
  1. 东秦岭河南伊川-湖北宜昌地学断面地壳岩石组成、化学成分及形成机制

    Petrological Model , Chemical Composition and Possible Genesis of the Crust Along Yichuan-Yichang Global Geoscience Transect ( GGT ) in East Qinling

  2. 西气东输河南至上海工程段沿线土壤扰动及其对农田生态系统的影响

    Soil Disturbance and Its Impact on Farmland Ecosystem in the Henan - Shanghai Section of Gas Pipeline Project from West to East

  3. 东与河南省林、辉二市相连,西与长治市为邻,北与平顺县隔界,南与陵川县壤。

    East and Henan Province , Lin , Hui Second City , connected to , the West and in Changzhi City neighborhood , the North and every other sector Pingshun County , South County and Lingchuan marina .

  4. 西气东输对河南液化气市场的影响

    Influence of Western Gas Transported to East to Henan LPG Market

  5. 东秦岭褶皱带河南段发现超大型金红石矿床

    Rutile Ore Deposit Found in the East Qingling Fold Belt in Henan Province , China

  6. 东濮凹陷黄河南地区具有丰富的天然气资源。

    Machang is situated at the central uplift zone in Dongpu seg abundant in natural gas in the southern area of the Yellow River .

  7. 唯有作为承东启西的河南成为坚实的支撑点,才能推进形成中国经济区域总体均衡发展态势和完整结构,全国现代化战略目标才得顺利实现。

    Only Henan which is as a advantageous transition zone between the West and the East become the solid anchor , can promote the overall balance in regional economic development trend and complete structure , then the target of national modernization strategy can be smoothly realized .