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dān yī
  • unlined garment
单衣 [dān yī]
  • [unlined garment] 只有一层衣料的衣服

  1. 现在我们看到的是曲裾素纱单衣,它制作于西汉早期。

    Now we can see the curving-front unlined garment , it was made in the early Western Han Dynasty .

  2. 这么冷的天穿着单衣就出门,能不染疾吗?

    How can you protect yourself from diseases , if you go out wearing an unlined garment on such a cold day ?

  3. 著着很厚的青布单衣或夹袄的都市闲人,咬着烟管,在雨后的斜桥影里,上桥头树底下去一立,遇见熟人,便会用了缓慢悠闲的声调,微叹着互答着说:

    Some idle townsfolk , wearing lined or unlined clothing made of thick cloth , will come out pipe in mouth and , loitering under a tree by the end of a bridge , exchange leisurely conversation with acquaintances with a slight touch of regret at the passing of time : " Oh , real nice and cool — "

  4. 贴身单衣对测量血压值的影响

    Influence of close-fitting suit on measuring value of blood pressure

  5. 我每年领一套棉服,一套单衣。

    I get one cotton padded winter garment and one summer suit every year .

  6. 另一方面,半成品熨烫是在服装组装期间单衣片的熨烫。

    Underpressing on the other hand is the pressing of individual pieces during the making up of the garment .

  7. 这样冷了,许多士兵还是穿两层单衣。

    Cold as the weather is , many of our men are still wearing only two layers of thin clothing .

  8. 而你不经意间的回避,让身单衣薄的我到何处去寻找你的温馨。

    And you avoidance accidentally , make suits of thin I get where go to look for your warmth unlined garment .

  9. 抗战前,我只有一条薄毯子,几件单衣,所以我总是受凉。

    Before the war I had only a thin blanket and a few unpadded garments so that I was always cold .

  10. 人们穿着单衣走上街头,尽情享受严冬过后突如其来的温暖阳光。

    People were out in the streets without coats , luxuriating in the unexpected warmth of tee sun after such a bitter winter .

  11. 第二天,女人给他打点好一个小小的包裹,里面包了一身新单衣,一条新毛巾,一双新鞋子。

    When day broke she made a little bundle of a new cotton suit , a new towel , a new pair of cloth shoes .