
  • 网络old old;the old-old
  1. 老老年高血压患者血压昼夜节律及颈动脉粥样硬化与认知功能损害

    Ambulatory Blood Pressure Rhythm , Carotid Atherosclerosis and Cognition Function Damage in Very Elderly Hypertensives

  2. 结论老老年高血压患者降压治疗后,左心室肥厚和肾功能损害明显改善。

    Conclusion Anti-hypertension treatment may significantly improve left ventricular pachynsis and renal function damage in very elderly hypertensive patients .

  3. 目的了解80岁以上老老年高血压患者的动脉缓冲功能和内皮调节功能变化。

    Objective To explore the relationship between artery buffering and endothelial function in senile hypertensive patients of > 80 years .

  4. 老老年人高血压与颈动脉顺应性的关系福州市中老年人骨性关节炎的性别和年龄分布

    Correlative control study about carotid artery complaisance in hypertension patients 80 years of age or older Gender and Age Distributions of Middle and Old Aged People with Osteoarthritis in Fuzhou

  5. 在抗衰老、老年痴呆方面能保护脑组织ATP酶的活性,抑制氧自由基对线粒体核糖核酸的损害而延缓老年大鼠脑衰老的进程,改善老龄大鼠的学习和记忆功能。

    Protect activity of adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ) enzyme in cerebral tissue , inhibit injured effect of oxygen-derived free radicals on mitochondrial RNA , delay cerebral senility , and improve learning and memory ability of senile rats on the aspect of treating anti-senility and senile dementia .

  6. 他似乎是一个很老的老年人。

    He seemed a very old man .

  7. 在未来20年里,属于“最老的老年人”人群,也就是那些85岁及以上的人,预计将会膨胀,到2011年,婴儿潮一代中最年长的人就有65岁了。

    Over the next two decades the ranks of the " oldest old " , those aged 85 and up , are expected to balloon and , in 2011 , the oldest members of the baby boom generation will turn 65 .

  8. 中医抗衰老理论及老年病防治规律

    Anti-Senile theory of TCM and Rule of Preventing and Curing Senile Disease

  9. 使变老出现和老年有关的特征。

    To manifest traits associated with old age .

  10. 探索社工介入为老服务的老年人群体性积极老龄化经验。

    Exploration of social work intervention services for the old aged group active aging experience .

  11. 老年人进行适宜的体育锻炼对于抗衰老,防治老年疾病和延年益寿有重要作用。

    The appropriate exercise for the aged will prevent them from senescence and diseases , and also give them a new lease of life .

  12. 其中最主要的困难在于,中国社会将未富先老,对老年人的福利支出将带来沉重的财政负担。

    Foremost among these is that the country will become old before becoming rich , with the needs of the elderly representing a huge financial burden .

  13. 人们和他们的动物玩耍从来都不老,大部分的老年人都经常这么做。

    People are never too old to play with their pets and the majority of older people do so regularly .

  14. 农村老年人“活到老、做到老”,农村老年产业劳动强度弱,与农村当地自然资源联系密切。

    The countryside senior citizen " live to do ", and work in the countryside old age industry is not too hard , and is closely related with countryside local natural resource .

  15. 2030年不愿待在传统“安老社区”的老年人将会享受奢华的住宅空间,其设计灵感来源于其最爱的年代或是最心仪的去处。

    The elderly of 2030 who don 't want to reside in a typical " retirement village " will have the luxury of living in a space inspired by their favorite decade or place .

  16. 居家养老服务是以城镇社区为载体,以社区基层组织为主导,动员和发掘社区资源,运用社区范围内的关系网络开展为老服务,让老年人在熟悉的环境中接受养老服务的模式。

    Home-based care service is based on urban communities as the carrier , led by the community , using community network to serve the old , and aims to form the pattern of making the elderly accept the service in family .

  17. 逐步完善覆盖城乡的老年社会保障制度,发展一批老年社会福利机构,积极开展社区为老服务,加强老年社会服务队伍建设,调整社会福利事业管理职能。

    Gradually perfect the old social security system which covering urban and rural areas , and develop a number of elderly social welfare institutions , actively carry out community service for the elderly , strengthening social services building of the contingent of the elderly , adjusting social welfare management functions .

  18. 老吾老以及人之老,遵循老年人的行为特点,结合基地具体情况、设计服务于老年人的建筑空间是一项重要课题。

    It is on important task to design architectural space serving the old people by following their behavior characters and combining with the actual site conditions .