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  • 网络Great fortitude;GreatFortitude
  1. 它们刚毅不屈似乎在向苍穹挑战。

    All not bending , as if built to challenge the elements .

  2. 他们始终刚毅不屈地坚持自己的计划,最后它终于被接纳了。

    They put up a sturdy defence of their proposal , and it was finally accepted .

  3. 伯纳.蒙哥马利是英国陆军元帅,一九四五年接受德国投降。温斯顿.邱吉尔说他「撤退时刚毅不屈,前进时无坚不摧,胜利时狂妄不堪」。

    Bernard Montgomery , British Field Marshal who accepted the German surrender in1945 , was according to Winston Churchill " indomitable in retreat , invincible in advance , and insufferable in victory " .