
  1. 第二章论述《时与文》对中间路线的讨论。

    The second chapter discuss the middle route .

  2. 以上海的一批高校教授为主体的知识分子在上海创办《时与文》杂志,他们高举中间路线的大旗,成为第三方面的一支重要力量。

    The intellectual whose major member is university professor in shanghai created the magazine times and articles . They raised the flag of the middle route and became the third important force .

  3. 论文以《时与文》周刊为研究对象,考察杂志的概况,分析杂志群体的共同特征和他们的言论。

    The thesis choose the times and articles weekly as the research objective , observing it 's general circumstance , analyzing the common characteristic of the authors and editors from their reviews and articles .