
gǎi zhuāng
  • refit;repack;reequip;repackage;change one's costume;change one's costume or dress
改装 [gǎi zhuāng]
  • (1) [refit;reequip]∶改变设备原来的结构、装置

  • 自行车已改装成小三轮车

  • (2) [repackage;repack]∶改变包装

  • (3) [change one's costume]∶改变装束

改装[gǎi zhuāng]
  1. 这些工具多数已经过特别改装,供残疾人使用。

    Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people .

  2. 他担任过改装赛车大赛的主持人。

    He acted as grand marshal of a stock car race .

  3. 车辆已改装过以适应沙漠的环境。

    The vehicles have been modified to suit conditions in the desert .

  4. 我把阁楼卧室改装成了工作室。

    I outfitted an attic bedroom as a studio .

  5. 帕特里克需要使用专门改装过的计算机设备。

    Patrick needs to use specially adapted computer equipment

  6. 将车改装一下,使用无铅汽油,这样可以省钱。

    Save money by converting your car to unleaded

  7. 如果空间有限,就选择一些不会把房间占得很满的可改装家具。

    If space is at a premium , choose adaptable furniture that won 't fill the room .

  8. 拆除机翼和机尾,将飞机改装成汽车,前后要花15分钟。

    It takes 15 minutes to convert the plane into a car by removing the wings and the tail

  9. 他16岁的时候有了第一部车,是一部迷你车,被他改装后撞坏了。

    He had his first car at sixteen , a Mini , which he souped up and crashed .

  10. 鲍勃改装了旧汽车,这样他的儿子便能使用。

    Bob adapted his old car so his son could use it .

  11. 这机器是为水下使用而特别改装的。

    This machine has been specially adapted for use underwater .

  12. 改装车辅助装置四杆机构的CAD

    CAD of Four-Link Mechanis of Refitted Trucks

  13. 随动系统数字化改装中PWM系统的研究

    Study on PWM system in the digitalization of a servo system

  14. 991(II)型海缆船更新埋设设备的改装设计

    Conversion design for cable burial equipment of Type 991 ( II ) cable layer

  15. 用CNC技术改装旧机床

    To Upgrade Old Machines by Using CNC Technology

  16. 电控汽油机改装LPG发动机试验研究

    Experimental Study on LPG Engine Refitted from Electronic Control Gas Engine

  17. 改装DR比普通摄影有着不可比拟的优势,且成本低廉,特别适合于中小型医院,值得推广应用。

    It is the opportunity to promote and applied the refitted DR in the medium and small scale hospitals .

  18. 单缸直喷柴油机燃烧LPG的改装设计及燃烧过程研究

    Development of LPG engine based on the single-cylinder direct injection diesel engine and investigation of its combustion process

  19. 改装简易脉冲TIG焊机

    Improving of Pulse TIG Welding Machine

  20. 经改装后,可以从实验得到的气体流速v与压降△P曲线关系图中很容易地获得。

    It is difficult to be measured exactly by the pressure gauge , but we can find it on the V-AP diagrammatic curve which we obtain by refited experiment .

  21. 本文进行了对模具表面离子镀TiN薄膜的研究,本实验采用直流二极型离子镀,实验设备是由一台真空镀膜机改装而成。

    Type ⅱ electrode dc ion plating was adopted in this experiment . A vacumm coating machine was refitted as the experimental equipment .

  22. 根据X射线衍射仪的结构特点,通过巧妙而简易的改装,增添了同步照相新功能。

    In line with the practical usage , the current X _ ray diffractometer can be retrofitted to acquire an additional function of ″ synchronous photography ″ .

  23. 经对SC-3A型气相色谱仪改装,并利用其改装后新的三柱串联双检测系统进行了一系列分离条件试验选择。

    A Sc-3A type gas chromatographic instrument is modified and the chromatographic separation conditions are optimized .

  24. 不用改装车载音响,就可以欣赏到音质与MP3、MD、CD等比美的高品质音乐。

    No need to change any original equipments , you can still enjoy high-quality music same as MP3 , CD and MD.

  25. 采用CO2点焊工艺生产WA300&1型装载机,确定了焊接规范和工艺参数,并对CO2焊接设备进行了改装,同时讨论了焊接缺陷的产生及控制方法。

    Use The CO_2 spot welding technology to manufacture WA 300 & 1 loader . The welding standards and condition were determined . The CO_2 welding machine was improved .

  26. 非法改装的消息&伪造来自有效用户的消息,如通过使用“中间人(ManintheMiddle)”来获得一个有效的消息,然后对其进行修改并发送一个不同的消息。

    Falsified message & Faking that a message is from a valid user , such as by using Man in the Middle to gain a valid message , and then modifying it to send a different message .

  27. 采用改装上流式反应器,通过实验室模拟试验,研究了pH、硫化物浓度、气提速率等因素对厌氧酸化污泥吸附制革脱毛废液中硫化物的影响。

    The factors that influence the sulfide distribution of dehairing wastewater in acidification sludge were studied in modified up-flow reactor , for example , pH , the sulfide concentration and gas stripping rate etc.

  28. 油轮改装FPSO市场分析

    Market Analysis of FPSO Modification

  29. 来自美国宾夕法尼亚州一所中学的学生团队进入了决赛,他们将一辆福特福克斯(FordFocus)改装成使用锂电池的油电混合动力车。

    In the group of finalists was a team from a Pennsylvania high school & the students submitted a hybrid gasoline-electric c a r using lithium-ion batteries based on a modified Ford Focus .

  30. 鉴于LNGV改装技术的现状,不提倡对在用车进行改装,而应加大力度,逐步推广单燃料LNG汽车。

    In the light of current LNG-vehicles retrofit technology level , LNG-vehicles should be gradually popularized , whereas upgrading on the current LPG vehicle is not supported .