
  • 网络Kunio Yanagita;Yanagida Kunio;yanagita kunio
  1. 日本民俗学的开拓者柳田国男

    The Pathbreaker of Japan 's Folklore

  2. 柳田国男:“传说与民间故事”,东方文学研究通讯,总第7期,2002(4),第39&48页。

    Translation fromYanagita Kunio : " The Legend and the Folktale ", in Newsletter of Eastern Literature Studies , vol.7,2002 No4,39-48 .

  3. 本论文对柳田国男基于生活习俗、社会组织、民俗信仰的日本人论以及基于其“新国学”的日本民族国家论进行了考察。

    The thesis researches Yanagita 's Nihonjinron that contains lifestyle and customs , social organization , folk-custom and religious beliefs , and his " new national studies " - based Japanese national statism .