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zhāng tiē
  • post;put up;post up;plaster;fly-post
张贴 [zhāng tiē]
  • [post; put up]在公开场所贴出

  • 把通知张贴布告牌上

张贴[zhāng tiē]
  1. 禁止张贴!

    Post no bills !

  2. “现在,当我在网上张贴他的照片时,我会给他看照片,并征得他的同意。”

    " Now when I post a photo of him online , I show him the photo and get his okay . "

  3. 布告牌上张贴了这封信的内容。

    A copy of the letter was posted on the noticeboard .

  4. 激进分子张贴起海报批评左翼领袖。

    Activists pasted up posters criticizing the leftist leaders .

  5. 他们在城里到处张贴谴责她当选的海报。

    They plastered the city with posters condemning her election

  6. 请勿张贴!

    Stick no bills !

  7. 她一直在网上张贴他的照片而没有征得他的同意。

    She had been posting photos of him online without asking his permission .

  8. 我把海报张贴在走廊和教室里。

    I put up my posters in hallways and in the classroom .

  9. 在高速公路服务站张贴着多种语言的告示,告知外国游客注意事项。

    Notices in several languages have been put up at motorway service stations to warn foreign visitors of the rules .

  10. 越来越多的人喜欢在汽车后窗张贴各类图释或标语。

    There are different types of posters people like to put on their rear windows .

  11. 博客是Web日志,个人或团队可以将所有与某个主题相关的信息都张贴在这里。

    A blog is a Web log , where an individual or a team can post all information relevant to a topic .

  12. 您可以选择提交,张贴和展示任何材料或通过CO。

    You may choose to submit , post , and display any materials on or through the CO.

  13. 许多专家都将他们的shell配置张贴在Github上。

    Many experts post their shell configurations on Github .

  14. 我无法通过Java来检测到最后修改目录是什么时候(如果您有变通的方法,请张贴到这个邮件列表中)。

    From Java I cannot detect when a directory was last modified ( please post to the list if you have a workaround ) .

  15. 毕竟,您不希望某些Blog作者在您的站点上张贴谩骂或攻击性的语言或图像。

    After all , you don 't want some blogger to post abusive or offensive language or images on your site .

  16. 您在access数据库中使用查询生成每天一次或每周一次的状态报告,而且您想按固定时间间隔将结果张贴到您的网站之一。

    You use queries in an access database to generate daily or weekly status reports , and you want to post the results to one of your sites at regular intervals .

  17. 您只需要检查action变量是从张贴数据提取的和被Ajax表单张贴发送的,就可以确定了。

    You can make this determination simply by checking the action variable that was extracted from the post data and sent by the Ajax form post .

  18. 是的,但我会张贴在我们的英语角这个QQ群。

    Yes , but I will post this in our English corner QQ groups .

  19. 上海上市的房地产开发商保利房地产(集团)股份有限公司(PolyRealEstateGroup)最近在全市张贴保利?罗兰香谷(CharmingLand)的红色宣传海报,这是该公司在杭州郊区的住宅项目之一。

    Shanghai-listed property developer Poly Real Estate Group recently put up red promotion posters around the city for Charming Land , one of its housing projects in Hangzhou 's suburbs .

  20. 您或第三方授权者,并酌情保留所有专利,商标和版权的任何内容提交,张贴或显示的或通过CO。

    You or a third party licensor , as appropriate , retain all patent , trademark and copyright to any Content you submit , post or display on or through CO.

  21. 波士顿大学学生“莎拉(sarah)”会给她死于2005年11月的前男友安德鲁(andrew)张贴facebook信息。

    One Bu student , " Sarah " , Posts Facebook messages to her former boyfriend Andrew , who died in November 2005 .

  22. 位于英格兰西北部沃灵顿的BankQuay车站最近在落客区张贴了这个“禁吻”标识。沃灵顿位于利物浦和曼彻斯特之间。

    The sign has gone up at thedrop-off point at Warrington Bank Quay station in the town of Warrington , between Liverpool and Manchester in northwest England .

  23. 用户们在他们张贴到YouTube上的自制视频中,仍在争论出售YouTube的决定是否正确。

    In their home-made videos posted on YouTube , users are still debating the merits of the decision to sell .

  24. 前述的很多著名Web站点和博客认识到了Digg的重要性,在张贴文章和故事的Web页面上包含了Digg图标。

    Many of the aforementioned reputable Web sites and blogs recognize the importance of Digg by including its icon on Web pages where articles and stories are posted .

  25. 年轻女孩常在网上张贴自己撅嘴和PS过的大眼睛卡通式照片。照片上他们戴着厚厚的眼镜,身着日韩系哥特或者朋克风格的性感衣服。

    Young women often post cartoon-like pictures of themselves with pursed lips , Photoshop-enlarged eyes while wearing chunky glasses , sexy Goth and punk styles borrowed from Japan and Korea .

  26. 一旦会议基本规则建立起来了,就应该把规则写到活动挂图纸(flipchartpaper)上,并张贴在人人都能看见的墙上。

    Once the ground-rules for the meeting are established then they should be written up on flipchart paper and posted on the wall where everyone can see them .

  27. Wiki提供一种协作创作环境,团队可以在这里集体讨论一个想法、讨论一个主题或者张贴有用的信息。

    A wiki provides a collaborative authoring environment where a team can brainstorm about an idea , discuss a topic , or post useful information .

  28. 我帮助维护的一个Wiki最近不断遭到恶意破坏,迫使我们做出了有些不受欢迎的回应,要求所有张贴者拥有一个用户帐号。

    A Wiki I help maintain recently suffered repeated vandalism that forced us to the somewhat undesirable response of requiring user accounts for all posters .

  29. 当CDUniverse拒绝支付赎金时,Maxus就公开张贴了这些信用卡号-这损害了CDUniverse的顾客并使这些顾客有合理的理由转而光顾其它商店。

    When CD Universe refused to pay , Maxus publicly posted the numbers & harming CD Universe 's customers and giving them a good reason to shop elsewhere .

  30. NNTPChecker组件获取NTTP服务器上指定新闻组的最新张贴内容。

    The NNTP Checker component gets the latest posts to a specified newsgroup on an NNTP server .