
  • 网络time history;time course;temporal course
  1. 通过与模型试验数据的考核,所得的运动时间历程是可靠的。

    So the simulated ship motion time histories are reliable .

  2. 舰船在波浪中运动时间历程的数值模拟

    Simulation of Motion Time Histories for Ship in the Seaway

  3. RCC时间历程摩擦特性试验研究

    Experimental Study on Friction Characteristics of RCC Varying with Time

  4. 结出了混沌响应的时间历程、响应谱和Poincare映射。

    Long-time histories , spectra of the response , and poincare maps are presented .

  5. 在有限元理论分析的基础上,使用Synergy通用数据采集系统对壳体进行试验分析,测得冲击响应的时间历程曲线、频率响应函数曲线。

    Using the Synergy universal processor , the pulse response time history curves and frequency response curves are got by experiment .

  6. 求解三维裂纹前缘SIF分布时间历程的通用权函数法和有限变分法

    General Weight Function and Finite Variation for Determination SIF Distribution History Along 3-D Crack Fronts

  7. 由于长杆条件下存在荷载、位移及冲击速度之间的定量关系,试验中只需对荷载的时间历程进行测定,就能间接地计算出位移和J积分值。

    Since there exists relationship among load , displacement and impact velocity for long bar , the displacement and J-integral can be calculated from recorded load-time curve .

  8. 本文引入了Monte-Carlo方法,模拟初轧机主传动系统的随机振动扭矩,将其同轧制静扭矩叠加,构造了扭矩&时间历程的模拟模型;

    Summarizing static torque-time history into random vibration spectrum of torque , which is simulated by Monte-Carlo method , a stochastic model is proposed for simulating the actual torque spectrum of universal joint .

  9. 借助时间历程图、轴心轨迹图、相图、Poincare映射图以及频谱图分析系统的运动形态。

    The movements of the rotors were characterized by time history diagrams , orbits , phase plots , Poincare maps and spectrum diagrams .

  10. 在FATIGUE里建立疲劳仿真模型,将主轴的模态分析结果和模态时间历程载荷导入到疲劳仿真模型中,并创建材料的SN曲线,最后分析得到疲劳寿命结果。

    Fatigue simulation model is built in Fatigue part , putting mode analysis results and modal time history load to Fatigue simulation model , combined with material SN curve , the results of Fatigue life is acquired .

  11. 最后,针对混沌运动的时间历程计算了最大Lyapunov指数,在扭转方向上该指数大于零,证实了混沌运动的存在。

    Finally , according to the chaotic time history , the greatest Lyapunov index is calculated . The index in the tortional direction is greater than zero which confirms the existence of chaotic motion .

  12. 针对方程的求解,采用四阶Runge-Kutta法,可以得到系统的稳态响应和到达稳态响应的时间历程。

    The Fourth Order Runge-Kutta method is used to solve the dynamic mathematic model , and the steady system time history response is also achieved with this method .

  13. 利用数值方法求出系统在不同参数情况下的分岔图、时间历程图、相图、Poincare映射图、频谱图等特征图形。

    Used numerical method to calculate the bifurcation diagram , time process diagram , phase diagram , Poincare mapping diagram and spectrum diagram of the system .

  14. 通过MATLAB仿真得到了系统的相图、庞加莱截面图和时间历程图,结合非线性理论中的定性分析法分析了主传动系统轧制过程中的振动规律。

    The phase graph , Poincare graph and the time-history graph of the system can be obtained by the simulation of MATLAB software . The twisting vibration laws of main transmission system in rolling process are analyzed by nonlinear qualitative theory .

  15. 给定了一系列参数,应用Rungc-Kutta法作了数值计算,绘制了x(f)、■(t)的时间历程图以及x-■相平面图。

    After selecting a series of parameters , numerical calculations of the subharmonic oscillation are completed by using the Runge-Kutta method . Time history diagrams x ( t ) and x ( t ) and x-x phase plane plots are drawn .

  16. 利用ANSYS软件对粘贴有压电材料的智能板结构建立有限元模型,通过瞬态动力学分析(时间历程分析)并编写APDL(AnsysParameterDesignLanguage)程序实现了对智能板的振动控制仿真。

    The finite element model of smart structures with piezoelectric materials is established by ANSYS software . The vibration control of structure has become true through compiling the APDL ( ansys parameter design language ) program and using transient dynamic analysis ( time-history analysis ) .

  17. 以战斗类飞机和运输类飞机主起落架为例,通过飞行实测获得起落架在实际工作过程中的载荷-时间历程(即实测载荷谱),并利用Miner准则对其疲劳寿命进行了估算。

    Taking the main landing gears of fighter and transport airplane as example , the fatigue life was estimated by means of the Miner 's rule and the spectrum of the real measurement .

  18. 用有限差分法对振动方程作离散,对时间历程则用Wilson-θ法逐步进行分析,对由碰撞所引起的非线性采用修正的Newton法作迭代处理。

    Finite difference method is adopted to make discretization of the vibration equations and Wilson-o method is applied to deal with the time history problem . The non-linearity caused by impact is iteratively treated with modified Newton method .

  19. 本文按滞后环法编制成FORTRAN语言的计算机程序,对拖车车架的实测随机载荷时间历程进行计数。

    In this paper the counting process of the Hysteresis Loop Counting Method is translated into a FORTRAN program , the time history of load of chassis frame-of the trailer is counted with the computer .

  20. 得到了系统在某些参数域的分叉图、时间历程、频谱图、相图、Poincaré映射图。

    The diagrams of bifurcation , time course , frequency spectrum , phase and Poincar é map diagrams with some typical system parameters were numerically worked out .

  21. 结合非线性动力学方法对系统动态响应的数值特征进行分析,分析其时间历程曲线、功率谱密度、相轨迹、庞加莱截面、最大Lyapunov指数,揭示其非线性动力学规律。

    Methods of nonlinear dynamics are applied to analyze numerical characteristics of system dynamic response , i.e. time course curves , power spectral density , phase traces and Poincare maps , the maximum Lyapunov exponent , to reveal the principles of non-linear dynamics .

  22. 根据焦炭塔塔顶馏出管线每2h记录1次的21068个随机温度数据,进行了载荷时间历程的压缩、雨流法计数及统计分析。

    According to 21068 random temperature data recorded every two hours from a top distill off pipeline of coking towers , the temperature load time history was compressed and counted by rainflow method as well as statistically analysed .

  23. 用这种测试方法,在空气炮上进行了一系列半球形头部钢弹以150~400m/s速度垂直侵彻素混凝土目标的试验,成功地测量了弹丸的减速度时间历程曲线。

    Using this method , a series of tests of hemisphere nose steel projectiles penetrating normally into plain concrete at velocity region 150 ~ 400m / s were executed and the deceleration histories are successfully obtained .

  24. 采用ADINA软件对弹性波在管道中的传播过程进行有限元分析,得到了典型节点的位移&时间历程和典型单元的应力云图,计算结果表明该方法可行。

    By using ADINA software , the FEM analysis on elastic wave propagation in oil and gas pipelines was carried out . The displacement-time history relation for typical nodes and the stress nephogram for typical elements are obtained .

  25. 用SAP5结构动力程序计算系统前五阶模态,并用模态叠加法求得后座力响应时间历程。

    Structural dynamics programme SAP 5 has been used to calculate the lower 5 modals , the superposition of which helps to obtain the time history of recoil force .

  26. 讨论了计算Poincare映射图时不同的收敛过程、相应的时间历程图呈现的不同特点和影响映射图准确性的因素,分析了时间分岔和伪收敛现象。

    The process of convergence and the various forms of the record plot of time are discussed for the calculation of data in the Poincare maps . The factors of influence on accuracy of the maps are analyzed . The pseudo-convergence and the time-bifurcation are introduced .

  27. 根据骨重建的生理过程,在基本多细胞单位(BMUs)层次建立了一个力学因素和生物学因素耦联的,带有时间历程的松质骨骨质疏松过程计算模型。

    Based on the physiology of bone remodeling , a mechanical-biological factor coupled computational model at Basic Multicellular Units ( BMUs ) level was put forward , which can describe the osteoporotic process of cancellous bond with time course .

  28. 起重机金属结构疲劳载荷时间历程的采集分析

    The Picking and Analysis of Farigue Loading Chart for Crane 's Structure

  29. 移动载荷下齿根应力的时间历程

    Time History of Spur Gear Root Stress under Moving Load

  30. 开发用于采集应力时间历程的多通道、能连续十几小时工作的数据采集系统,研究了多种提高数据可靠性技术。

    It studies a slew of technologies to improve the data reliability .