
xiānɡ dé
  • get along well
相得 [xiāng de]
  • [get along well;be congenial] 互相投合,相处得很好

  • 与公甚相得。--明. 崔铣《记王忠肃公翱三事》

  1. 包公与仁宗作为古代君臣相得的典范,获得了社会文化的广泛认同。

    BaoGong , take as the nonesuch of ancient people , gains the self-identify of social culture .

  2. 那时候,让我对他好好端相一番,说不定结果我们还会成为一对极其相得的睡伴呢…谁说得准。

    I 'll have a good look at him then , and perhaps we may become jolly good bedfellows after all -- there 's no telling .

  3. 中国武术体用思想中的“动静相得观”是在长期的发展过程中形成的。

    The Chinese Wushu uses the thought inside of " the action gets the view mutually " is what become in over a long period of time of development process .

  4. 法国藉此重新确认其在欧洲政治的中心位置,并拉开法与美、英等不甚相得的盟友距离。

    It was a way to reassert France 's centrality in European politics and to take his distance from his somewhat reluctant allies , the United States and Great Britain .

  5. 我们站在猛烈摇晃的船头斜桅边,全然陶醉在这种摇曳生姿的景色中,一时间没有注意到那些旅客的揶揄的眼色,他们象是一群未出过海的人,看到这两个家伙竟会这样相得,不禁大为诧异;

    So full of this reeling scene were we , as we stood by the plunging bowsprit , that for some time we did not notice the jeering glances of the passengers , a lubber-like assembly , who marvelled that two fellow beings should be so companionable ;

  6. 第四部分论述了唐婚姻终止的问题,其中在婚姻终止的法定条件这个小问题中还探及了夫妻彼此因情不相得导致离婚的和离情况。

    The fourth section discusses the issue of termination of the Tang marriage , which the statutory conditions for termination of the marriage , this small problem between husband and wife is also a result of exploration and " Love can not get each other " cause for divorce .

  7. 经过震例检验,用SKKS震相测得的深度在单台定位中相对比较准确,为应用SKKS震相测准极远震深度,提高银川单台月报质量,提供了有利工具。

    Having been tested by seismic examples , the depths obtained from SKKS phase are relatively accurate and this method is a powerful tool for obtaining the depths of farthermost earthquakes accurately from SKKS phase and improving the quality of single station month report of Yinchuan Station .

  8. 蒸出过量甲醇后,萃取剩余物,有机相过滤得树脂。

    After the excess of methanol was removed by distillation , the residue was extracted .

  9. 阿格罗实际上是这幅地图的两名绘制者名字首字母相拼得来的,

    Agloe is a scrabblization of the initials of the two guys who made this map ,

  10. 甘氨酸盐缓冲液、柠檬酸盐缓冲液和硫酸铵溶液作内水相制得的阿霉素脂质体大鼠体内平均滞留时间分别为12.13,23.31和29.79h。

    Pharmacokinetic study showed that the MRT ( mean retention time ) of liposomes with glycinate buffer , citrate buffer and ammonium sulfate as the inner water phase were 12.13, 23.31 and 29.79 h , respectively .

  11. 在此优化条件下,重复试验结果表明,可将葵花籽油脂肪酸中亚油酸的含量从63.55%提高到92.45%,提高了近1.5倍;液相产品得率为15.50%。

    Under the optimal conditions , repeated test results show the total content of linoleic acid is increased from 63.55 % to 92.45 % in sunflower oil , and the yield is 15.50 % for the production of liquid part .

  12. 结果经化学法、薄层层析法鉴定,核磁共振鉴定表明芦丁样品与芦丁标准品图基本一致;高效液相测得含量98.05%。

    HPLC was used to determine the content of rutin . Results After identified by chemical way , TLC , and NMR , the results showed that the chart of the sample of rutin and the chart of standard substance were unanimous , the mean content was 98.05 % .

  13. 方法:采用逆相蒸发法制得胰岛素脂质体,并用CH和CEC进行双层包覆。

    Methods : The insulin liposome through reverse-phase evaporation was double coated with chitosan and chitosan EDTA conjugates .

  14. 将两亲聚合物添加到聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)原材料中通过相转化法制得聚合物分离膜。

    The amphiphilic polymer was blended with the poly ( vinylidene fluoride )( PVDF ) and prepared membranes by phase inversion method .

  15. 用高效液相色谱仪测得合成的多肽纯度为96.23%,在AFM和扫描电镜下可见自聚肽自组装形成纳米纤维结构。

    HPLC detection showed that the purity of synthetic peptide was 96.23 % . AFM and SEM demonstrated that the self-assemble peptide can self-assembled into nanofiber structure .

  16. 通过相转换法制得PAN-PEG-PAN微孔膜,考察不同制膜条件对微孔膜水通量、形貌的影响。

    PAN-PEG-PAN microporous membranes were prepared by the phase inversion .

  17. 以FeSO4.7H2O,NH4H2PO4和H2O2为初始原料,通过液相沉淀制得前驱体FePO4,然后通过碳热还原得到LiFePO4/C。

    LiFePO_4 was prepared by carbothermal reduction of FePO_4 which was synthesized by aqueous precipitation from FeSO_4 · 7H_2O and NH_4H_2PO_4 and hydrogen peroxide as the oxidizing agents .

  18. 合成了CDMPC手性固定相并制得手性柱,对手性农药乙氧呋草黄和稻丰散对映体具有很好的识别和拆分能力。

    The CDMPC CSP was synthesized and the chiral column was prepared which showed favorable enantiomeric recognition and separation potency .

  19. 由高效液相法测得纯度为94.67%,收率达到68%。

    Results indicated that the purity is 94.67 % with the yield up to 68 % .

  20. 阿尔巴托夫显出一副尴尬相,装得很到家,像是在吐露家里的一桩大秘事。

    Arbatov feigned embarrassment beautifully , speaking as though he were confiding a great family secret .

  21. 你相赚钱就得每日劝诱一定量的顾客签订合同。

    You have to sign up a certain number of customers each day to earn money .

  22. 最后采用半制备性液相色谱分离得绿原酸提取物,其纯度达到87.6%。

    Finally , chlorogenic acid of higher purification ( 87.6 % ) is obtained with semi-preparing liquid chromatography .

  23. 着重研究了热缩聚法中间相沥青制得的中空炭纤维的力学性能。

    Especially the mechanical properties of hollow carbon fibers prepared from thermal condensation mesophase pitch precursor were studied .

  24. 采用水相和逆相乳化法制得有机硅微乳液,并讨论了乳液的性能。

    Organic silicone microemulsion was prepared by aqueous phase and reversed phase emulsion processes , and the properties of emulsion were studied .

  25. 所以相比较恐惧得收起你的帐篷,不如驻足思考那位女士是不是拒绝了你。

    So rather than panic and fold up your tents , learn to think on your feet and deal with whatever resistance comes at you .

  26. 通过液相沉淀法制得前驱体FePO4/C,然后通过改进的碳热还原法得到LiFePO4/C。

    The precursor ( FePO_4 / C ) was prepared by aqueous precipitation method . The LiFePO_4 / C was synthesized by modified carbothermal method .

  27. 用硬脂酸凝胶法工艺合成不同配比的αFe2O3K2OB2O3复合氧化物超微粉,经液相烧结法制得多孔陶瓷材料。

    Composite oxide powders of α Fe 2O 3 K 2O B 2O 3 were synthesized by stearic acid gel method , and the porous ceramic materials were detained by the liquid phase calcination method .

  28. 本文以苯胺为原料,经乙酰化,氯磺化添加氯化亚砜,用环氧乙烷做缩合剂,酯化采用液相法,得高质量乳白色产品。

    4 - (β - sulfatoethylsulfonyl ) aniline was prepared by acetylation and chlorosulfonation ( together with addition of thionyl chloride ) of anilines , then condensing with ethylene oxide , after hydrolysis and esterification in liquid phase , a white product of high quality was obtained .

  29. 采用非均相沉淀包裹法制得Cu包SiC复合粉体。

    Cu coated SiC composite powder were made by heterogeneous precipitation coated method .

  30. 并将不对称规则采样法和载波相移技术有机得结合在一起,在单相级联H桥五电平变流器上进行了实验验证。

    Experimentation on a Single-phase cascade H bridge five-level converter verifies the method , which is the combination of asymmetry sampling and CPS-SPWM technique .