
lǎo ér zi
  • oldest-son
老儿子 [lǎo ér zi]
  • [the youngest son] [口]∶儿子中最小的那个

  1. 我们不是为一个老家伙儿子的一幅画像才跑到这儿来的。

    We didn 't come here for a picture of some old guy 's son .

  2. 分析湘西老乡村儿子在近、现代社会变动中,他们生存的困境与存在的荒谬,以及面对荒谬,他们各自作出的不同的人生选择。

    This part analyzes the life plight and absurdity of existence in the social changes of modern times facing the sons ' in the old village in Xiangxi autonomous prefecture , together with their respective selections of life when faced with absurdity .

  3. 他从一开始就很信任我这个他老朋友的儿子。

    From the outset he had put his trust in me , the son of his old friend .

  4. 老吉姆为了儿子的事几乎发疯了。

    Old Jim has nearly done his nut over his son .

  5. 他原来是一位老朋友的儿子。

    He turned out to be the son of an old friend .

  6. 老杰卡对儿子非常和蔼。

    The elder jaykar was very gentle with his son .

  7. 他是凯伦照顾的这个老妇人的儿子。

    He 's the son of the woman Karen came here to see .

  8. 老弗林特的儿子整天闲逛;什么事也不干。

    Old Flint 's son does nothing but mooch about from morning till night .

  9. 罗瑟琳听到她新近看中的人是她父亲老朋友的儿子,十分欢喜。

    Rosalind was delighted to hear that her new favourite was the son of her father 's old friend .

  10. 最后老妇人拿出儿子的一张照片,一个劲地用她的长袖子拂去灰尘。

    At last the woman brought out a photograph of their son , dusting it zealously with her long sleeve .

  11. 老安德尔的儿子萨吉德·安帕团的辩护律师说,他不同意这项建议。

    The defense attorney for Sajid Ampatuan , son of Andal Senior , says he does not agree with the proposal .

  12. 这遗训寄托着郑老先生对儿子的一腔关爱。我们由此可以看出他目光远大,见识深远。

    It is full of his boundless love for his son and we can see from it Zheng 's cleverest insight .

  13. 老夫人的儿子的公司宣布破产的消息使她完全不知所措。

    The old lady was completely bowled over by the news of the announcement of the bankrupcy of her son 's company .

  14. 因为行为恶劣,老唐常遭儿子施以拳脚。

    Because of bad behavior , his son Ken often impose fist .

  15. 这位老太太还在为儿子的死伤心。

    The old woman still mourns for her son .

  16. 第二天清早老耿和他的儿子回来收获他们猎物

    The next morning , Geng returns with his son to collect his catch

  17. 许多传统的老中,希望儿子传宗接代。

    Many traditional Chinese hope for a son to carry on the family line .

  18. 她猜想那个瞎眼的老妇人和她的儿子之间没有什么感情交流。

    She gathered that no great affection flowed between the blind woman and her son .

  19. 老人本来想到他老的时候他的儿子能养活他,但是他错了。

    The old man thought his son would support him when he grew old , but he was mistaken .

  20. 世界级老冠军和他的儿子,有活力的英国乒乓球才俊的精彩比赛

    Tremendous play from the old World Champion and his son , the first openly ginger British table tennis player

  21. 我走近了她们,听到那个女孩正在告诉老奶奶往她儿子家去的路。

    I went nearer to them and heard the girl telling the old woman how to get to her son 's home .

  22. 老马奈对儿子参加绘画班从来就不以为然,于是这个坏消息终于使他忍无可忍。

    Manet senior had never been impressed by his son attending drawing classes , so this bad news was the final straw .

  23. 大约在十九世纪初的时候,阜乔已经老了,他的儿子广华接管了他们家族的生意。

    Around the beginning of the nineteenth century , when Fuqiao was old , his son Guanghua took over the family business .

  24. 陈同海的案件特别引人瞩目,因为他是一个著名的国企高管,也是一位老革命家的儿子。

    Mr Chen 's case attracted particular attention because he was a high-profile state executive and the son of a revolutionary leader .

  25. 今年过中国年时我在法界,大年初一晚课时就有一位老同修的儿子来到法界。

    This past Chinese New Year , I was inTaipeibranch , and the first day of Chinese New Year , an old lay member 's son came to join us .

  26. 一对老夫妻有个儿子,目前仍然闲赋在家,还没确定未来要从事哪一行。父母有点担心,便决定做个小测验。

    An older couple had a son , who was still living at home . The parents were a little warried , as the son was still unable to decide about his future carrer , so they decided to do a small test .

  27. 在二个儿子中间,前面说到的安琪尔是牧师老来得到的儿子,也只有这个儿子没有大学学位,尽管从早年的天资看,只有他才真正配接受大学的学术训练。

    Of these boys the aforesaid Angel , the child of his old age , was the only son who had not taken a University degree , though he was the single one of them whose early promise might have done full justice to an academical training .