
  • 网络Geriatric Rehabilitation
  1. 老年康复期病人护理模式研究

    A Study on Nursing Model of Senile Patients in Rehabilitation Stage

  2. 老年康复期病人两种护理模式的比较研究

    Comparison of two nursing care patterns in old-aged recovery phase patients

  3. 老年康复社会护理及社会护理处方

    Rehabilitation Social Nursing and It 's Prescription in the Aged

  4. 评估社区老人生活质量探索社区老年康复措施

    Evaluation of Living Quality and Probe into Healing Step for tbe Elderly in Community

  5. 关于加强中医老年康复护理人才培养的建议与思考

    Suggestions and considerations on how to strengthen training health care nursing talents of Chinese medicine for senior people

  6. 综合医院康复病房护理人力配置探讨家庭病房在老年康复医学中的作用

    Human Resources Arrangement of Rehabilitation Wards in General Hospital Effect of Family Nursing on Rehabilitation in the Aged

  7. 目的探讨强化功能锻炼对老年康复期患者心身状况的影响。

    Objective To discuss the effect of active functional exercises on the elderly healthy patients ' mentally and physically .

  8. 为建造和谐社会,关注老龄化问题,本文着重阐述老年康复中心的智能化解决方案。

    For the purposes of establishment of a harmonious society and retirement problems , this article emphasizes the intellectual solutions for the aged healing center .

  9. 结论老年康复期患者应重视客观支持的同时加强功能锻炼,以提高生活自理能力和生活满意度,促进心理健康,提高生活质量。

    Conclusion The functional exercises should be enforced on the base of objective support for elderly healthy patients in order to improve their self care ability and life satisfaction , also to promote their mental health and the qualities of life .

  10. 音乐在长期机械通气老年患者康复训练中的应用

    The Effect of Music on Rehabilitation of Older Patients with Long-term Mechanical Ventilation

  11. 汶川地震老年伤员康复需求调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of the Rehabilitative Needs of Old People Wounded in Wenchuan Earthquake

  12. 加强老年病康复本科教学是提高老年病康复水平,解决老年化社会的一个途径。

    Education of geriatric rehabilitation for undergraduate students is a way to improve geriatric rehabilitation service .

  13. [结论]康复医学科应将更多的注意力放到老年病康复及预防上;

    [ Conclusion ] First , more attention should be paid to the rehabilitation and prevention of gerontology .

  14. 以此为老年精神康复工作者提供一些借鉴和参考。

    It is hoped to provide some suggestions and reference for workers helping elderly restore to mental health .

  15. 本文重点介绍老年病康复教学的教学内容、教学方法,并针对老年病康复教学中存在的问题提出了一些解决办法。

    The materials , methods , problems involved in the processes of the teaching were mentioned and some solutions to the problems were discussed .

  16. 方法:对38例中老年MI患者康复治疗前后与50名健康中老年人进行甲皱微循环及血液流变学检测。

    Methods , The nailfold microcirculation and hemorrheology in 38 patients with MI were determined and compared to the 50 middle and senile healthy persons .

  17. 老年心力衰竭的康复护理评估

    Estimation of Convalescent Nursing of Heart Failure in the old

  18. 老年糖尿病患者康复治疗中发生严重皮肤感染38例分析

    Investigation of severe skin infection of 38 elderly diabetic patients during the rehabilitation

  19. 整体护理在老年疗养员康复护理中应用的探讨

    Application of Holistic Nursing in Rehabilitation of Old Convalescent

  20. 综合护理干预在老年抑郁症病人康复治疗中的效果观察

    Observation on effect of comprehensive nursing interventions in rehabilitation treatment for senile depression patients

  21. 社区老年保健与康复探讨

    Community health care and rehabilitation study in aged

  22. 应用咽部冷刺激法于老年吞咽障碍康复训练的观察及护理

    Observation about using cold stimulation in the rehabilitative training for elder patients with swallowing obstacle

  23. 老年人脑梗塞康复期脑血流动力学损害和体外反搏的治疗作用

    Cerebral hemodynamic impairment and therapeutic effect of external counterpulsation on elderly patients with brain infarction

  24. 目的:心理护理对老年高血压病康复的意义。

    Objective : Meaning of application of psychologic nursing to recovery of old patients with hypertension .

  25. 对家庭病床中96例老年期痴呆康复措施的效果探讨

    The Effects of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Method with Drug Treatment in 96 Cases of Senile Dementia in Home Beds

  26. 益气温阳法对老年慢性心衰康复治疗的临床观察

    Curative Effect of Qi Boosting and Yang Warming Method on Rehabilitation Management of Elderly Patients with Chronic Cardiac Failure

  27. 从长期临床实践中,了解到海滨自然疗养因子对许多中老年常见病康复疗养效果好。

    It was understood that effect is better for many common ailments of the middle and the aged to utilize natural convalescent factors of seaside during long time of clinical practice .

  28. 然后以建立关系、直接服务和结案评估三部分展现老年抑郁症患者康复的社会工作介入,形成了危机介入模式、家庭治疗模式和社会支持模式三种服务提供的方式。

    It reveals the social work intervention by building relationship , direct service work and final assessment which forms three service model : crisis intervention model , family cure model and social support model .

  29. 从心身医学的角度,阐述冠状动脉硬化性心脏病的病因学,心理生物学机制及防治;对现代社区医疗卫生工作中的老年疾病的康复保健具有一定的指导意义。

    This paper expounds the etiology and psychobiology mechanism of coronary heart disease and its prevention & treatment , which may have some guiding significance to rehabilitation for the elderly in modern community medical care .

  30. 太极拳锻炼配合中医疗法对中老年COPD患者的康复影响

    The Rehabilitative Effects of Taijiquan Training with East Medical on Middle-elderly COPD Patients