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xiāng jìn
  • be similar to;close;near;in the neighbourhood of
相近 [xiāng jìn]
  • (1) [be similar to]∶彼此近似;差不多

  • 长相相近

  • 己与三相近。--《吕氏春秋.慎行论》

  • (2) [near]∶相距不远

相近[xiāng jìn]
  1. 比分相近。

    The score was very close .

  2. 然而在内心深处,我们知道自己做得到,我们的心灵——或者说那些与我们相近的心灵——总会说我们做不到。

    While , deep down , we know we can do it , our mind — or the minds of those close to us — usually says we can 't .

  3. 与英语不同,西班牙语的拼写与发音相近。

    Spanish spelling is phonetic , unlike English spelling .

  4. 这个数字与去年同期的4%升幅相近。

    This compares with a 4 % increase for the same period last year .

  5. 日本人从未制造过与此描述有丝毫相近的飞机。

    The Japanese never built any aircraft remotely answering to this description .

  6. 两人性格相近。

    The two are similar in personality .

  7. 诗歌与音乐相近。

    Poetry belongs with music .

  8. 黑猩猩被认为和我们血统最相近的动物。

    The chimpanzee is thought to be our closest animal relative .

  9. Natural(天然等同)相近。天然保湿剂的合成及应用研究

    The Preparation and Application Research of Natural Moisture Retention Reagent

  10. 维吾尔、哈萨克群体间上述的频率无显著性差异(P>0.05),支持了两民族遗传上的相近性。

    There is no significant difference between Uigur and Kazak ( P0.05 ) .

  11. Natural(天然等同)相近。论人工智能与自然智能的关系

    The Relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Natural Intelligence

  12. Natural(天然等同)相近。切割刀片宽度增加,固有频率下降;

    With the increase of blade width , the natural frequency of booster and blade decreases .

  13. 药量和距离对盒维数拟合直线方程参数b的影响明显,且其关系与场地衰减指数α对爆破地震波峰值强度的作用相近。

    The effects of explosive charge and the measurement distance on the parameter b are obvious .

  14. B彩对病变的诊断准确率与黑白灰阶显示的结果相近,统计学无显著差异。

    The correct rates of diagnosis were no significant differences between color scale ultrasound and white-black ultrasound .

  15. 最适作用pH为9.0,与水溶液中相近。

    The optimum pH was 9.0 , nearly the same with that in aqueous solution .

  16. 结果A、B两组间相同药物不同时机吸入时结果相近。

    Results The results between A and B groups were similar when the same drug was inhaled at different time .

  17. 18例患者(23个病灶)超声造影结果与增强CT检查结果相近。

    And the result of 18 patients ( 23 lesions ) with contrast-enhanced ultrasound was similar to enhanced CT .

  18. La,Ce的加入对电子的自旋轨道散射有相近的影响。

    La , Ce additives have similar influence on spin - orbit scattering .

  19. 小鼠子宫IL-2的含量各组相近(p0.05)。

    The contents of IL-2 in uterus or serum were close in each group ( p0.05 ) .

  20. 利用crosschecker2.8和MEGA3软件对供试的啤麦品种进行遗传聚类分析,结果与传统分类相近。

    The dendrograms of the 7 tested cultivars by the application of Cross Checker 2.8 and MEGA 3 softwares were consistent with the traditional classification result .

  21. VA,V(B1)含量与人奶相近。

    The content of vitamin A and vitamin B1 in horse milk is approximate to that in human milk .

  22. 在pH值相近的情况下,木粉与胶的混合物固化时间随木材缓冲性能的增加而缩短;

    Under the condition of having similar pH value , gel-time of mixture of UF resin with wood flour decreased as buffer capacity of the wood flour increased ;

  23. 结论奎硫平短期治疗AD和VD均有效,且疗效相近。

    Conclusion Short-term quetiapine therapy is efficient in the treatment of BPS in both AD and VD with similar therapeutic effects .

  24. 为充分利用卷烟企业卷烟烟气常规检测数据,采用主成分分析、Z分数标准化、方差分析和多重比较以及模糊相近优先比等相结合的统计方法对卷烟烟气常规检测数据进行了分析。

    In order to make full use of the routine test data of cigarette smoke , the data was analyzed with various statistical methods .

  25. 24周龄SHR心率与正常大鼠相近,而左心室重量指数显著增高,同时发现24周龄SHR的右心室与左心室有同比例肥大。

    We also found the right ventricular had the same rate hypertrophy with the left ventricular .

  26. 采用标准的3mmP阱CMOS工艺进行了流片,测试结果与模拟情况相近。

    Using standard 3 mm P-Well CMOS technology , the proposed amplifier is fabricated , and the measurement results are closed to the simulation .

  27. 相同或相近成熟度源岩形成的煤成气的甲烷及其同系物的δ~(13)C值比油型气的对应组份的δ~(13)C值重;

    The δ ~ ( 13 ) C values of methane and its homologues of coaliferous gas are heavier than that of corresponding component of petroliferous gas from source rocks with the same or similar maturity .

  28. 得到了M集中都存在着由坏点组成的经典M集,M-J集中存在具有伪3D效果且与对应陷阱单元形状相近的大小不同的彩色元素并具有自相似特征等结果。

    In M-J set , there is various 3D self-similarity color cell that corresponds with the shape of trap unit .

  29. 施主含量不同的BaTiO3陶瓷在H2气氛中烧结后具有相近的平均晶粒直径。

    After sintering in H_2 atmosphere , BaTiO_3 ceramics with different donor content have got similar grain size .

  30. 对于过滤大气模式,d,Δp,Δt的值和世界气象组织对全球观测系统所要求的相近;

    For the filtered model , the values of d , of Δ p and of Δ t , in general , come near those required in the MANUAL ON THE GLOBAL OBSERVING SYSTEM published in 1980 by WMO .