
  1. 历史上发生于赣南的文化事象都应视作客家文化。

    All the cultural activities in Gannan should be regarded as hakka culture occurancies .

  2. 由文化事象深入到女性心理&关于土家族哭嫁歌研究的思考

    From Culture Phenomenon to Women 's Mind & Thinking about the Studies of the Tujia Wedding Lament

  3. 按照文化事象的自身规律实施非物质文化遗产的保护&以曲艺曲种的保护为例

    Protect the Immaterial Heritage according to the Law of the Cultural Construction & Take the Protection of Quyi for Example

  4. 节庆,是人类社会各个族群普遍传承的一种重大的显性文化事象。

    Festival , which is the heritage of various ethnic groups in general a major issue as the dominant culture phenomenon .

  5. 虹信仰是一个世界性的民俗文化事象,在中国也有悠久的历史传承。

    Rainbow worship , which is an important phenomenon in folk culture around the world , has a long history in China .

  6. 通过诸神诞生和植物信仰等实例,说明民间传统文化事象在各民族间的共通性、共同性和相异性;

    Universals and particularities of folk traditional cultures among different nations can be shown through the birth of gods and worship for plants .

  7. 本文通过对鼓文化事象的研究,试图深化对土家族传统文化的认识和理解。

    The study about the " drum " culture will benefit us deepening the understanding of the traditional culture of Tujia ethnic minority .

  8. 女性民俗是女性在自己的历史发展过程中逐渐形成、反复出现、代代相习的生活文化事象。

    Female folklore is cultural phenomenon which is gradually formed in the historical development of women , recurring and inheriting from generation to generation .

  9. 本文用语言分析的方法揭示汉民族的传统时间观以及与时间有关的文化事象的内涵,得出了几个基本结论;

    The author brings to light Chinese traditional concepts of time and the connotations of cultural phenomena concerning time , with the method of language analysis .

  10. 然而,正是这种极具价值的文化事象,在现代社会的急剧发展和冲击之下,自身的生存和发展却面临巨大的挑战,其传承亦陷入危机之中。

    However , its survival and development of this cultural existence , confronted with rapid development and a huge shock in modern society , faces enormous challenges .

  11. 在保护和抢救过程中,应贯穿整体性原则:既要保护文化事象本身,也要保护它的生命之源;

    Integrated principles shall be carried out through the protection and saving : we shall not only protect the cultural phenomenon itself , but also its life resources ;

  12. 鸡蛋确认生命,界定人生各阶段,充斥人生各礼俗,成为客家地区极其普遍的文化事象。

    Using eggs to confirm lives , to define each stage of human life , and to prevail in many etiquettes and customs has become a very common cultural phenomenon in Hakka area .

  13. 摘要风水作为一种具有独特意蕴的文化事象,在中华民族数千年的文明历程中,曾对人们的社会生活产生过重要的影响。

    As a cultural phenominon with special significance , the geomantic quality has had an important influence on the people 's social life during thousands of thousands years civilization of the Chinese nation .

  14. 应注意研究有关民族文化事象生成、发展、演变的规律,将文化生态建设与自然生态建设结合起来,同时要纠正文化保护问题上一些不正确观念和认识。

    It is necessary to research into the evolution pattern of national cultural events , to combine cultural ecological system building with natural ecological system building and to rectify some incorrect ideas about cultural protection .

  15. 比较详细地介绍了文山州广南县壮、苗、彝、瑶、回等主要少数民族的节庆、服饰及民居建筑等文化事象。

    This article introduces the main minorities festival celebrations , dress and local - style dwelling houses of Zhuangs , Miaos , Yis , Yaos , Huis in Guangnan county of Wenshan Prefecture in details .

  16. 竹构成了一种反映中华民族内在精神和外在形式的文化事象,它是一种表现我国各民族的审美趣味,宗教精神,人格理想的艺术符号。

    Bamboo constitute a reflection of Chinese national spirit and the external form of intrinsic cultural , it is a kind of expression of Chinese ethnic , religious spirit , the aesthetic interest of ideal personality art symbols .

  17. 汉水流域丧歌作为一个典型的汉水文化事象,其中蕴涵着丰富而典范的孝文化、乐感文化和伦理习俗文化等中国文化的核心内核。

    The funeral songs in Hanjiang River basin , one outstanding phenomenon of Hanjiang River culture , contain many classic cores of Chinese Culture , such as filial piety culture , music culture , ethics and customs and so on .

  18. 在此过程中,发生了一系列与旅游发展相关的,具体的,可以被感知到的文化变迁事象。

    In this process , the phenomenon of cultural change is shown through a series of development occurred specifically related to tourism .

  19. 文章并根据这些观点分析了苗族文化的若干事象。

    According to these viewpoints , the article analyses business and phenomena in the Miaos'Culture .

  20. 它的发生除了对生态环境造成一定的负面影响外,对人类社会的经济、政治、文化诸社会事象造成立体的、全方位的影响,成为中国社会的一个严重的社会问题。

    Its occurrence brings certain negative influence on the ecosystem environment , also a stereoscopic , all-directions influence on the economy , politics , culture and other social matters . It becomes a severe social problem .

  21. 民众的物质生产技术,某种意义上说可以是一种包含民众知识、生活文化的民俗事象,它是民众在与自然的长期接触中,不断积累生产、生活经验而形成的物质生产技术系统。

    Planting techology is a kind of cultural affairs in a way which contains public knowledge and routine life . It is a Production technology system that grows and formulate when people contact with the nature .

  22. 楚美术是我国上古时期具有南方文化品格的艺术事象。

    The arts of the Chu State is an antediluvian China 's unique phenomenon with southern culture and artistic styles .

  23. 口头传承产生久远,而形成于明末清初的文本则反映了当时壮族社会文化变迁的种种事象。

    The oral imparting has a very long history but the text formed in the end of Ming and the beginning of Qing Dynasties reflected the social cultural change of that time .

  24. 服饰是民族文化体系中最直观的文化事象,有着丰富的文化内涵。

    Dress is the most intuitive culture phenomenon of national culture systems .

  25. 女性身体写作成为中国思想文化土壤上重要的蔚为壮观的文化事象,这已是一个不争的事实。

    It is undeniable that the female body writing has become a grand cultural phenomenon in the arena of Chinese ideology and culture .

  26. 因此最后一章是对打歌这一音乐行为进行文化的阐释,并从人类学的视角对这一音乐文化事象进行深描。

    So the last chapter is about the music da behavior for the interpretation of culture , and from the Angle of anthropology on the music culture as for deep draw .

  27. 梯玛文化是土家族历代各种仪式和祭祀中产生的一种古文化事象。

    The culture of TiMa is ancient culture appearance by various rits and offers a sacrifices to gods or ancestors .

  28. 民俗文化的地方传承也就是在历史上被一再建构的地方性象征体系,其中若干重要文化事象具有标志性意义。

    The local heritance of folk culture is the representative system that has been re-constructed over and again , among which many important cultural images bear symbolic meanings .

  29. 应中国民间文化保护与立法之需,凡主要在中国少数民族民众生活圈内经久传承,并被其较广社会面奉为一统的文化事象,均可界定作少数民族民间文化。

    All those cultural events which are spread in the circle of Chinese ethnic minorities and are accepted are referred to as " ethnic minority 's folk culture " .

  30. 而在壮族文化根系中,首先是其重生文化根系,它表现为对生命之根、生命本源的独特看法和理解,从而形成了壮族色彩斑斓的古代文化事象。

    Zhuang cultural roots are characterized as treasuring all living , and this shows Zhuang unique view towards life and the source of life . Culture Hospital culture is an important position in hospital .