
  • 网络Situated Learning;contextual learning
  1. 情境学习就是学生执行反映了现实世界的真实任务时所发生的学习。

    Situated learning is what happens when students are fulfilling a task reflecting the real world .

  2. 情境学习的教学原则、教学模式和师生角色;

    The teaching principles and models of situated learning and the roles teachers and students in the classroom ;

  3. 基于此,建构主义学习理论(情境学习理论)也与脑学习理论保持着深层意义上的观念一致。

    On Learning Constructivism learning theory has the same deep meaning .

  4. 任务型语言教学与情境学习理论

    The Task - based Language Teaching and the Context Learning Theory

  5. 基于网络的中学物理情境学习平台设计与开发

    Design and Development for the Situated Learning Platform of Web-based High-School Physics

  6. 关于杰斯帕系列的情境学习与评价

    Context Learning and Assessment by the way of Jasper series

  7. 基于情境学习理论的学习环境设计原则

    Principles of Learning Environment Design Based on Situational Learning Theory

  8. 浅谈情境学习在教学中的应用

    Briefly on the Application of Situational Learning in Instruction

  9. 目标导向情境学习的教学设计应用研究

    Application Study of Instructional System Design Based on GBS

  10. 基于情境学习理论的生态化物理教学初探

    The Ecology-oriented Physics Teaching Based on Situational Learning Theories

  11. 情境学习理论研究综述

    A Review of Researches on Situational Learning Theory

  12. 情境学习在数学课堂中的案例分析&情境创设与合作交流真的那么重要吗

    Case Analysis on Situated Learning in Mathematics Class

  13. 情境学习的理论和实践

    The Theory and Practice of Contextual Learning

  14. 对情境学习理论的几点认知

    Some cognition of situated - learning theory

  15. 第二章,从情境学习的来源、意义和它的基本观点等几个方面来介绍情境学习理论;

    Chapter two recommends the cause , meaning and basic concept of the situational studying theory ;

  16. 在行动的研究中,笔者对情境学习理论以及教学实践进行即时反思。

    In the practice research , the author conducted the real time self-examination in situational learning theory and teaching practice .

  17. 时于与传统学习方法相对立的情境学习的评价,提出了“公文包”方法,对于实现“完美”评价有一定的指导意义。

    This paper puts forward the portfolio approach to the assessment of context learning and compares it with traditional learning .

  18. 建构主义学习理论和情境学习理论为高职项目化课程教学改革提供了充分的理论依据。

    The constructivism and situation learning theories provide the sufficient theoretical foundation for the project-based curriculum teaching reform in the higher vocational education .

  19. 第二部分模式的建构,以情境学习理论为背景,提出真实情境驱动的教学,分析教学要素及设计原则;

    Chapter Two is model construction , it firstly proposes a teaching model driven by real situation and analyzes its teaching essentials and design principles .

  20. 情境学习理论认为,真正的、完整的知识是在真实的学习情境中获得的,语言学习强调的也正是这样的语境。

    The theory of situated learning insists that the actual and complete knowledge is acquired in real learning situation on which language learning is also emphasized .

  21. 情境学习理论源于20世纪80年代以后,最早在国外兴起,是英语教学的一种方法。

    Situational learning theory from the 20th century , 80 years later . The first rise in foreign countries , is a way of English teaching .

  22. 合作学习属于情境学习中的一种,被人们誉为近十几年来最重要和最成功的教学改革之一。

    And Cooperative Learning , which people call it the most important and successful teaching reform during the past few years , belongs to Situated Learning Method .

  23. 第二部分是相关理论介绍,包括建构主义学习理论、情境学习理论和参与理论等;

    The second part is a summary of relevant theories , focusing on some key learning theories such as Constructivist Learning Theory , Situativity Theory and Engagement Theory .

  24. 第二,结合中学物理新课程改革,在详细分析网络环境下的情境学习过程的基础上,设计了基于网络的情境学习平台的体系结构和功能模块。

    Secondly , the systematic structures and functional modules are set up after a detailed analysis of the process of web-based situated learning combined with high-school physics curriculum reform .

  25. 分析情境学习理论的基本观点,揭示情境学习对现代教学的启示,对情境教学的研习提供参考。

    The purpose of this article lies in analyzing the basic concept of situated-learning theory and announcing the enlightenment of this theory to modem teaching hope of offering reference .

  26. 作为当代学习理论研究的一个重要取向,情境学习理论为成人学习研究提供了新的视角。

    As an important theory in the todays field of learning theories research , the situational learning theory provides a new visual angle for us to explore adult learning .

  27. 丰富的功能和高度的智能化,再结合日臻完善的无线网络技术,移动设备正成为真实情境学习的最佳支持工具。

    Rich functionality and a high degree of intelligence , combined with the improvement of wireless network technology , mobile devices are becoming the best support instrument of learning of true situation .

  28. 研究内容包括教学目标分析、以情境学习理论为依据对《电子技术》的教学活动进行情境创设、协作学习环境的设计及教学策略的使用情况等。

    The research 's contents include the teaching goal analysis , establish situation for electronic technology teaching activity on the contextual learning theory , to design cooperation 's learning environment and teaching strategy .

  29. 情境学习理论的心理学研究视角强调学习活动中情境化的内容,中心问题是创建实习场;

    Study the visual angle and emphasize the scene content in the studying activities in psychology to study theory of the scene , the central issue is to establish and practise the field ;

  30. 美国21世纪职业教育仍以杜威的从做中学思想为指导,在具体实施过程中将强调情境学习。

    American vocational education is still under the guidance of Dewey 's thought of " learning from doing ", emphasizes " situated learning " during the course of its implementing in 21st century .