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rú zǐ
  • child;concubines of the nobility
孺子 [rú zǐ]
  • (1) [child]∶小孩子

  • 吾父王威镇江淮数年,岂可一旦称臣于孺子,贻笑于后世?--《英烈传》

  • 今者治平之日久,天下之人骄惰脆弱,如妇人孺子不出闺门。--宋. 苏轼《教战守》

  • (2) [concubines of the nobility]∶古代太子的妾的名目

  • 太子有妃,有良娣,有孺子,妻妾凡三等。--《汉书.外戚传上》

孺子[rú zǐ]
  1. 孺子给父亲大人请安。

    Little child pays respect to father monsignor .

  2. “孺子”在这里就是说无产阶级和人民大众。

    The " children " here symbolize the proletariat and the masses .

  3. 最后,汉朝在幼子孺子婴继承皇位后灭亡了。

    Ultimately , the Western Han Dynasty fell after the infant Emperor Ruzi Ying succeeded to the throne .

  4. 作为老师,他不应该仅仅因为他一次考试不及格而武断地下结论说某位学生孺子不教。

    Being a teacher , he shouldn 't jump to conclusions that a student is not worth teaching simply because he fails one exam .

  5. 郑人使子濯孺子侵卫,卫使庾公之斯追之。

    The people of Chang sent Zi Zhuo Ru to make a stealthy attack on Wei , which sent Yu Gong Zhi to pursue him .

  6. 公元8世纪,王莽——皇后的亲戚之一,废黜了孺子婴并称自己是新朝(公元8世纪至25世纪)的皇帝。

    In 8 AD Wang Mang , one of the empress 's relatives , deposed Ruzi Ying and proclaimed himself emperor of the Xin Dynasty ( 8 ---- 25 A.D. ) .

  7. 像在球场上双方发生争执时,裁判员一声哨令那样有效,老纪立刻回屋履行“孺子马”的义务去了……

    Her words were like a whistle of a referee that settled the dispute immediately . Lao Ji instantly went back to his room to carry out his duty as an " obedient horse . "

  8. 有孺子歌曰:‘沧浪之水清兮,可以濯我缨;沧浪之水浊兮,可以濯我足。’

    There was a boy singing ," When the water of the Cang Lang is clear , It does to wash the strings of my cap ; When the water of the Cang Lang is muddy , It does to wash my feet . "
