
  • 网络sentiments education
  1. 素质教育在班主任辛勤耕耘中落实。学生的高尚情操在养成教育中闪光。

    The education for all-around development industriously does farm work in the teacher in charge to hit carries out .

  2. 文化有广义和狭义之分,从狭义上讲,文化是指关系到人类社会的思想理论、道德情操、科学教育、文学艺术、法律宗教等精神意识方面的总和。

    Culture can be defined in a wide and narrow sense . In a narrow sense the culture is the sum total of thought and theory , ethic and sentiment ; science and education , arts and literature , law and religion with respect to the human society .

  3. 如何在个人品质和情操方面进行自我教育和自我塑造,这是我们每一个人都会遇到的问题。

    To conduct a self-education and self-portrayal in the aspect of people 's qualities and sentiments is a common problem among us .

  4. 它既是增进健康塑造美的形体,培养良好的体态的有效手段,又是陶冶情操、加强审美教育丰富生活的健身方式。

    It is an effective means to improve health form and cultivate good shape , and also a fitness way to edify sentiment and strengthen aesthetic education .