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  • reform;remake;reshape;change the political or economic system
改制 [gǎi zhì]
  • (1) [convert]

  • (2) 改变形式、本质或质量

  • 羊皮被改制成羊皮纸

  • (3) 改变政治、经济等社会制度

  1. H高校设计研究院改制问题探讨

    Discussions about System Reform of Architectural Design Academy Attached to H University

  2. 浅述加入WTO与工程监理改制的关系

    WTO and system reform of project construction supervision

  3. 全国邮电无线寻呼资产剥离、改制重组工作取得了较大进展。

    Rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis .

  4. 为了进一步提升企业竞争力,本文针对改制后X工程咨询公司的战略性绩效管理体系的构建问题进行了研究。

    The article studied the construction of strategic performance management system of reformed X company .

  5. Q公司成立于2000年,2004年完成股份制改制,2008年在深圳证券交易所挂牌上市。

    Company Q was founded in 2000.It listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2008 .

  6. CC公司改制及上市方案研究

    A Study on CC 's Corporation System Reforming and Public Listing

  7. 国有企业改制中的工人集体行动的解释框架&以西北某省X市H纺织公司的一场抗争为例

    The Interpreting Framework of Workers ' Collective Action in SOE 's System Reform & A Case Study on a Large Textile Factory 's Reform in A Northwest Province

  8. 国企改制中不稳定因素的调控之后对Linux操作系统采用的安全机制进行了分析,总结出现有系统在访问控制方面的安全缺陷。

    Measures in Controlling the Insecure Factors of the Ownership Shift of State-run Enterprises Then security mechanism of Linux is elaborated and some insecure factors in Linux are pointed out .

  9. 从2001年开始,MBO被大量介绍到国内,上市公司中开始以MBO方式进行实际操作,我国对此种改制模式的政策也经历了从规范到限制的不同阶段。

    It is 2001 that we use MBO first on the list company , and the policy of the government was changed from Try-Policy to Prohibit-Policy as time gose by .

  10. 介绍了合成氨装置低负荷改制氢存在的技术问题和工艺解决方法,同时论述PSA在低负荷改造中的特点和应用。

    This thesis describes the existing problems and process solutions to the low load hydrogen production converted from the synthesis ammonia unit . The thesis also discusses the features and applications of the PSA under the low load revamp .

  11. 非正式产权制度的创设与盛行背后,是国企高管层、政府部分官员主导和控制着整个局面,于是,在国资产权改制、转让中新规则渐次生成,非规范MBO的实践规则逐步合法化。

    The creation and prevalence of informal PRSs reflected a situation , which had been dominated by the senior managers of the SOEs and some government officials . New rules generated and informal MBO-rules legalized gradually during the SOEs-restructuring .

  12. LW400卧式螺旋沉降离心机定向改制研究

    Directional Improvement on LW 4 0 0 Horizontal Spiral Sedimentation Centrifuge for Solid liquid Separation

  13. 本文介绍了柔性制造系统(FMS)中资源分配问题的一种有效的并行分布式算法,将资源分配转换成一个图匹配问题后,对多项式复杂性Blossom算法,改制并设计成并行算法。

    This paper introduced an effective parallel distributed algorithm for resource allocation problem in a flexible manufacturing system ( FMS ) . A parallelization of Blossom algorithm , a polynomial-complexity algorithm , is developed after transforming resource allocation to a graph matching problem .

  14. 随着FSY热管装置和纺丝工艺技术的不断完善和发展,FSY工艺技术生产线将成为POY改制能纺POY、HOY、FDY柔性纺丝生产工艺的较佳选择。

    With the improvement and development of FSY hot tube and its spinning process , the FSY production line will be a good choice in modifying POY line to be flexible spinning system which can spin POY , HOY and FDY .

  15. 抓住改制契机,推进医院快速发展

    Seize opportunity of system reform and promote rapid development of hospital

  16. 公路工程监理企业改制后的思考

    Considerations after the Structural Reform of the Highway Engineering Supervision Enterprises

  17. 国有企业改制若干法律问题的分析

    Analysis of Legal Problems in the Structral Reforms of State-owned Enterprise

  18. 完善我国国有企业改制的对策研究

    The Countermeasure Research about Consummating the System of National Enterprise Reform

  19. 改制企业土地资产处置问题初探

    Preliminary study on land asset disposal of the enterprises in reconstruction

  20. 改制缓慢,资源活力不高。

    Slow system innovation , lack of vitality for the resources .

  21. 高校企业改制中资产评估问题的探讨

    Probe about Assets Appraisal during the Ownership Transition of College Industry

  22. 论团组织对企业改制进程所遇困境的超越

    The League Organization in the Reform of Enterprises : Overcoming Difficulties

  23. 基于财务风险控制的改制企业资本结构

    Capital structure of reformed enterprise based on the financial risk control

  24. 浅议国有企业改制中土地资产的处置方式

    Studies on handling forms of land assets in state enterprise reform

  25. 企业改制是国家一项重要的战略任务。

    Enterprise restructure is an important strategic task for a nation .

  26. 改制企业逃废金融债务的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis on the Evasion of Liability in the Reforming Enterprise

  27. 地勘单位转企改制的难点及对策

    The difficulty and Countermeasure of running geological prospecting units as enterprise

  28. 探讨中小建筑企业的改制

    Discussion about the System Reform in Small and Medium Construction Enterprise

  29. 国有中型企业产权交易&对嘉化改制案例的剖析

    Equity-Transfer for the Medium State-owned Enterprises & A case for Analysis

  30. 改制模式影响董事会特征吗?

    Do Restructuring Models Affect the Characteristics of Board of Directors ?