
  • 网络Dongguang;TOKO
  1. 东光株式会社为所有类型的IC进行匹配评估。

    TOKO performs matching evaluation for all types of ICs .

  2. 日本东光株式会社创立于1955年,是一家综合性电子设备制造商,专业生产线圈相关产品及电子陶瓷和半导体产品。

    TOKO , found in1955 , is a comprehensive electronic device manufacturer that provides coil-related products , as well as electro-ceramic and semiconductor products .

  3. 东光县局部土壤污染调查及污染防治对策

    Study on soil pollution and countermeasure for pollution control of Dongguang county

  4. 吉林东光精密机械厂光学棱镜产品的质量改进

    The Quality Improvement of Producing Optics Prism for Jilin Dongguang Precision Mechanics Factory

  5. 东光集团员工绩效考评体系设计

    Design on the Performance Appraisal System of Dongguang Group

  6. 现在我在台南市东光国民小学就读。

    Now I study on grade six form in Tainan Municipal Dong-guang Elementary School .

  7. 东光县交通区位优势明显。

    Dongguang County Transportation District , obvious advantages .

  8. 从某些方面来讲,东光街的生活状况并不尽如人意。

    In some ways , living conditions in Dongguan Street can appear less than perfect .

  9. 我公司就座落在该基地的中心&东光县城。

    I fell on the company took the center of the base-the county seat Dongguang .

  10. 例如,日本东光大学的一个研究小组研究了可以储存大量热量的材料。

    For example , a team at Tohoko University in Japan has studied materials that can store large amounts of heat .

  11. 东光街2000多栋房屋拆除后,万达有望在这里兴建购物中心。

    After clearing over 2000 homes on Dongguan Street , Wanda is expected to build a shopping mall in their place .

  12. 于某也是电玩技术员,同时也被绑架在东光,这一细节引起东光警方的高度重视。

    Is a particular video game technician , was also kidnapped in the eastern light , the details of the cause toko police attention .

  13. 东光县隶属河北省沧州市,位于华北平原河北省东南部黑龙港流域下游。

    Dongguang County , Cangzhou City , Hebei Province under , located in the North China Plain , Hebei Province , southeast of Heilonggang River downstream .

  14. 于某和家人联系时说他在东光,更引起警方注意的是于某也是一名电玩技术员。

    A particular contact , said he and his family in the East-ray , has attracted particular attention of the police is also a video game technician .

  15. 据刘某讲,被这伙人绑架的还有三个人,他们被关押在东光一处平房内,其中就有天津的于某。

    According to Liu speaking , there is the group kidnapped three people , they were held in a cottage in the eastern light , which have a particular Tianjin .