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  1. 这女孩眼泪汪汪地回到母亲身边。

    The girl came back to her mother in tears .

  2. 父亲回到母亲身边,告诉她:“你是一位伟大的女性。

    When my father returned to my mother he said to her , ' You are a great woman .

  3. 珠儿大获全胜,不声不晌地凯旋面归,她回到母亲身边,微笑着抬眼望着母亲的脸。

    The victory accomplished , Pearl returned quietly to her mother , and looked up , smiling , into her face .

  4. 当护士想要把它带走去清洗,它就开始哭叫,不回到母亲身边不罢休。

    When the nurse tries to take the baby away to clean it , the baby wails and will not stop until it is returned to its mum .

  5. 母亲一次严重的疾病,汉文帝放下公事,立刻离开朝廷回到母亲身边照顾母亲。

    Once the matron suffered a serious illness and Han Wendi , as soon as he had completed the various governmental matters , would immediately leave the state chambers and return to his mother 's bedside to nurse her with tender concern .

  6. 周四晚上,他们回到了母亲身边。

    They were reunited with their mother on Thursday evening .

  7. 孩子沿着一条弯弯曲曲的路线穿过市场,回到她母亲身边,把船长的话转告给她。

    Pursuing a zigzag course across the marketplace , the child returned to her mother , and communicated what the mariner had said .

  8. 在难以描述的生命时光中,但愿你们经常回到母亲的身边,哪怕仅仅停留一刻,你们也会感受到无所不在的珍贵的母爱。

    Among indescribable time of life , wishing you always return mother 's side , even though only stay for a while , you will feel the omnipresent precious mother love .

  9. 奥利弗,你才回到你母亲和妹妹身边

    Oliver , your mother and your sister just got you back ,