
ɡǎi biān zuò pǐn
  • adaptation;adapted works;rearranged works
  1. 摆好改编作品永久性与即时性之间的关系;

    Deal with the relationship well between permanence and temperance of the adapted works ;

  2. 从性质上说,网络“恶搞”属于新型文艺评论,也具备构成改编作品的条件。

    The identity of internet viciousness is a new type of literary criticism , and owns the qualification of adapted works .

  3. (这本书有多个改编作品,包括电影、戏剧和电子游戏。)

    There are numerous adaptations of this book including films , plays and video games .

  4. 作品体裁不限,包括纪录片、家庭录像片、剧情片、改编作品、MV、幽默短片、风光片、新闻片、个性才艺展示片等。

    The styles are not limited and can include documentary , family video recording , scenario , reorganization works , MV , humor short , scenery , news and skill showing films , etc.

  5. 这个世界还需要再多一部简·奥斯汀著作的改编作品吗?

    Did the world need one more Jane Austen adaptation ?

  6. 但这并不代表它是一部失败的改编作品。

    This doesn 't mean it 's a bad adaptation , though .

  7. 他的书的电视改编作品很一般,我确实看过更好的。

    The TV adaptation of his book is fair to middling-i 've certainly seen better .

  8. 考察文学原著与影视改编作品中的现代乡土小说的蕴涵。

    To study the implication of the modern local novel in original text and the screen-adaptation .

  9. 中国电影在其发展的每一个重要阶段,都涌现过大量优秀的改编作品。

    Each important stage of Chinese movie 's development has emerged the massive outstanding reorganization works .

  10. 论影视改编作品在中国现代文学教学中的使用

    Talk about the movie & TV and adapt the use in Modern Chinese Literature teaching of works

  11. 科林·费尔斯和朱莉·沃尔特斯参演的这部最新改编作品将于4月17日上映。

    The newest film , which stars actors including Colin Firth and Julie Walters , comes out on April 17 .

  12. 这一时期的影视艺术有了较大发展,各种改编作品相继走上银幕。

    In this stage , the film and television art made great development , and many kinds of adaptation works appeared .

  13. 我们在评价一部改编作品时,也要尊重它们各自的特性,不能一味的拿原著当做标尺来衡量。

    We Review an adaptation , to respect their individual characteristics , not blindly to measure basis on the original benchmark .

  14. 阿尔曼多·伊安努奇导演的这部创意无限的欢乐电影拍得很出彩,让人们对查尔斯·狄更斯著作改编作品的期望值都提高了。

    This joyous and endlessly inventive film by Armando Iannucci is a glittering achievement that raises the bar for Charles Dickens adaptations .

  15. 柯南·道尔遗产基金会现在由阿德里安·柯南·道尔独自打理,他不得不寻找新的合作伙伴改编作品。

    The Conan Doyle Estate , now controlled solely by Adrian Conan Doyle , would have to look elsewhere for screen adaptations .

  16. 但改编作品无论是叙事内容还是叙事策略都很难与原作比肩。

    But in the adapted movies , not only the narrative contents but also the narrative tactics are inferior to the original novel .

  17. 本文第二部分从影视叙事特点的角度,分析了具有代表性的三部影视剧改编作品。

    From the perspective of the characteristics of film narrative , the second part is the analysis of three representative adaptations including film and television drama .

  18. 还从乐感培养、技能训练和演奏心理三方面,讲述了钢琴改编作品教学的要求。

    It shows us the requirements on teaching the adapted music works by the three aspects of music sense cultivation , technique training , and playing psychology .

  19. 这些改编作品在结构布局、多声思维、钢琴技巧与特色效果等方面呈现出不同于一般钢琴乐曲的艺术特征。

    These adapted compositions show their specific characteristics different from other piano compositions in structure , multi - voice thinking , piano - playing skills and special effects .

  20. 由于新作经常在革新或涂抹覆盖中损毁,她在原作中的形象的寿命远比那些改编作品更长更悠远。

    The popularity of her image outlives the lifespan of the artworks in which she is depicted , as they are often destroyed during renovations or painted over .

  21. 《蝴蝶梦》达夫妮·杜穆里埃所著的哥特式爱情小说《蝴蝶梦》最著名的改编作品莫过于获得奥斯卡奖的阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克导演的那部由劳伦斯·奥利弗和琼·芳登主演的经典电影。

    Rebecca The most famous adaptation of Rebecca , Daphne du Maurier 's Gothic romance , is the Oscar-winning Alfred Hitchcock classic starring Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine .

  22. 1999年,好莱坞导演蒂姆?伯顿将欧文最著名的短篇小说《睡谷传说》改变成电影《断头谷》,但这部改编作品被评论为“与原作毫无共同之处”。

    In1999 , Tim Burton adapted irving 's the legend of Sleepy Hollow into a movie , which is thought to " have nothing in common with irving 's short story " .

  23. 钢琴传入中国仅有百余年的历史,在这100多年的钢琴的本土化音乐创作过程中,民族民间旋律的改编作品占了非常大的比例。

    It is only more than one hundred years since piano was introduced into China and recomposed works of national folk melodies are the majority during the localization of piano music composition .

  24. 在之后的三章里分别分析了《简·爱》在不同历史时期的三部电影改编作品,探讨它们与原小说的差异以及各改编片主题倾向的变化。

    In the following three chapters , the author of this thesis respectively explores the three film adaptations of Jane Eyre of different historical times by tracing their differences from the original novel .

  25. 即将拍摄的这部基于罗尔德达尔笔下著名人物的改编作品将会是《查理和巧克力工厂》的前传,是“集中讲述旺卡和他的早期冒险经历的独立电影”。

    The upcoming adaptation - based on Roald Dahl 's famous character - will be a prequel to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , a ' standalone movie focused on Wonka and his early adventures . "

  26. 本文第四部分从影视剧的受众角度,分析影视改编作品与小说的接受方式以及接受特点的差异性,在通过对受众进行实际调查的基础上,对影视改编的受众认可度予以解读。

    From the perspective of audiences , the fourth part analyses differences about acceptable manner and characteristics between the adaptations and the novel . On the basis of the investigation , clarify the recognition of the audience .

  27. 本文以苏童、莫言的改编作品为中心,从不同的体裁、不同的叙事、不同的表现形式三个角度,把改编后的电影与小说进行对比分析与比较,以考察改编的得与失。

    This article is around the adapted works of Su Tong and Mo Yan , from different styles , different narrative ways and different reflections , analyze and compare the adapted film and the original novel to check the gains and lost of the adapted works .

  28. 我一直觉得如果这部小说将改编影视作品,最适合改编成电视剧,而BBC台就是它的归属。

    I always felt that , if it were to be adapted , this novel was best suited to television and I think the BBC is the perfect home .

  29. 自创或改编原创作品演唱的人;

    A person who wrote or adapted and sang poems ;

  30. 对中国改编钢琴作品的研究

    Research on Transcribed China 's Piano Composition