
  • 网络SIMO;Single Input Multiple Output
  1. 再估计出这个新的单输入多输出系统的传递函数,最后得到原单输入单输出系统的模型参数。

    With estimating the numerator of the new SIMO model transfer function first and the common denominator later , the parameter estimation of the original SISO model is obtained .

  2. 本文证明了对IIR信道输出进行过采样(采样率是输入码率的整数倍)可以转化成单输入多输出的多信道模型,并且不同的信道有相同的AR系数。

    In this paper , we prove that oversampling the output of IIR channels can be transformed into a single input multiple output ( SIMO ) model , and the subchannels have the same AR coefficients .

  3. 单输入多输出通用可调滤波器的CCCⅡ实现

    Realization of Tunable Universal Filters of Single Input and Multi-output Based on CCCIIs

  4. 通过对IIR信道输出的过采样(Oversampling),该文提出一种新的单输入多输出(Single-Input-Multiple-Output,SIMO)模型。

    A new Single-Input-Multiple-Output ( SIMO ) model by oversampling the output of an IIR channel is proposed .

  5. 提出了单输入多输出有限冲激响应(SIMOFIR)Volterra系统的盲辨识及盲均衡的子空间方法。

    A subspace approach to blind identification and equalization of a nonlinear single-input multiple-output ( SIMO ) finite impulse response ( FIR ) Volterra system is proposed .

  6. 2由CCII和多输出端跨导运算放大器(OTA)实现的单输入多输出滤波器新电路。

    The other is with single input and three outputs by using two current conveyors and multiple outputs Operational Transconductance Amplifier ( OTA ) .

  7. 在ε均衡概念基础上,提出了对含公零点SIMO(单输入多输出)信道的盲均衡算法。

    Based on the conception of ε - equalization , this paper proposes a new blind equalization algorithm which can identify ( SIMO ) channels with common zeros .

  8. 采用单输入多输出(SIMO)方法对螺杆泵驱动头进行实际测试,经过相干函数检验后,得到了真实的传递函数,采用基于传递函数的分量分析法求出了螺杆泵驱动头的模态参数。

    Using the SIMO method and practical testing , the real transfer function of driver of screw pumps is established . By means of sub-element analysis , its dynamic parameters are found out .

  9. 与现有的自适应均衡LMS算法、RLS算法不同,提出了一种基于有限字符集信息的组合递推算法,实现单输入多输出(SIMO)信道盲序列检测。

    Different from present adaptive equalization algorithms based on LMS and RLS , this paper proposes a new recursive algorithm of combined optimization to blindly detect the sequence of single-input multiple-output ( SIMO ) channels . This algorithm is based on the information of finite alphabet .

  10. 单输入多输出系统的递阶增广随机梯度辨识算法

    Hierarchical Extended Stochastic Gradient Algorithms for Single-input Mutiple-output Systems

  11. 建立了单输入多输出和两输入两输出柔顺机构的优化模型,设计出轨迹输出机构。

    The optimization models of single input multi-output and two-input two-output were proposed .

  12. 一种多次单输入多输出时间域模态分析方法的参数研究

    A Parametric Study on Modal Analysis Algorithm With Multiple & Single Input and Multi-Output Space-Time Regression Method

  13. 倒立摆系统是一个典型的单输入多输出、非线性、高阶次的不稳定系统。

    The inverted pendulum system is a typical single input and multiple outputs , nonlinear , high order , unstable system .

  14. 将变压器绕组视为单输入多输出端口模型,推导了该模型中传递函数的求解公式。

    Based on MTL model , a single-input-multiple-output network model is presented for transformer windings . The procedure to determine the transfer function is deduced .

  15. 首先求解各用户在单输入多输出方式下的调度因子,并将调度因子较大的用户组成一个群体。

    In this dissertation , the scheduling factor of users in SIMO mode are calculated , and the scheduler chooses some users whose scheduling factor are big to form a group .

  16. 本章给出了一种将子空间方法从单输入多输出扩展到多输入多输出系统的简洁的形式,并研究了有色信号输入下信道的辨识与均衡。

    In the relevant chapter , we proposed a neat derivation for subspace based method for MIMO system . With this method , the problems of channel estimate and equalization with colored signal input have been studied .

  17. 对于跷跷板这个单输入、多输出的系统,我们选择用状态方程来描述它。

    For ' teeterboard ' , an SIMO system , we choose to describe it using state equation .

  18. 提出的建模和评定方法,可推广应用于航空、航天、机械等领域的双电源、双回路供配电方式的可靠性建模与可靠性分析,以及复杂的单输入、多输出系统的可靠性评定。

    The presented method can be applied to the reliability modeling and evaluation of double-power and double-loop electrical system in the field of aviation , spaceflight and machine and the reliability evaluation of the complicated single input and multi-output system .

  19. 实际的控制系统可分为单输入输出和多输入输出系统,而多输入输出系统问题可以分解为多个单输入输出系统,因此研究一维UFP坐标变换具有重要意义。

    Control systems can be clarified as multi-input multi-output systems and single-input single-output systems , and multi-input multi-output systems can decompose into multiple single-input single-output systems . Therefore , researching on 1-dimensional UFP-CT has important values .

  20. 通过对装甲车辆齿轮主传动系统的振动信号测试与分析,分别建立了单输入单输出及多输入多输出系统的受控AR模型,辨识了系统参数。

    After measuring and analyzing the vibration acceleration of a armored vehicle 's gearbox , the AR model of single and multiple input-output system are established and the parameters are classified .

  21. 运用β-P网络可实现作物生育进程中单输入单输出、单输入多输出、多输入单输出和多输入多输出动态关系的描述。

    It could realize dynamic description of single-output by single-input and multi-output by multi-input .

  22. 针对单输入单输出和多输入多输出网络控制系统中存在的时延抖动和时延偏移问题,提出了在控制器和执行器前设置缓冲区的方法。

    For the problems of delay jitter and delay skew consisting in SISO and MIMO networked control systems , the method of setting buffers before controller and action is bring forward .

  23. 详细论述了频率响应函数的主要辨识方法,相干函数的估计方法,迭代过程等,并应用于单输入单输出和多输入多输出系统再现路面不平度的试验,取得了较好的效果。

    Dissert on prime identification method of frequency response function , estimation method of coherence function and iteration process , etc. By applying these to single input-single output and multiple input-multiple output system to recur road roughness , the tests achieve preferable results .

  24. 在单输入单输出(SISO)或单输入多输出(SIMO)系统中,不论模态参数密集的程度,该方法都可以有效提高模态参数识别的精度与速度。

    No matter how dense the modal parameters are , this method can improve validly the precision and speed of identifying modal parameters in the systems of SIMO ( Single Input and Multiple Output ) or SISO ( Single Input and Single Output ) .