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wén sī mǐn jié
  • 熟语have a ready pen
  1. 而且文思敏捷,文采华美,散文写得典雅清峻,文气贯通,善于取譬和概括,不仅继承曹操散文的自觉性,而且影响了六朝华丽畅达的文风。

    His essays are elegant and smooth with comparisons and summaries not only inheriting the self consciousness but also influencing the elegant and smooth literary creations of the six dynasties .

  2. 另一方面,他又才华横溢,文思敏捷,写下了大量的诗歌,成了蒙古国初期仅有的诗人之一。

    On the other hand , because of his superb talent am sharp literary thoughts , he wrote a great amount of poems and songs . Thus , he became one of several poets in early Mongolia .

  3. 他文思敏捷、才华横溢,有大量作品传世,无论是诗歌、小说、还是戏剧等文体,都取得了较高的艺术成就。

    His thought is very agile , scintillation , and has massive outstanding works which was handed down for generations , regardless of his poetry , his novel , his literary and so on all achieves very high artistic achievement .