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  1. 她的店售卖刺绣用的针线和布疋,亦有香皂、纸张和香烟等日用品。

    The village shop sells thread and cloth for the handicrafts , as well as everyday items such as soap , paper and cigarettes .

  2. 该行创立的直接原因是1908年天津发生了严重的布疋危机,为了清理津商积欠的洋款,维持津埠华洋的商务,北洋保商银行应运而生。

    The immediate cause of its establishment was the serious crisis of cloth that took place in 1908 in Tianjin . In order to clear up foreign dept , maintain commercial affairs between Chinese and foreign countries in Tianjin port , The Commercial Guarantee Bank Of China came into existence .