
shōu cí
  • Collect words;collect vocabulary items
收词 [shōu cí]
  • [word-catching;contain entries in a dictionary] 收集单词

  1. 这本词典共收词8万余条。

    The dictionary contains over 80,000 entries .

  2. 现代汉语语义词典(SKCC)是一部面向中文信息处理的语义知识库,1998年底完成一期工程,收词48835条。汉英机器翻译中基于大型语义词典的汉语词义消歧

    The Semantic Knowledge-base of Contemporary Chinese ( SKCC ) is a large machine-readable dictionary developed by the Institute of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Department of Peking University . A Study of Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation in MT Based on Semantic Knowledge-base

  3. 颜色词的收词、释义和词性标注

    Entry of Color Words , Their Definition and Marking in Dictionaries

  4. 关于双语语文词典收词的几点看法

    On the Selection of Entry Words for Bilingual Dictionaries

  5. 这本词典收词3万多条。参加比赛的名单或总(人)数

    This dictionary has over 30 , 000 entries .

  6. 第三版收词约三万条,于一九九八年九月出版。

    The third edition , containing about 30 000 entries , was published in September 1998 .

  7. 从《敦煌愿文集》看《汉语大词典》的收词释义问题

    A Study of Vocabulary and Their Definition in Chinese Dictionary from Collection of Dunhuang Praying Texts

  8. 这些方言词符合《汉语方言大词典》(以下简称《方言大词典》)的收词标准却未被收录。

    These dialectal words meet the standard of Chinese Dialects Dictionary but haven 't been embodied .

  9. 从张家山汉简《算数书》数学用语看两大语文辞书的收词释义

    The Realization of the Paraphrase of Two Chinese Language Dictionary Through the Suan Shu Shu Mathematical Term

  10. 收词、定名和定义及英译等工作都遵循着一定的规范;

    Collecting words , determining the names , definition and translation work should follow a certain standard .

  11. 对《全明词》中所收词作不全而可辑补、作者小传中生卒年失考的部分词人的小传进行订补。

    This paper is a biographical correction and supplement of some authors in The Collection of Ci Poetry of the Ming Dynasty .

  12. 语料库技术在对外汉语量词词典编纂中的应用,主要体现在以下四个方面:第一,结合已有词典的编纂成果,运用语料库技术确定词典的收词范围;

    The application of corpus is mainly in four aspects : 1.Confining the scope of words combined with available experiences of lexicography ;

  13. 现代辞书若能关照这种系统,在系统中收词释义,可能会有更大进展。训诂方法综述

    The modern dictionaries may be evolved if explaining words in synonyms system . On Methods of Explaining Words in Ancient Chinese Books

  14. 由于两书收词规模不同,于是收有相同词,亦有不同词。本章对这两种情况进行了比较。

    Because the words scale of the two books are different , they have the same words , and the different words .

  15. 语文词典的典型特征可从收词范围、释义内容、服务对象三方面进行分析。

    The typical features of language dictionary can be analyzed in three aspects : range of vocabulary , definition , and potential readers .

  16. 尽管收词量如此丰富,他们仍然持续将一些新单词汇入他们的字典,使之跟上时代的步伐。

    Despite this large arsenal , they continue to pump some of these new words into their dictionaries to keep them up to date .

  17. 从内容构成特点、收词情况、释义及例证等三方面看,中外三部莎士比亚词典各有得失。

    In this article a comparison is made between three Shakespearean dictionaries with regard to their contents , range of words , definitions and quotations .

  18. 主要有四个方面:1.由于收词不全造成意义体系不够完整;

    The following four main respects are the reflections : 1.The incompletion of the words in the outline of the Graded Vocabulary for HSK makes the meaning system incomplete .

  19. 《说文》收词很多,本文就选取其词汇所收录的一个方面&房屋建筑词进行研究,通过对这些词的具体描述和阐释构建起房屋建筑类词的字形系统和词汇系统。

    This article chooses one aspect of its vocabulary & construction words to study . By describing and analyzing these words , construct character system and vocabulary system of construction words .

  20. 《现代汉语词典》第五版在收词、注音、释义、配例等方面都在原版基础上作了进一步修订,从而使其更为科学化、规范化。

    Revisions have been made in words collection , phonetic notation , annotation , examples provided in the fifth edition of Contemporary Chinese Dictionary , which is more scientific and standard .

  21. 本文利用心理词汇的研究成果,针对高级水平的外国汉语学习者,考察汉语文化限定词在外向型高级汉英学习词典中的收词和释义。

    Under such circumstances , this thesis has attempted to explore the treatment of Chinese culture-bound words in the Chinese-English dictionary for advanced foreign learners by utilizing the theory of mental lexicon .

  22. 本文通过对照不同时期出版的《现代汉语词典》的收词情况及词义增加情况讨论英语借词对汉语的影响。

    This paper discusses the influence of the English borrowings on Chinese through the comparison of different editions of The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary concerning their choices of new words and addition of senses .

  23. 《汉语大词典》是目前最具权威性的一部汉语语词词典,收词、释义、书证等都取得了前所未有的成绩。

    Han Yu Da Ci Dian is an authoritative Chinese words and phrases dictionary which has achieved unprecedented success in collecting vocabulary , phonetic alphabet , explaining the meaning , proofs of book etc.

  24. 对漏收词目的补救措施,在现阶段只能是改良性的补遗,根本的措施是待条件成熟时对《汉语大词典》进行全面修订。

    The supplementary measures for these shortcomings can only be satisfied by addenda , The best way is to wait for the proper time when there is a Chance for the dictionary to be wholly revised .

  25. 同时指出《汉语大词典》在收词、溯源等方面的不足之处,旨在对汉语史的词汇研究以及辞书编纂提供一些有价值的材料。

    Meanwhile , it points out some weakness of " the Great Chinese Dictionary " when selecting and tracing the source of words for supplying some valuable materials for the study of vocabulary in Chinese history and dictionary compilation .

  26. 本文通过对《英汉大词典》及其《补编》的观察,从收词、释义、例证、习语、词(语)源、文化注释、附录等方面讨论该词典文化信息的体现以及存在的不足。

    This paper discusses the embodiment of cultural information and deficiencies in " The En-glish-Chinese Dictionary " and its " Supplement " from the angles of entry , definition , illustrative quota-tion , idiom , etymology , cultural note , appendix , etc.

  27. 第四章从应用的角度对敦煌民间诗歌词汇的应用价值进行探讨,指出了《汉语大词典》收词、释义、书证等方面的不足。

    Chapter IV from the application point of view to explore the application value of the Dunhuang folk poetry vocabulary and pointed out the insufficiency of " Chinese Dictionary " in such three sections as work collection , interpretation , and documentary evidence .

  28. 收词录词量要符合体例要求,所收词汇能够反映社会的最新发展,能够体现社会出现的新事物、新思想、新观念。

    Receives the word to record the word quantity to achieve the quality , receives the glossary to be able to reflect the society most recent development , can manifest the new thing , the new thought , the new idea which the society appears .

  29. 本文将从对象、收词、条目安排、注音、释义的原则和方法、例证以及附录等几个方面来比较三本常见的汉英词典,以期对汉英词典的编纂有所帮助。

    In this paper the author is to review on three commonly-used Chinese-English dictionaries from the aspects of object , coverage , arrangement of entries , pronunciation , definition , example and appendix and hopes to be of help to the compilation of Chinese-English dictionaries .

  30. 《新世纪汉英大词典》的编纂原则体现了现代功能主义语言学的语言观,在收词范围上突出了描写性原则,注重词语在实际语境中的意义和其多功能性的特点。

    The guiding principle for compiling A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary is characterized by the functionalist view of language , which is reflected in the " descriptive " feature of the dictionary in its vocabulary coverage , the emphasis on meaning in context and the recognition of multifunctionality of words .