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  • rename;change a name or title
改称 [gǎi chēng]
  • [change one's name] 改变名称

  • 袁世凯称帝后,把中华民国改称中华帝国

  1. 工党于20世纪90年代重塑形象,改称新工党。

    In the 1990s the Labour Party rebranded itself as New Labour .

  2. 该组织现在呼吁人们采取更多行动来减少塑料垃圾。环保组织称,我们其实应把环保购物袋改称为“一周环保袋”,因为使用量太大。

    Environmental groups say we should really call them ' bags for a week ' because we use so many of them .

  3. 如果你不能用这些气候变化现象作为全球变暖的确切证据,或许你应该改称其为“全球异常”。

    If you can ’ t exactly point to the climate changes as evidence of global warming , perhaps you can call it global weirding .

  4. 考虑到不同标准之间术语的一致性,建议相关的标准技术委员会在修订标准时将第13章的泄漏电流(leakagecurrent)改称为接触电流(touchcurrent)。

    In order to uniform the terms among different standards , it is suggested to rename the term leakage current in clause 13 to touch current in next amendment of standard .

  5. 目前,世界上许多国家美术学科的名称有了改变,其中,美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国已把美术(ART)改称为视觉艺术(VISUALARTS)。

    At present , the name of the art subject has changed . In the US , Canada , Australia , New Zealand , etc , The term ARThas changed into VISUAL ARTS .

  6. 根据世卫组织的指导方针,流感病毒改称甲型H1N1型病毒。

    The name of the flu virus was changed to influenza A ( H1N1 ) to reflect WHO guidelines .

  7. 我们同时又修改了本病的诊断指标,改称本病为SJAMP诱导聚集缺陷症。

    And we propose to revise the diagnostic criteria and to term SJAMP-induced platelet aggregation defect .

  8. 该公司已称作是“大布告”,但这些原来是改称现有GT200系列GPU的版本,只有在新的个人电脑上,而不是在零售外接板。

    The company had billed this as a " major announcement ," but these turned out to be renamed versions of existing GT200 series GPUs , and available only in new PCs , not in retail add-in-boards .

  9. 因为这个缘故,老百姓便把巴掌菌改称为‘虎掌菌’。

    Later on people calls it " tiger palm fungi . "

  10. 但宋朝忌讳玄字,因而改称真武。

    However , Hyun Song taboo words , which was renamed Zhenwu .

  11. 香港城市理工学院〔改称香港城市大学〕

    City Polytechnic of Hong Kong [ retitled as City University of Hong Kong ]

  12. 不久,粤北行政公署改称韶关专区。

    Soon , the Civil Administration was renamed the northern part of Guangdong Shaoguan area .

  13. 即将改称小姐的太太

    Mrs , soon to be Miss

  14. 1983年改忻县为忻州市(县级市),改称忻州行署。

    Xin changed in1983 the city of Xinzhou County ( county-level cities ), renamed Xinzhou prefecture .

  15. 党的领导机关:支部干事会改称委员会。

    The leading bodies of the Party . The branch executive has been renamed the branch committee .

  16. 现在,在许多严肃场合改称为“不同能力的人”。

    But now , on many formal occasions , people use the phrase " differently abled " .

  17. 他们不愿称它们为贫民窟,而改称为公寓。

    They did not want to call them tenements , so they called them apartment buildings instead .

  18. 基地为了纪念这位将军,不久改称“塔维斯空军基地”。

    The base was soon renamed " Travis Air Force Base " in honor of the general .

  19. 不久,临时大学又迁到昆明,改称国立西南联合大学。

    Soon , they move to provisional University Kunming , known as the National Southwest Associated University .

  20. 教育评价质的飞跃:“差生”改称“潜能生”

    A qualitative leap in educational evaluation : change " underachievers " into " students with untapped potentialities "

  21. 两军的将领都曾仔细研究过圣约翰山平原枣今日已改称滑铁卢平原。

    The two generals had attentively studied the plain of Mont-Saint-Jean , now called the plain of Waterloo .

  22. 渔农处自二零零零年一月一日起改称渔农自然护理署。

    The department has been renamed the Agriculture , Fisheries and Conservation Department with effect from January 1 , 2000 .

  23. 塞尔维亚―克罗地亚―斯洛文尼亚王国建立于1918年,1929改称南斯拉夫王国。

    The Kingdom of Serbs , Croats , and Slovenes was formed in1918 ; its name was changed to Yugoslavia in1929 .

  24. 建议降解塑料应改称为易降解塑料,或可控降解塑料。

    It is suggested that the name of degradable plastics should be changed into easy degradation plastics , or controllable degradation plastics .

  25. 为了强调材料-产品链的后端部分,本文将材料-产品链改称为材料-产品-消费残余链。

    In order to emphasize the rear of material-product chain , this dissertation renames the material-product chain as the material-product-consumption residue chain .

  26. 十年后,国家环境保护局升格为正部级机构,改称国家环境保护总局。

    Ten years after that , NEPA was renamed State Environmental Protection Administration of China , with the same level of ministry .

  27. 这一改称反映出文人阶层对文人南戏价值品格的认定,而选用传奇称名也有其文学渊源和戏剧观念背景。

    As an adaptation for the literati 's literature-focused Nanxi drama ," Chuanqi " reflects the concept of drama of that time .

  28. 因为这个名称只包含了两个民族,后来这个地区又改称西北自治区。

    Because the name included only two ethnic groups , the region was later changed to the Autonomous Area of the Northwest .

  29. 清代顺治元年更名靖远卫,雍正八年改称靖远县。

    Junji the first year of the Qing Dynasty changed its name Wei Jingyuan , Yongzheng was renamed eight years Jingyuan County .

  30. 会议决定由欧洲足联亲自组织这项比赛,并将比赛改称为欧洲冠军杯,不再使用原称欧洲俱乐部杯赛。

    UEFA decided that it would organize the contest and rename as the European Champions League instead of the original European Club Championship .