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  • 网络reductive inference;abduction;abductive reasoning;retroduction
  1. 回溯推理与经济解释

    Abduction and Economic Explanation

  2. 侦查活动中回溯推理的结构分析

    An Analysis on the Structure of Reductive Inference in Investigative Activities

  3. 它充分利用了配电网GIS的地理信息、设备管理、网络拓扑结构.结合专家系统的规则库进行动态搜索、回溯推理,直到确定故障区域。

    Using geographic information , facilities management and network topology of GIS , combined with the dynamic searching method and the backtracing approach of expert system , the fault regions can be located efficiently .

  4. 实践中,回溯推理主要有两种类型和五种模式。

    Reductive inference is classified into two categories and five modes .

  5. 广义干曲线模型在杉木人工林蓄积量测定中的应用论回溯推理的模态形式

    Application of the Generalized Stem Form Model to the Determination of Chinese Fir Plantation Volume

  6. 回溯推理是一种在司法实践中被广泛运用的或然性推理。

    Reductive inference is a kind of probability inference , which widely used in judicial activities .

  7. 在解决这类问题时,最主要的事情就是能够用推理的方法,一层层地回溯推理。

    In solving a problem of this sort , the grand thing is to be able to reason backwards .

  8. 本文利用不确定推理中的概率推理方法,设计了购买决策树回溯推理的模型和算法,有效解决了这一问题。

    Using uncertain reasoning , a reasoning model and an algorithm are presented , which give the answer to this problem effectively .

  9. 回溯推理的前提与结论之间的证据支持关系可用概率理论进行刻画。

    In fact , the relationship of evidence support between premises and conclusion of reductive inference is able to depicted by the probability theory .

  10. 把回溯推理运用到侦查假说之中,是从已知的犯罪结果去探求犯罪原因,过程的假说。

    Investigation into reductive inference hypothesis , is the result from a known crime to explore the causes of crime , the process of hypothesis .

  11. 回溯推理及其在刑事司法活动中的运用(指法律、支付关系等)溯及既往的,有追溯效力的

    Reductive Inference and Its Application in Penal Judicial Activities ( of laws , payments , etc ) applying to the past as well as the future ; retroactive