
  • 网络Connection;Connection Object;connect;SqlConnection;Connecting objects
  1. 删除现有目标DC用于从要删除的源DC复制数据的入站AD连接对象。

    Removes inbound AD connection objects that existing destination DCs use to replicate from the source DC being deleted .

  2. API很直观:您调用单个方法,并返回一个连接对象。

    The API is straightforward : You call a singleton method and get back a connection object .

  3. COM中的可连接对象与连接点机制及其实现

    Connectable Object in COM and Connection Points Mechanism and its Implemention

  4. 在ASP中通过连接对象使用数据库

    Using Database by Connecting Objects in Asp

  5. 将项从“数据源”窗口拖动到“windows窗体设计器”或“组件设计器”时,将创建连接对象。

    Connection objects are created when you drag items from the data sources window onto the windows forms designer or component designer .

  6. 代码样本显示了EJB组件如何使用连接对象来访问消息队列资源。

    This code sample shows how an EJB component might access a message queue resource , using connection objects .

  7. 在前面的示例中还可以看见,odbcclose()函数接受了一个连接对象,并终止了与ODBC和数据库的通信。

    You have also already seen in a previous example that odbc_close () takes in a connection object and terminates communications with ODBC and the database .

  8. 在那种情况下,因为池管理器预先在启动时创建连接对象,所以,J2EE组件可以使用连接对象,而不会导致数据库资源管理器上的系统开销。

    In that situation , a J2EE component can use connection objects without causing overheads on the database resource manager , since a pool manager creates the connection objects up front , at startup .

  9. printCatalogServers()方法需要传入JMX连接对象,以便查询服务器Mbean。

    The printCatalogServers () method needed the JMX connection object to be passed into it in order to query for the server MBean .

  10. 您的printCatalogServers()方法将使用此连接对象获得关于环境中定义的目录服务器的信息。

    Your printCatalogServers () method will use this connection object to obtain information regarding the catalog servers defined in the environment .

  11. 还未在连接对象中指定所需的连接属性。

    Required connection properties have not been specified in a connection object .

  12. 属性指定用于连接对象的备用凭据。

    Property specifies alternate credentials for the connection object .

  13. 若要这样做,必须已有一个可用的连接对象。

    To do so , you must already have a connection object available .

  14. 首先,您设置一个到本地数据库的数据库连接对象。

    First , you set up a database connection object to a local database .

  15. 可连接对象在互联网上的应用

    Objects Application of connectible to Internet

  16. 实现了自定义转换程序之后,您需要连接对象和转换程序。

    Now that you have implemented a custom converter , you need to connect the object and the converter .

  17. 与数据库资源一样,通过使用可以合用的连接对象来访问消息队列。

    As in the case of a database resource , message queues are accessed using connection objects that can be pooled .

  18. 在完成向导后,它将用您在第二页中指定的信息生成连接对象的一个实例。

    When you have finished the wizard , it generates an instance of a connection object with the information you specified in the second page .

  19. 一旦应用程序的数据访问部分已经完成,还应该关闭数据对象,以便释放与之关联的连接对象。

    Data objects should also be closed once the data access part of your application is complete , so that the connection object associated with it is released too .

  20. 现在您可以直接传入一个对象,它与预期数据库连接对象相兼容,然后直接使用这个对象,而非创建一个新对象。

    Now you can pass in an object directly that is compatible with the expected database connection object , and it will use that object instead of creating a new one .

  21. 问题是,由于我们是在这个方法中直接实例化一个数据库连接对象,所以我们需要执行所有这些繁琐的操作才能够完成方法的测试。

    The problem is that since we directly instantiate a database connection object inside the method , we are required to do all this scaffolding work to properly test the method .

  22. 在这里,数据源就是一个连接对象,如何连接以及连接到哪里都被抽象化了。

    In this context , a data source is a connection object that abstracts away the details of how that connection is made , and what the connection is connecting to .

  23. 在这里,我们可以模拟数据库连接对象的查询方法,这样我们就只需要返回结果,而不需要真正地去查询数据库。

    In this case , we would mock the query method of the database connection object so that we could just return back the results instead of calling out to the database for them .

  24. 其次,消息传输系统中还提供了三种不同功能的对象池,连接对象池、接收队列对象池和发送队列对象池,这些对象池的使用减少了系统频繁创建和删除对象的资源开销。

    Message transmission system also provided three kinds of object poolings with different functions : connection object pooling 、 receiving queue object pooling and sending queue object pooling . The use of these object poolings could decrease resource spending caused by system creating and deleting objects continually .

  25. 而link则可被设为对现有数据库连接或对象的一个引用。

    You can set link as a reference to an existing database connection link or object .

  26. 使用Spring连接域对象

    Wiring domain objects with Spring

  27. 举例来说,要连接Employee对象与员工转换程序,可以使用以下配置

    For example , to connect the Employee object with the employee converter , use the following configuration

  28. 要定义JMS队列连接工厂对象,请执行以下步骤

    To define the JMS queue connection factory object

  29. 缓存ServerExplorer的DB2连接中对象的模式信息可在设计时提供更好的应用程序开发性能。

    Caching of schema information for objects in DB2 connections in Server Explorer provides better application development performance at design time .

  30. 后者是著名的控制反转(inversionofcontrol,IOC)模式的一种实现,可用于连接委托对象。

    The latter is an implementation of the well-known inversion of control ( IOC ) pattern and can be used to tie in delegate objects .