
  1. 海峡西岸经济区对台临海产业合作先行先试研究&福建霞浦县东冲半岛试验区分析

    On the Taking the Lead of Sea Front Industrial Cooperation Towards Taiwan in the West Straight Economic Zone : Analyzing the Dong-chong Peninsula Test Area in Xia-pu County , Fujian Province

  2. 川东深井冲砂工具研制及应用

    Development and application of deep sand washing tool in East Sichuan area

  3. 波浪对南汇东滩冲淤作用的初步分析

    The role of wave action in scouring and siltation processes of East Nanhui tidal flat

  4. 火南背斜是在区域北西向挤压应力作用下在火东逆冲断裂带上盘发育的逆冲高陡背斜构造。

    That fire is carried on the back in the south towards the high steep back structure developing to squeezing strain under the effect on contrary powerful fire east fracture zone in the area northern west askew .

  5. 东缘逆冲断层上盘的花岗岩向东推覆的距离为30-80km。

    The distance of the klippen movement eastwards of the granite on the upper wall of the eastern marginal thrust is 3080 km .

  6. 根据研究内地层形变的各种构造形迹,将区内构造类型划分为北北西向雁列式和北东向逆冲推覆构造两种。

    According to various structural features of stratum deformation , the structure within the zone is classified as NNW echelon structure and EN thrust-nappe structure .

  7. 长江口的台风浪及其对崇明东滩的冲淤作用近百年来渤、黄、东海陆架冲淤作用强度数值研究

    Wave caused by typhoon and its impacts on the erosion-accumulation of the eastern Chongming flat NUMERICAL STUDY ON MODERN EROSION / SEDIMENTATION INTENSITY ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELVES OF THE BOHAI SEA , YELLOW SEA AND EAST CHINA SEA

  8. 北东向的逆冲断裂形成于或主要活动于三叠纪末的盆地挤压反转作用。

    NE-trending reverse faults mainly formed on the end of Triassic because of the basin inversion .

  9. 相变带所呈现的构造变形几何学及运动学特征均显示总体运动方向为由东向西(北东到南西、南东向北西),并未有明显的由北西向南东大规模逆冲推覆的特征。

    Geometry and kinematic characteristics around Phase-change line show that the overall direction of motion is east to west , there is no obvious large-scale thrust characteristics which so-called from northwest to southeast .