
  • abdomen in;sucking
  1. 请站直,收腹。

    Stand straight and keep your stomach muscles in .

  2. GERD患者应避免穿紧身衣,特别是收腹的衣服。

    People with GERD should avoid wearing tight clothing , particularly around the abdomen .

  3. 体育老师说,吸气收腹。

    " Suck in the stomaches ," the gym teacher said .

  4. 小伙子们,站直了,收腹!

    Stand straight and pull your stomachs in , men !

  5. 体操老师说:深呼吸,收腹。

    Suck in those stomachs , the gym teacher said .

  6. 像战士一样挺胸收腹,年轻人!

    Pull yourselves in there , young men , look like soldiers .

  7. 收腹、挺胸、肩往后、抬起头。

    Stomach in , chest out , shoulder back , head out .

  8. 每个人注意收腹别让肘下垂

    Everyone , ribs in . Don 't let your elbows droop .

  9. 身躯短而结实,没有细腰或收腹。

    Body-Short-coupled and sturdy with no waist or tuck-up .

  10. 挺胸,收腹可以帮助你保持平衡。

    Standard stomach in , chest out posture helps you maintain your balance .

  11. 安娜:注意你的呼吸,吸气,鼓腹,呼气,收腹,双手合十放于胸前,心怀感激地低下头,合十礼。

    Bring your hands together in front of your chest . Bow your head in gratitude .

  12. 只是保持收腹就可以了,当你走路时,或等待公共汽车时,都可以做。这个姿势可以有助于你操持腹部平坦。

    Just holding your stomach in when you 're walking or waiting for the bus can help tone your belly .

  13. 收腹(让肚脐靠向脊柱),并使重心平均分布于脚掌和脚跟上。

    Draw your navel to your spine and keep your weight even on the balls of your feet and your heels .

  14. 不过,收腹之道到2006年已成为遍及英国、荷兰、加拿大和斯堪的纳维亚的1200家牛仔专售店中的一员。

    And yet , by 2006 , Tummy Tuck was in 1,200 specialist shops across the UK , Netherlands , Canada , Scandinavia .

  15. 方法腹部超声诊断输尿管中下段结石采用吸气、收腹、重压探测、交替探测等方法。

    Methods Inspiration , abdomen contraction , deeply press exploration and alternate exploration are adopted in abdominal ultrasonography to diagnose middle-lower ureteral calculi .

  16. 他抄着手挺起胸膛来。收腹、挺胸、肩往后、抬起头。

    Placing his hands in his sleeves , he raised his chest . Stomach in , chest out , shoulder back , head out .

  17. 每次练习都要先做热身,收腹,调整呼吸,并且肘部和膝盖不能弯曲锁定。

    For each exercise , be sure to warm up first , keep abs tight , breathe , and not lock elbows or knees .

  18. 操作时,技术动作呈弧形动作展开,要收腹含胸,动作连贯。

    When operating , skill action should be spreaded out with arc , tighten up the belly , harbour chest and action should be consistent .

  19. 41%的队员腰腹肌力不足,不能完成20次的斜板(60°)收腹举腿训练;

    41 % team members were lack of lumbar and abdominal muscle strength , and could not do the abdomen-contracting leg-elevating training on 20-time tiltboard 60 °;

  20. 先将身体向前卷曲调练习收腹收束法,然后双手放在臀部直立起来。

    Start the practice with your torso rounded forward , perform Uddiyana Bandha , and then stand upright , with your hands on your hips ( Iyengar ) .

  21. 于是,自从进医院后,她进行了丰胸、吸脂、收腹、头发移植,还向嘴唇注射胶原蛋白。

    So since she 's in the hospital , she gets breast implants , liposuction , a tummy tuck , hair transplants , and collagen injections in her lips .

  22. 腹部肌肉紧绷,形状良好,与后胸连成优美的曲线(收腹)。

    The belly should be well shaped and tightly muscled and , with the rear of the thorax , should swing up in a pleasing curve ( tuck-up ) .

  23. 在吐气时,感受你身体的两侧变长,以背部平直、收腹向下作投降状(如果你的韧带不够柔软,可以弯曲膝盖)。

    Feel that your side body becomes longer and as you exhale , surrender with flat back ( you can bend your knees if your hamstrings are tight ) and tummy engaged .

  24. 加拿大滑铁卢大学的生物力学脊柱教授斯图尔特·麦吉尔对仰卧起坐已经研究多年,深信这一传统的收腹运动确实会有损我们的身体。

    Stuart McGill , professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada has been studying sit-ups for years and is convinced that the traditional crunch does indeed cause us harm .

  25. 牛仔裤从诞生至今,一直盛行不衰,一条合适的提臀牛仔裤不仅可以起到提臀收腹、修正体型的作用,而且对人体不产生束缚感。

    From birth to the present , Jeans has been popular . A superior of hip-lifting jeans can heighten the hip , correct body type , moreover it does not produce sense of restraint .

  26. 除了要跟上本季潮流(喇叭口的?紧身显瘦的?男友风的?),女性还希望牛仔裤能提臀、收腹、使双腿看起来更修长。

    As well as adhering to the style of the season ( flared ? skinny ? boyfriend ? ) , women want jeans that flatter their bottom , suck in their tummy and make their legs look longer .

  27. 对于女性而言,找一种自己走起来感觉舒服的步伐,这样有助于你走起路来散发出自信的魅力,走路时下巴微微上仰、挺胸收腹。

    For women , finding a pace at which you are comfortable is a great way to help project confidence as you walk . Get into the practice of lifting your chin and pulling in your shoulders whenever you walk .