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  1. 看看这个:根据数字媒体公司CaptivateNetwork的最新调查显示,约20%的白领工人说公司的工作效率在暖和的月份大跌,19%的人声称连出勤率也下降了。

    Consider : about 20 % of white-collar workers say their productivity takes a dive in the warm months , and 19 % say attendance drops off , according to a recent survey by digital media company captivate network .

  2. 两组在统计学上没有显著性差异(P0.05)。结论:生物活性玻璃同自体骨一样能早期植入配合内固定治疗锁骨骨折,能加速骨折愈合,降低延迟愈合或骨不连发生率。

    The two groups were not statistically significant difference ( P 0.05 ) . Conclusion : Bioactive glass and autologous bone can early implant with internal fixation to treatment fracture , can accelerate fracture healing , reduce the incidence of delayed union and nonunion .

  3. 甚至连失业率小幅增加至6.7%也可能是个利好的信号。

    Even an uptick in the unemployment rate to 6.7 % , could be a good sign .

  4. 该系统满足了板坯铸钢要求,提高了连检率,降低了生产成本。

    The system has met the requirements of slab casting , improved continuous drawing speed and reduced the cost .

  5. 其核心是在高连浇率、高拉速条件下,生产高质量的铸坯。

    It means that the high quality slab is produced in the case of high casting speed and high sequence rate .

  6. 在驼峰溜放环境变化时,控制系统能通过自学习,自动校正减速器计算出口速度模型,改善控制品质,使系统保持设计的安全连挂率。

    The control system can adapt the change of humping factors and modify the parameters of the model automatically so as to keep the safe coupling rate of cuts as required by the system design .

  7. 虽然骨折的治疗手段有了很大的进步,但骨不连的发病率仍居高不下,是骨科临床医师面临的一个挑战。

    The treatment of fracture has been greatly improved , but the incidence of nonunion is still high and which is a challenge that orthopedic clinicians .

  8. 就连预期增长率要高得多的中国,也存在第二种和第三种问题,尽管没有爆发金融危机。

    Even China , albeit enjoying a much higher prospective rate of growth , also suffers from the second and third sets of concerns – even if it has not suffered a financial crisis .

  9. 【结论】对粉碎性骨折并伴有骨缺损病例宜早期进行同种异体骨移植以促进其早期愈合,降低骨不连的发生率。

    There were no wound infection and other complications in Group B. 【 Conclusion 】 Comminuted long bone fracture with defect should be treated by bone allograft early to promote bony union , to reduce the incidence of non union .

  10. 结论:降低GPIPLD活性能增加骨髓单个核细胞对纤连蛋白的黏附率,与此同时,骨髓单个核细胞上GPI锚定蛋白CD24的表达增强。

    It is concluded that depression of GPI-PLD activity can increase the adhesion rate of bone marrow mononuclear cells from the patients while the CD24 expression is enhanced .

  11. 结果:28例术后黏连,黏连率为16.97%。

    Result : The synechia nasal occurred in 28 cases ( 16.97 % ) .

  12. 连二亚硫酸钠分解率的研究

    A Study of Decomposition Rate of Sodium Dithionite

  13. 目的:选择一种可靠简便的内固定方法,提高峡部不连植骨融合率。

    Objective : To select a credible and convenient fixing method to improve fusion ration of discontinuous isthmus of spinal column .

  14. 用一期腓骨移植治疗感染性骨不连骨愈合优良率86.7%,功能恢复优良率60%,骨折平均愈合时间4.88个月。

    The excellent and good rate of bone union of the infected non-union patients who were treated by first-stage autogenous fibular grafting was 86.7 percent , and the same rate was 60 % in functional results . Average healing time was 4.88 months .