
  1. TMD绝对是啊总之我要先去休息了能选中你们俩人我太高兴了,你们俩一定会成为好父母的甚至连钱德也是拜,拜给你打电话,好教会野营愉快啊!

    Anyway , I 'm gonna go get some rest . I 'm really glad I picked you guys . You 're gonna make great parents . Even Chandler . Okay , well , bye . Bye . We 'll call you . Okay . Have fun at church camp .

  2. 连钱草药材的高效毛细管电泳指纹图谱研究

    Study on the Fingerprints of Herba Glechomae by High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis

  3. 超声循环法提取连钱草总黄酮

    Circulated extraction of flavonoids from Glechoma longituba by ultrasonic wave

  4. 我是指穷的连钱都没有了

    I mean you wouldn 't even have any money .

  5. 连钱草中熊果酸与齐墩果酸测定方法研究

    Study on the Determination of Ursolic Acid and Oleanolic Acid in Herba Glechomae

  6. 她老公连钱从哪里来都不能说。

    With a husband who can 't tell you where the money 's from .

  7. 大孔吸附树脂纯化连钱草总黄酮工艺研究

    Studies on Purification Process of Total Flavones from Glechoma longituba with Macroporous Adsorption Resin

  8. 江苏连钱草高效液相色谱指纹图谱研究

    Study on HPLC Fingerprint of Herba Glechomae

  9. 连钱也没有吗?

    And no money , either ?

  10. 连钱草乙醇提取物对豚鼠离体肠平滑肌和小鼠肠运动功能的影响

    Effect of the ethanol extracts of Glechoma longituba on isolated ileum smooth muscle of guinea pig and the intestine movement function of mice

  11. 干燥温度和采收时间对湖北产连钱草总黄酮含量的影响

    Study on the Influence of the Contents of Total Flavones from Herba Glechomae Growing in Hubei Province by Drying Temperature and Harvest Time

  12. 结论:连钱草乙醇提取物具有抑制肠蠕动作用,这种作用可能由胃肠道的胆碱能受体和组胺受体介导,或直接作用于回肠平滑肌细胞。

    CONCLUSIONS EGLK has the inhibition effect on intestine peristalsis which may be mediated through cholinoceptor and histamine receptor or directly acts on the cells of ileum smooth muscle .

  13. 对两种地被植物的叶片做石蜡切片后,对其叶片解剖结构进行观察可以看出,光胁迫能够影响连钱草和蛇莓的叶片解剖结构。

    Through blade paraffin section of two species ground covers , the observation of leaf anatomical structure , light stress can effect leaf anatomical structure of Glechoma longituba and Duchesnea indica .

  14. 结论:以乙醇为溶剂,采用超声循环提取技术提取连钱草中总黄酮,提取温度低,时间短,提取效率高,具有广阔前景。

    Conclusion : Using ethanol as solvent , circulated extraction of the flavonoids from G. longituba with ultrasonic wave is feasible with the optimum conditions in low temperature , short time and high production yield .

  15. 他连伙食钱都不够,更不必说娱乐了。3.:带走

    eg. He hasn 't enough money for food , leave alone amusements .

  16. B:太方便了,连宾馆的钱都省了。

    B : It 's so convenient . You save on the hotel as well .

  17. 很多村民,甚至包括感染上HIV的一些人,也在很坚定地为严漆辩护。他们说他很善良,就连那些没钱付费的人也会诊治。

    Many villagers , even those infected , staunchly defend Mr. Chrin , describing him as a kind man who treated even those who could not pay .

  18. 现在,连过节的钱都不够。

    Now , there is not even enough money to celebrate the holidays .

  19. 甚至连我的钱运过这城市都得弄出点新闻来!

    I can 't even get my money across town without making the news .

  20. 咱们连煤气的钱都付不起。

    We can barely even pay for gas .

  21. 你真不够朋友!连一元钱都不肯借我。

    Some friend yor are ! You won 't even lend me one yuan .

  22. 一共该给你多少,连等的钱和车费在内?

    How much do you want , including your time of waiting and the drive ?

  23. 你们连十块钱一把的锁都买不起吗

    Whoa , whoa . Your guys couldn 't afford 10 bucks for a padlock ?

  24. 你显然是连买沙拉钱都不够。可怜。

    You obviously don 't have enough money to pay for your salad . Sad .

  25. 但是他却是完全寄人篱下,所以自己连一个钱都没有。

    He was in such absolute dependence as to be without a farthing of his own .

  26. 尤丽雅:在别的地方,人家连一个钱也没给过我。

    T2 Julia : In my other places they didn 't give me anything at all .

  27. 几乎任何一种用得上电脑的生意都能重新包装成网络公司,而许多这类公司连一块钱的收入都没有。

    And pretty much any kind of business that used a computer could be rebranded as a dotcom , often before having a dollar of income .

  28. 他谋杀的原因很可能是由于他连一个钱都没有了,都付不起两杯咖啡。

    More likely the reason for the killing was that he had only no more than a quarter of dollar-not enough for two cups of coffee .

  29. 德国连花更多钱刺激自己的经济都不愿意,自然也不愿意为一个旨在复苏欧元区经济的大规模财政刺激计划掏钱了。

    Reluctantly resigned to spend more than it wanted to stimulate its own economy , Germany is still unwilling to fund a massive fiscal-stimulus package to revive the euro-zone economy .

  30. 他还透露,于成波当年在村子里的时候也是穷的叮当响,连结婚的钱都是从邻居们那儿借的。

    He revealed that Yu was extremely poor when he lived in the village , so poor that he had had to borrow money from his neighbors to hold his wedding ceremony .