

    ' Women who follow fashion want to be wearing the color of the moment , ' he says . ' Truly , pink is the color . '

  9. 但在东京,一股和服热又悄然生起。年轻时尚的女性不仅再次迷恋和服,且将和服穿得同牛仔裤一样随意舒适。

    But kimonos are making a comeback in trendy parts of Tokyo , and the women wearing them are young , fashion-conscious and as comfortable in their traditional wear as they are in their jeans .

  10. 女性时尚杂志对女性消费引导的研究

    Research on Female Fashion Magazine 's Guidance for Women Consumption

  11. 在时尚杂志中女性要瘦多了。

    In fashion magazines women are much thinner .

  12. 像许多爱好时尚的年轻女性节省费用那样,我非常喜欢北京的服装市场。

    Like many fashion-loving young women on a budget , I went crazy over Beijing 's clothing markets .

  13. 但是,由于女性时尚杂志缺乏女性主义理论的观照,操作中女性主义理论与实践脱轨,歧视女性的话语仍然存在。

    However , there is discord between theory and practice , even sexism , without the guidance of feminism .

  14. 当年如果有时尚杂志刊载女性科学家照片,说不定我也去当理论物理学家了。

    You know , maybe if fashion magazines had female scientists in them , I would 've become a theoretical physicist .

  15. 其次通过分析时尚杂志与女性消费的关系,在此基础上探讨时尚杂志对女性消费的影响。

    Second by analyzing the relationship between fashion magazines and female consumption and investigating how dose the fashion magazine affect female consumption .

  16. 再次本章结合传播学的相关理论,如议程设置理论、沉默螺旋理论、培养理论等进行深入探讨,最后综合总结出时尚杂志对女性消费的影响体现在哪些具体方面。

    Again the chapter compares the theories of communication , such as the agenda-setting theory , Spiral of Silence theory and cultivation analysis theory . At last , it discusses what does fashion magazine affect young women consumers ?

  17. 随着首次怀孕女性的平均年龄持续增大,三四十岁怀孕女性的人数越来越多,有着成熟时尚感的女性认为怀孕时没有理由牺牲掉个人着装风格。

    As the average age of first-time mothers continues to climb and the number of women having children in their 30s and 40s rises , ladies with a well-developed sense of fashion see no reason to sacrifice personal style when they 're expecting .

  18. 但时尚杂志塑造的女性形象却受到许多女性主义研究学者们的谴责。

    However , the female image created by the fashion magazines receives denunciation from feminist researchers .

  19. 当时尚的天平朝女性温柔这方倾斜的时候,在柔美与阳刚这两个时尚元素之间诞生了一场竞争。

    There 's a play between feminine and masculine elements with the balance tipping in favour of the femme .

  20. 难怪在他去世的时候,世界各地的名人、时尚爱好者和时尚女性都在为他哀悼。这位法国设计师于上周六去世了,享年91岁。

    Little wonder , then , that celebrities , fashion aficionados and stylish women the world over are in mourning for the French designer who died last Saturday at the age of 91 .

  21. 当然,设计时需要创造新的形状或者设计新型物品,但与此同时,时尚反应的还有女性气质、高雅与时髦。

    There is something about the projection that you have to reach to create new shapes and to invent a new type of object , but at the same time fashion talks about femininity and about elegance and about chic .

  22. 基于固有的理论假设,女性主义者将女性读者预设成没有文化见解、任由意识形态摆布的对象,自然会看到她们所谓的时尚杂志中的女性刻板形象。

    Based on this unchangeable theoretical hypothesis , the feminists assume that the female readers have no culture insights and that they are subject to ideology . Therefore , the female images in those fashion magazines are considered stereotypes by the feminists .

  23. 本文是一篇关于时尚类杂志与女性消费问题的论文,着重探讨时尚类杂志如何建构女性的消费认同进而实现自身的商业推广并对受众形成社会影响的。

    This paper is on fashion magazines and the problem of female consumption , which focuses on discussing how fashion magazines establish female consumption identification , contribute to realize their own business promotion and come into being the social impact on audience .

  24. 该部分涉及了对时尚杂志与时尚以及女性消费之间的互动关系、时尚杂志中的女性形象构建等问题。

    This part includes the interaction between fashion and fashion magazines , female characters in the fashion magazines and so on .

  25. 女性时尚杂志大份额的市场占有率,各阶层女性广泛的参与,促成了本文在大众文化背景下对时尚女性杂志的关注。

    Large market share of and wider participation of women from all levels contribute to the focus on female fashion magazine of this article in the context of popular culture .

  26. 她的另类时尚风格使其成为摄影师觊觎的目标——她的博客名也与另类时尚风格一脉相承:她的服装让时尚女性倾心不已,但男士见后却毫无性趣。

    Her idiosyncratic style makes her a photographer 's dream - the name of her blog is a nod to her kooky taste : clothes that stylish women adore but men find sexually repellent .

  27. 将时尚奢华的高档物品融入我们的日常生活,这并不是什么新鲜事。多年来,世界各地的时尚女性已经在用她们最昂贵的礼服来搭配H&M和TopShop等价格较低的品牌服饰了。

    Incorporating high fashion and luxury into daily life is nothing new - the chicest women around the globe have been pairing their most expensive garments with purchases from lower priced brands like H & M and Top Shop for years .