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gǎi háng
  • divert;change one's profession;take up another calling
改行 [gǎi háng]
  • [take up another calling;change one's profession] 转行;从原有行业转而从事新行业

  • 他大学里主修法律但后来改行搞经济工作了

改行[gǎi háng]
  1. 使(工作等)改行把水从河里引入田间把资金拨充其他用途我们怎样才能使他不再想到她可悲的损失?

    vt. divert water from a river into the fields divert the funds to some other purpose How can we divert her thoughts from her sad loss ?

  2. 沿利南道北行及鸭洲桥道西行前往海怡路的受影响驾驶人士,可改行鸭洲桥道西行及怡南路南行。

    Affected motorists on Ap Lei Chau Bridge Road westbound heading to South horizon drive are advised to divert via Ap Lei Chau Bridge Road westbound and Yi Nam road southbound .

  3. 他开始当过教师,后来改行搞起了新闻。

    He started life as a teacher before turning to journalism .

  4. 他原是学建筑的,中途改行搞地质了。

    At first he studied architecture , but later he switched to geology .

  5. 前几年改行做其他工作的教师,现已逐渐归队。

    Those teachers who took other jobs in past years are now gradually returning to their teaching posts .

  6. 在视频获得了近300万次的观看量之后,她辞掉了工作,改行以自由式轮滑为职业。

    Almost three million views later , she 's given up her job and made freestyle roller-skating her career .

  7. 50年前的这个月,一位著名的英国化学家改行的小说家C·P·斯诺在剑桥大学作了一场演讲。

    Fifty years ago this month C.P.Snow , an eminent British chemist-turned-novelist , gave a lecture at the University of Cambridge .

  8. 结果A组行单纯肾切除者17例,另5例因肾周严重粘连改行包膜下肾切除。B组改行包膜下肾切除者7例。

    Results In group A , 17 cases underwent simple nephrectomy and 5 underwent conversion to subcapsular nephrectomy because of severe perinephric adhesion ;

  9. 只有30%改行,而全日制MBA学员却有近三分之二改行。

    Only 30 per cent changed industry sector compared with nearly two-thirds of full-time MBA students .

  10. 同样大赚特赚的还有北加州的迈克尔?伯里(MichaelBurry),他以前是医生,后来改行做了股票投资人,患有亚斯伯格综合症(Asperger'ssyndrome)。

    So did Michael Burry , a doctor-turned-stock investor in northern California with Asperger 's syndrome .

  11. 促排卵中多卵泡发育者改行IVF-ET的分析

    Analysis of IVF-ET in patients with multi-follicle development induced ovulation

  12. 2007年,Ken被剑桥大学数学系录取,但没过多久就直接辍学改行做起了专业扑克玩家。

    Ken studied mathematics at Cambridge University since 2007 but soon dropped out to become a professional poker player .

  13. 希拉里托马斯(hilarythomas)开始考虑改行时,已在医疗领域取得了杰出的职业成就,她曾担任过临床医生、学者和医疗管理人员。

    Hilary Thomas had a distinguished career in medicine as a clinician , academic and medical manager when she started to think about a career switch .

  14. 目前对NSCLC靶向治疗继发性耐药后的治疗尚无统一定论,改行化疗仍是其有效的治疗方法之一。

    Now , turning to chemotherapy is still one of the effective treatments while there is no final conclusion of the treatment after secondary resistance of targeted treatment in NSCLC .

  15. 兰德里•菲尔兹(LandryFields)则在帕洛阿尔托(PaloAlto)创办了一家风投基金,阿玛雷改行当了消防员,J.R.史密斯(J.R.Smith)则当上了参议员。

    Landry Fields started a venture capital fund in Palo Alto . Amar'e had become a firefighter . J.R. Smith was now a U.S. senator .

  16. Valerie也许可能在第二年去找同一个领域另一份工作,但是,相反,她选择改行。

    Valerie might have spent the following year searching for another job in the same field , but instead chose to make a career change .

  17. 结果32例患者中28例均成功通过ERCP置入可膨式金属支架,3例改行PTCD后再经窦道放入金属支架,成功率96.88%,1例行两种处理方法均未能成功;

    [ Results ] Of 32 patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma , 28 were placed expandable metal biliary stents via ERCP ; 3 via PTCD after it faied . The success rate was 96.88 % .

  18. 使这些人改行成为可能的FME基金是一个公益机构,成立于1960年,资金来源于企业捐款,目的是帮助发展英国的管理教育制度、技能和知识。

    The FME , which made these career changes possible , is a charity founded in 1960 and funded by corporate donations to help develop management education institutions , skills and knowledge in the UK .

  19. 结果1例改行开放髂内动脉置泵,9例手术成功。手术时间40 ̄120min,平均65min。

    [ Results ] 1 cases was failure , 9 cases were success , the operation time was 40 ~ 120 minutes and with average time was 65 minutes .

  20. 对照组Scr,BUN明显上升,血浆白蛋白(AUB)下降,尿量减少,临床症状加重,与治疗前比较差异显著(P0·01),有5例患者到了尿毒症期而改行血透治疗。

    In the control one , Scr and BUN increased much , AUB lowered , urine decreased , the clinical symptoms worsened , 5 cases developed to uremia and needed blood dialysis ; there 's marked difference between the 2 groups ( P0.01 ) .

  21. 我厌倦了学习,改行教书去了。

    I got tired of studying , but changed to teaching .

  22. 改行去卖机油,或其他的事。

    I 'll sell motor oil . I 'll do something .

  23. 泌尿外科腹腔镜手术改行开放手术的原因浅析

    Analysis of the causes of laparoscopic converted to open surgery in urology

  24. 他受过演员的训练,但改行做了外交工作。

    He was trained as an actor , but diverted to diplomacy .

  25. 专攻恒星内部的理论家们都想改行去搞更能引起争议的问题。

    Theorists specializing in stellar interiors were turning to more challenging problems .

  26. 他对教书感到了厌倦,于是改行。

    He got tired of teaching ans switched to painting .

  27. 如果我改行,我的技能就会浪费了

    If I change careers my skills will go to waste

  28. 我猜测他会对改行经营后悔的。

    I hazard the conjecture that he will regret having changed his business .

  29. 大多数领域越来越高的专业化程度使改行很难实现。

    The increasing degree of specialism in most fields makes career changes difficult .

  30. 英国于1971年改行十进制货币体系。

    Britain converted to a decimal currency system in1971 .