
  • 网络modified asphalt;sbs;modified bitumen;sma
  1. SBS乳化改性沥青具有较好的渗透性、抗疲劳性和防水性,在路面裂缝治理中取得良好效果。

    With desirable permeability , fatigue resistance and watertightness , SBS modified asphalt emulsion has been used in pavement cracking control effectively .

  2. PE改性沥青理论分析及其试验研究

    The Theoretic Analysis and Experimental Study on PE Modified Asphalt

  3. PLC在改性沥青设备自动控制系统中的应用

    Application of PLC on Autocontrol System of Modification Bitumen Device

  4. 基于IR光谱法解析环氧树脂改性沥青老化机理

    Analysis of ageing mechanism of epoxy resin-modified asphalt based on Infrared Spectrometry

  5. 包装废PE改性沥青旋转薄膜烘箱老化试验

    The Rotating Film Oven Test of the Modified Asphalt by Waste-PE in Packaging

  6. 用DSC研究改性沥青体系的热储存稳定性

    Study on hot storage stability of SBS modified asphalt system by DSC

  7. SBS改性沥青防水卷材屋面工程的设计与施工

    The design and construction of SBS modified bitumen water-proof rolling material

  8. 反应性助剂对SBS改性沥青流变性能的影响

    Effect of Reactive Assistant on Rheological Properties of SBS Modified Bitumens

  9. SBR改性沥青混合料紫外光照老化分析

    Analysis of the Ultraviolet Aging of SBR Modified Asphalt Mixture

  10. SBS改性沥青拌和与压实温度的确定

    Determination of Mixing and Compaction Temperatures of SBS Modified Asphalt

  11. SBS改性沥青中试装置工艺流程的研究

    The study of SBS modified asphalt pilot plant process flow

  12. 分子模拟在SBS改性沥青中的应用

    Application of molecular simulation for study of SBS modified asphalt

  13. SBS剂量对改性沥青性质的影响

    Effect of different dosage SBS on properties of modified asphalt

  14. 道桥用弹性体(SBS)改性沥青防水卷材的开发

    Development of SBS modified asphalt waterproofing membrane for road and bridge construction

  15. SBS改性沥青油毡的现状与发展前景

    Present situation and developmental prospect of SBS modified asphalt felt

  16. SBS改性沥青在内蒙古高寒地区的应用

    Application of modified asphalt in the high and cold area

  17. 稳定剂对SBS改性沥青储存稳定性的影响

    Influences of stabilizer on storage stability of SBS modified asphalt

  18. SBS改性沥青低温粘度的动态剪切流变测试方法

    Low-temperature Viscosity Determination of SBS Modified Asphalt with Dynamic Shear Rheometer Method

  19. 应用玻璃化转变温度评价SBS改性沥青低温性能

    Evaluation for Low Temperature Performance of SBS Modified Asphalt Using Glass Transition Temperature

  20. SBS改性沥青性能及老化的影响

    Performance of SBS Modified Asphalt and Influence of Aging

  21. 聚合物SBS改性沥青技术的开发与应用

    Development and application of polymer SBS Modified Asphalt Technology

  22. 刍议SBS改性沥青的延度性质

    A Rustics opinion on ductility of SBS modified asphalts

  23. SBR与亚微米核壳橡胶粒子协同改性沥青

    SBR and sub-micron core-shell rubber particles modified asphalt

  24. SBS微观分散状态与改性沥青性能的关系

    Relationship Between the Micro Disperse State of SBS and the Performance of Modified Asphalt

  25. SBS改性沥青离析测定法的启示

    Enlightenment from Determining Separation of SBS Modified Asphalt

  26. 有机膨润土复配SBS改性沥青的动态力学性能研究

    Study on the dynamic mechanical properties of asphalt modified by organo-bentonite / sbs complex

  27. 结果表明SBS化学改性沥青的性能更为优越。

    The results show that the performance of SBS chemical modified asphalt is better .

  28. SBS母粒法改性沥青的研制及生产

    Preparation and production of asphalt modified by SBS

  29. 路面维修罩面工程中SBS改性沥青防水层的应用

    The Application Technology of SBS Modified Asphalt Water-proof Layer in Asphalt Pavement Overlays Projects

  30. 改善SBS改性沥青储存稳定性的措施与机理分析

    Measures and Mechanism Analysis of Improving the Storage Stability of Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Polymer Modified Asphalt