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  • 网络Buddhism in South East Asia
  1. 四川处于东南亚佛教文化、汉文化、西洋文化的交叉点上。

    Sichuan is on the cross point of Southeast Buddhist Culture , Han Culture and West Culture .

  2. 隋唐时期中国与东南亚的佛教文化交流

    Interflow of Buddhist Culture between China and Southeast Asia During the Sui & Tang Periods

  3. 泰国作为东南亚的受佛教传统影响很深的国家,佛教建筑发展到相当高的水平,在历史的发展中,融合多元文化形成泰式建筑风格,体现出鲜明的时代特征。

    Thailand , as a Southeast Asia country deeply influenced by Buddhism , possesses highly developed Ancient Buddhist architectures .

  4. 他终于成为当时中国西南最大,也是整个东南亚最大的佛教建筑。

    Because of the special royal relation , the Chongsheng Temple was also expanded on a scale continuously , which made it became the biggest Buddhist building in Southwest Asia .